/ 1316 beg
Till salu
Fastighets storlek:
66 750 m²
City |
Avg price per m² house |
Avg price per m² apartment |
Palamós | 40 274 SEK | 42 848 SEK |
Calonge | 30 306 SEK | - |
La Escala | 32 524 SEK | - |
Rosas | 37 856 SEK | 37 306 SEK |
Lloret de Mar | 32 194 SEK | 31 170 SEK |
Llansá | - | 27 181 SEK |
Blanes | 53 424 SEK | - |
Laroque-des-Albères | 36 534 SEK | - |
Argelès-sur-Mer | - | 48 852 SEK |
San Andrés de Llavaneras | 36 974 SEK | - |
This plot is classified as RUSTIC AGRICULTURAL LAND, which means that, except for rehabilitating some existing old buildings, no new construction can be done.
The property is made up of mostly pine trees, which are in good condition and the forest has always been kept clean, to avoid the risk of fire as much as possible. From the highest part of this plot, there are beautiful views of the sea, towards Sa Riera. There are paths and trails that allow you to walk through the entire forest. There are also remains of old huts. On the other side of the street the land is urban.Additional costs to purchase: 10% ITP + Notary + Registry
#ref:1316 BEG Visa fler Visa färre En una bonita zona de Begