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Lägenhet & andelslägenhet for sale in Kreuzberg

12 432 685 SEK

Lägenhet & andelslägenhet (Till salu)

2 r
1 bd
1 ba
Referens: BXUO-T817 / 1347819
Address: Großbeerenstraße 56, BerlinProperty descriptionBuildingIt is a gem dating back to Imperial Germany, and an asset to Berlin as architectural landmark: Riehmers Hofgarten. At the time, Wilhelm Riehmer let his courage and visionary zeal as builder inspire him to bypass the urban planning standards of his day in favour of upscale liveability. Rather than sticking with the dense development of tenements grouped around tiny courtyards, the master builder in 1891/1892 used a plot he owned to create a magnificent ensemble elegantly embedded in a park-style garden.With lavish attention to detail and the diligence of a heritage curator, large parts of the baroque-revival buildings and outside facilities have now been restored. The patrician façades present themselves with bright structures whereas the staircases inside are dominated by warm earthy colours. The entrance doors to houses and flats, the windows and stair railings were overhauled in line with their original historic design. Partially uncovered frescoes on the mezzanine levels illustrate the artful aesthetics of the era when the house was built.To meet sophisticated expectations, modern-day quality was seamlessly integrated. The lighting system as well as the bell systems complete the authentic design by adding high-end technology. Water supply lines and waste water pipes were replaced, while heating and electrical installations were either upgraded or replaced. The eleven entranceways are named after scions of the Hohenzollern dynasty.The Victoria entranceway is located at Grossbeerenstrasse 57. On the ground floor, it admits you via a side entrance into a commercial unit of 52 square metres. As a community, the residents of this housing complex have the use of the attractive courtyard garden whose groomed trails, picnic lawns, boule court and playground offer various options for passing the time, hanging out and comparing notes.AreaIn global city rankings, Berlin has been among the top ten for years. Complex cultural events, an engaging way of life, and a unique history have earned the metropolis its global renown. It motivates millions of visitors every year to come to Berlin to see for themselves. Over the past decade, about 400,000 of them were so captivated by the city that they decided to stay for good. To be sure, a high level of liveability makes it easy to fall in love with Berlin. But the city has so much more to offer. As a science hub, Berlin offers skills and knowledge in just about any scientific field you can think of.Moreover, Germany’s capital of start-up businesses has developed an economic dynamic that attracts companies from inside and outside the country. Its location in the European heartland recommends it as place of business every bit as much as its ability to provide high-skilled graduates and its proximity to the start-up scene with its innovative potential for prospering businesses of tomorrow.In Kreuzberg, the impulsive energy of young generations is keenly felt and reflected in up-and-coming trends. Aside from this district’s centrality and legendary hipness, life here is defined by a highly productive cultural scene and by creative diversity. Especially the Bergmannstrasse has enormous appeal. Every store here is one of a kind—whether it sells wine, pastry or coffee, antique junk, designer artefacts or vintage goods by the pound, gourmet dog food, vegan takeaway food or famous sausages—while the space in between is dotted with cinemas, theatres and churches that occasionally double as concert halls. All of this embedded in a historic setting of streets that are testimony to the cultural heritage of the city. Viktoriapark, Gleisdreieck Park or the vast grasslands of the former Tempelhof airport grounds provide plenty of outdoor space for local recreation and leisure activities.BuildingIt is a gem dating back to Imperial Germany, and an asset to Berlin as architectural landmark: Riehmers Hofgarten. At the time, Wilhelm Riehmer let his courage and visionary zeal as builder inspire him to bypass the urban planning standards of his day in favour of upscale liveability. Rather than sticking with the dense development of tenements grouped around tiny courtyards, the master builder in 1891/1892 used a plot he owned to create a magnificent ensemble elegantly embedded in a park-style garden.With lavish attention to detail and the diligence of a heritage curator, large parts of the baroque-revival buildings and outside facilities have now been restored. The patrician façades present themselves with bright structures whereas the staircases inside are dominated by warm earthy colours. The entrance doors to houses and flats, the windows and stair railings were overhauled in line with their original historic design. Partially uncovered frescoes on the mezzanine levels illustrate the artful aesthetics of the era when the house was built.To meet sophisticated expectations, modern-day quality was seamlessly integrated. The lighting system as well as the bell systems complete the authentic design by adding high-end technology. Water supply lines and waste water pipes were replaced, while heating and electrical installations were either upgraded or replaced. The eleven entranceways are named after scions of the Hohenzollern dynasty.The Victoria entranceway is located at Grossbeerenstrasse 57. On the ground floor, it admits you via a side entrance into a commercial unit of 52 square metres. As a community, the residents of this housing complex have the use of the attractive courtyard garden whose groomed trails, picnic lawns, boule court and playground offer various options for passing the time, hanging out and comparing notes.AreaIn global city rankings, Berlin has been among the top ten for years. Complex cultural events, an engaging way of life, and a unique history have earned the metropolis its global renown. It motivates millions of visitors every year to come to Berlin to see for themselves. Over the past decade, about 400,000 of them were so captivated by the city that they decided to stay for good. To be sure, a high level of liveability makes it easy to fall in love with Berlin. But the city has so much more to offer. As a science hub, Berlin offers skills and knowledge in just about any scientific field you can think of.Moreover, Germany’s capital of start-up businesses has developed an economic dynamic that attracts companies from inside and outside the country. Its location in the European heartland recommends it as place of business every bit as much as its ability to provide high-skilled graduates and its proximity to the start-up scene with its innovative potential for prospering businesses of tomorrow.In Kreuzberg, the impulsive energy of young generations is keenly felt and reflected in up-and-coming trends. Aside from this district’s centrality and legendary hipness, life here is defined by a highly productive cultural scene and by creative diversity. Especially the Bergmannstrasse has enormous appeal. Every store here is one of a kind—whether it sells wine, pastry or coffee, antique junk, designer artefacts or vintage goods by the pound, gourmet dog food, vegan takeaway food or famous sausages—while the space in between is dotted with cinemas, theatres and churches that occasionally double as concert halls. All of this embedded in a historic setting of streets that are testimony to the cultural heritage of the city. Viktoriapark, Gleisdreieck Park or the vast grasslands of the former Tempelhof airport grounds provide plenty of outdoor space for local recreation and leisure activities.AreaIn global city rankings, Berlin has been among the top ten for years. Complex cultural events, an engaging way of life, and a unique history have earned the metropolis its global renown. It motivates millions of visitors every year to come to Berlin to see for themselves. Over the past decade, about 400,000 of them were so captivated by the city that they decided to stay for good. To be sure, a high level of liveability makes it easy to fall in love with Berlin. But the city has so much more to offer. As a science hub, Berlin offers skills and knowledge in just about any scientific field you can think of.Moreover, Germany’s capital of start-up businesses has developed an economic dynamic that attracts companies from inside and outside the country. Its location in the European heartland recommends it as place of business every bit as much as its ability to provide high-skilled graduates and its proximity to the start-up scene with its innovative potential for prospering businesses of tomorrow.In Kreuzberg, the impulsive energy of young generations is keenly felt and reflected in up-and-coming trends. Aside from this district’s centrality and legendary hipness, life here is defined by a highly productive cultural scene and by creative diversity. Especially the Bergmannstrasse has enormous appeal. Every store here is one of a kind—whether it sells wine, pastry or coffee, antique junk, designer artefacts or vintage goods by the pound, gourmet dog food, vegan takeaway food or famous sausages—while the space in between is dotted with cinemas, theatres and churches that occasionally double as concert halls. All of this embedded in a historic setting of streets that are testimony to the cultural heritage of the city. Viktoriapark, Gleisdreieck Park or the vast grasslands of the former Tempelhof airport grounds provide plenty of outdoor space for local recreation and leisure activities. Visa fler Visa färre Address: Großbeerenstraße 56, BerlinObjektbeschreibungGebäudeRuhe, Qualität und individuelle Entfaltung – die perfekten Zutaten für den Traum von den eigenen vier Wänden. In Riehmers Hofgarten im Kulturherzen Berlins wird dieser Traum wahr.Mitten im Dreieck Großbeerenstr., Hagelberger Str. und Yorckstr. des Kreuzberger Szeneviertels befindet sich das von Wilhelm Riehmer errichtete wunderschöne Gründer-zeitquartier. Auffällig neben den diversen, bauplastischen Schmuck der Fassade mit Stilelementen der Romanik, Re-naissance und Barock, ist der mühevoll mit Gärten und Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen angelegte Innenhof, der sowohl als grüner Rückzugsort als auch wunderbar als Begegnungs-zone funktioniert.Die exklusiven Eigentumswohnungen und Gewerbeeinheit in Riehmers Hofgarten bieten mit ihren Größen von 50 bis 292 Quadratmetern sowie 1 bis 9 Zimmern idealen Raum zur heimischen Entspannung und Entfaltung. Liebevoll in einem aufwendigen, denkmalgerechten Sanierungsprozess realisiert, spiegelt jedes Objekt den Geist des fast 140 Jahre alten Kulturdenkmals wider. Die hohen Decken, Parkettbö-den und Doppelkastenfenster charakterisieren den authen-tischen Stil in dieser von 1881 bis 1892 erbauten Architek-turikone. Große, durch Flügeltüren abgetrennte Wohn- und Schlafzimmer, bieten nicht nur den Mittelpunkt fürs Zu-sammensein, sondern auch den einen oder anderen Platz für einen begehbaren Kleiderschrank. Jede Wohnung hat ihren eigenen Blickfang – sei es eine hochmoderne Einbau-küche, ein Bad en Suite oder der Blick in den grünen, son-nendurchfluteten Hofgarten von der eigenen Terrasse aus. Der Anspruch des damaligen State of the Art wird hier in die Wohnungen hineingebracht und zeitgemäß interpretiert.Insgesamt 11 Aufgänge mit überwiegend neu gebauten Aufzügen im Treppenhaus erleichtern den Zugang zur pri-vaten Wohlfühloase. Wer es noch exklusiver mag, findet zu-sätzlich zu den Wohnungen in den aufwändig denkmalge-recht sanierten Häusern fünf neue und großzügige Dachge-schoss-Neubau-Wohnungen mit hochwertiger Ausstattung, die keine Wünsche offenlässt.BereichGerade Kreuzberg spiegelt die Impulse junger Generationen wider und ist ein Hotspot für Trends. Neben innerstädtischer Lage und legendärem Szeneleben bestimmt kultivierte Geschäftigkeit und kreative Vielfalt den Alltag. Insbesondere der berühmte Bergmannstraßen-Kiez hat als Flaniermeile große Strahlkraft. Kein Geschäft ist hier wie das andere – ob Wein-, Torten- oder Kaffeespezialisten, ob Trödel, Designobjekt oder Vintageware zum Kilopreis, ob Hundefeinkost, veganer Imbiss oder Wurstbude von Weltrang – dazwischen Kinos, Theater und Kirchen, die sich spektakulär in Konzerthäuser verwandeln. Das alles in historischer Kulisse mit Straßenzügen, die vom kulturellen Erbe der Stadt erzählen. Viktoriapark, Park am Gleisdreieck oder die Weite des Tempelhofer Flugfelds bieten Naherholung und Spielraum für Freizeitaktivitäten. Ein lebendiger Kiez der Möglichkeiten, der die Menschen gerne hier zuhause sein lässt.Ein fantastisches Ideal von besonderem Wohnen wie es das Ensemble des Riehmers Hofgarten umfassend erfüllen kann.GebäudeRuhe, Qualität und individuelle Entfaltung – die perfekten Zutaten für den Traum von den eigenen vier Wänden. In Riehmers Hofgarten im Kulturherzen Berlins wird dieser Traum wahr.Mitten im Dreieck Großbeerenstr., Hagelberger Str. und Yorckstr. des Kreuzberger Szeneviertels befindet sich das von Wilhelm Riehmer errichtete wunderschöne Gründer-zeitquartier. Auffällig neben den diversen, bauplastischen Schmuck der Fassade mit Stilelementen der Romanik, Re-naissance und Barock, ist der mühevoll mit Gärten und Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen angelegte Innenhof, der sowohl als grüner Rückzugsort als auch wunderbar als Begegnungs-zone funktioniert.Die exklusiven Eigentumswohnungen und Gewerbeeinheit in Riehmers Hofgarten bieten mit ihren Größen von 50 bis 292 Quadratmetern sowie 1 bis 9 Zimmern idealen Raum zur heimischen Entspannung und Entfaltung. Liebevoll in einem aufwendigen, denkmalgerechten Sanierungsprozess realisiert, spiegelt jedes Objekt den Geist des fast 140 Jahre alten Kulturdenkmals wider. Die hohen Decken, Parkettbö-den und Doppelkastenfenster charakterisieren den authen-tischen Stil in dieser von 1881 bis 1892 erbauten Architek-turikone. Große, durch Flügeltüren abgetrennte Wohn- und Schlafzimmer, bieten nicht nur den Mittelpunkt fürs Zu-sammensein, sondern auch den einen oder anderen Platz für einen begehbaren Kleiderschrank. Jede Wohnung hat ihren eigenen Blickfang – sei es eine hochmoderne Einbau-küche, ein Bad en Suite oder der Blick in den grünen, son-nendurchfluteten Hofgarten von der eigenen Terrasse aus. Der Anspruch des damaligen State of the Art wird hier in die Wohnungen hineingebracht und zeitgemäß interpretiert.Insgesamt 11 Aufgänge mit überwiegend neu gebauten Aufzügen im Treppenhaus erleichtern den Zugang zur pri-vaten Wohlfühloase. Wer es noch exklusiver mag, findet zu-sätzlich zu den Wohnungen in den aufwändig denkmalge-recht sanierten Häusern fünf neue und großzügige Dachge-schoss-Neubau-Wohnungen mit hochwertiger Ausstattung, die keine Wünsche offenlässt.BereichGerade Kreuzberg spiegelt die Impulse junger Generationen wider und ist ein Hotspot für Trends. Neben innerstädtischer Lage und legendärem Szeneleben bestimmt kultivierte Geschäftigkeit und kreative Vielfalt den Alltag. Insbesondere der berühmte Bergmannstraßen-Kiez hat als Flaniermeile große Strahlkraft. Kein Geschäft ist hier wie das andere – ob Wein-, Torten- oder Kaffeespezialisten, ob Trödel, Designobjekt oder Vintageware zum Kilopreis, ob Hundefeinkost, veganer Imbiss oder Wurstbude von Weltrang – dazwischen Kinos, Theater und Kirchen, die sich spektakulär in Konzerthäuser verwandeln. Das alles in historischer Kulisse mit Straßenzügen, die vom kulturellen Erbe der Stadt erzählen. Viktoriapark, Park am Gleisdreieck oder die Weite des Tempelhofer Flugfelds bieten Naherholung und Spielraum für Freizeitaktivitäten. Ein lebendiger Kiez der Möglichkeiten, der die Menschen gerne hier zuhause sein lässt.Ein fantastisches Ideal von besonderem Wohnen wie es das Ensemble des Riehmers Hofgarten umfassend erfüllen kann.BereichGerade Kreuzberg spiegelt die Impulse junger Generationen wider und ist ein Hotspot für Trends. Neben innerstädtischer Lage und legendärem Szeneleben bestimmt kultivierte Geschäftigkeit und kreative Vielfalt den Alltag. Insbesondere der berühmte Bergmannstraßen-Kiez hat als Flaniermeile große Strahlkraft. Kein Geschäft ist hier wie das andere – ob Wein-, Torten- oder Kaffeespezialisten, ob Trödel, Designobjekt oder Vintageware zum Kilopreis, ob Hundefeinkost, veganer Imbiss oder Wurstbude von Weltrang – dazwischen Kinos, Theater und Kirchen, die sich spektakulär in Konzerthäuser verwandeln. Das alles in historischer Kulisse mit Straßenzügen, die vom kulturellen Erbe der Stadt erzählen. Viktoriapark, Park am Gleisdreieck oder die Weite des Tempelhofer Flugfelds bieten Naherholung und Spielraum für Freizeitaktivitäten. Ein lebendiger Kiez der Möglichkeiten, der die Menschen gerne hier zuhause sein lässt.Ein fantastisches Ideal von besonderem Wohnen wie es das Ensemble des Riehmers Hofgarten umfassend erfüllen kann. Address: Großbeerenstraße 56, BerlinProperty descriptionBuildingIt is a gem dating back to Imperial Germany, and an asset to Berlin as architectural landmark: Riehmers Hofgarten. At the time, Wilhelm Riehmer let his courage and visionary zeal as builder inspire him to bypass the urban planning standards of his day in favour of upscale liveability. Rather than sticking with the dense development of tenements grouped around tiny courtyards, the master builder in 1891/1892 used a plot he owned to create a magnificent ensemble elegantly embedded in a park-style garden.With lavish attention to detail and the diligence of a heritage curator, large parts of the baroque-revival buildings and outside facilities have now been restored. The patrician façades present themselves with bright structures whereas the staircases inside are dominated by warm earthy colours. The entrance doors to houses and flats, the windows and stair railings were overhauled in line with their original historic design. Partially uncovered frescoes on the mezzanine levels illustrate the artful aesthetics of the era when the house was built.To meet sophisticated expectations, modern-day quality was seamlessly integrated. The lighting system as well as the bell systems complete the authentic design by adding high-end technology. Water supply lines and waste water pipes were replaced, while heating and electrical installations were either upgraded or replaced. The eleven entranceways are named after scions of the Hohenzollern dynasty.The Victoria entranceway is located at Grossbeerenstrasse 57. On the ground floor, it admits you via a side entrance into a commercial unit of 52 square metres. As a community, the residents of this housing complex have the use of the attractive courtyard garden whose groomed trails, picnic lawns, boule court and playground offer various options for passing the time, hanging out and comparing notes.AreaIn global city rankings, Berlin has been among the top ten for years. Complex cultural events, an engaging way of life, and a unique history have earned the metropolis its global renown. It motivates millions of visitors every year to come to Berlin to see for themselves. Over the past decade, about 400,000 of them were so captivated by the city that they decided to stay for good. To be sure, a high level of liveability makes it easy to fall in love with Berlin. But the city has so much more to offer. As a science hub, Berlin offers skills and knowledge in just about any scientific field you can think of.Moreover, Germany’s capital of start-up businesses has developed an economic dynamic that attracts companies from inside and outside the country. Its location in the European heartland recommends it as place of business every bit as much as its ability to provide high-skilled graduates and its proximity to the start-up scene with its innovative potential for prospering businesses of tomorrow.In Kreuzberg, the impulsive energy of young generations is keenly felt and reflected in up-and-coming trends. Aside from this district’s centrality and legendary hipness, life here is defined by a highly productive cultural scene and by creative diversity. Especially the Bergmannstrasse has enormous appeal. Every store here is one of a kind—whether it sells wine, pastry or coffee, antique junk, designer artefacts or vintage goods by the pound, gourmet dog food, vegan takeaway food or famous sausages—while the space in between is dotted with cinemas, theatres and churches that occasionally double as concert halls. All of this embedded in a historic setting of streets that are testimony to the cultural heritage of the city. Viktoriapark, Gleisdreieck Park or the vast grasslands of the former Tempelhof airport grounds provide plenty of outdoor space for local recreation and leisure activities.BuildingIt is a gem dating back to Imperial Germany, and an asset to Berlin as architectural landmark: Riehmers Hofgarten. At the time, Wilhelm Riehmer let his courage and visionary zeal as builder inspire him to bypass the urban planning standards of his day in favour of upscale liveability. Rather than sticking with the dense development of tenements grouped around tiny courtyards, the master builder in 1891/1892 used a plot he owned to create a magnificent ensemble elegantly embedded in a park-style garden.With lavish attention to detail and the diligence of a heritage curator, large parts of the baroque-revival buildings and outside facilities have now been restored. The patrician façades present themselves with bright structures whereas the staircases inside are dominated by warm earthy colours. The entrance doors to houses and flats, the windows and stair railings were overhauled in line with their original historic design. Partially uncovered frescoes on the mezzanine levels illustrate the artful aesthetics of the era when the house was built.To meet sophisticated expectations, modern-day quality was seamlessly integrated. The lighting system as well as the bell systems complete the authentic design by adding high-end technology. Water supply lines and waste water pipes were replaced, while heating and electrical installations were either upgraded or replaced. The eleven entranceways are named after scions of the Hohenzollern dynasty.The Victoria entranceway is located at Grossbeerenstrasse 57. On the ground floor, it admits you via a side entrance into a commercial unit of 52 square metres. As a community, the residents of this housing complex have the use of the attractive courtyard garden whose groomed trails, picnic lawns, boule court and playground offer various options for passing the time, hanging out and comparing notes.AreaIn global city rankings, Berlin has been among the top ten for years. Complex cultural events, an engaging way of life, and a unique history have earned the metropolis its global renown. It motivates millions of visitors every year to come to Berlin to see for themselves. Over the past decade, about 400,000 of them were so captivated by the city that they decided to stay for good. To be sure, a high level of liveability makes it easy to fall in love with Berlin. But the city has so much more to offer. As a science hub, Berlin offers skills and knowledge in just about any scientific field you can think of.Moreover, Germany’s capital of start-up businesses has developed an economic dynamic that attracts companies from inside and outside the country. Its location in the European heartland recommends it as place of business every bit as much as its ability to provide high-skilled graduates and its proximity to the start-up scene with its innovative potential for prospering businesses of tomorrow.In Kreuzberg, the impulsive energy of young generations is keenly felt and reflected in up-and-coming trends. Aside from this district’s centrality and legendary hipness, life here is defined by a highly productive cultural scene and by creative diversity. Especially the Bergmannstrasse has enormous appeal. Every store here is one of a kind—whether it sells wine, pastry or coffee, antique junk, designer artefacts or vintage goods by the pound, gourmet dog food, vegan takeaway food or famous sausages—while the space in between is dotted with cinemas, theatres and churches that occasionally double as concert halls. All of this embedded in a historic setting of streets that are testimony to the cultural heritage of the city. Viktoriapark, Gleisdreieck Park or the vast grasslands of the former Tempelhof airport grounds provide plenty of outdoor space for local recreation and leisure activities.AreaIn global city rankings, Berlin has been among the top ten for years. Complex cultural events, an engaging way of life, and a unique history have earned the metropolis its global renown. It motivates millions of visitors every year to come to Berlin to see for themselves. Over the past decade, about 400,000 of them were so captivated by the city that they decided to stay for good. To be sure, a high level of liveability makes it easy to fall in love with Berlin. But the city has so much more to offer. As a science hub, Berlin offers skills and knowledge in just about any scientific field you can think of.Moreover, Germany’s capital of start-up businesses has developed an economic dynamic that attracts companies from inside and outside the country. Its location in the European heartland recommends it as place of business every bit as much as its ability to provide high-skilled graduates and its proximity to the start-up scene with its innovative potential for prospering businesses of tomorrow.In Kreuzberg, the impulsive energy of young generations is keenly felt and reflected in up-and-coming trends. Aside from this district’s centrality and legendary hipness, life here is defined by a highly productive cultural scene and by creative diversity. Especially the Bergmannstrasse has enormous appeal. Every store here is one of a kind—whether it sells wine, pastry or coffee, antique junk, designer artefacts or vintage goods by the pound, gourmet dog food, vegan takeaway food or famous sausages—while the space in between is dotted with cinemas, theatres and churches that occasionally double as concert halls. All of this embedded in a historic setting of streets that are testimony to the cultural heritage of the city. Viktoriapark, Gleisdreieck Park or the vast grasslands of the former Tempelhof airport grounds provide plenty of outdoor space for local recreation and leisure activities.
Referens: BXUO-T817
Land: DE
Region: Berlin
Stad: Berlin
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Lägenhet & andelslägenhet
Fastighets storlek: 88
Rum: 2
Sovrum: 1
Badrum: 1



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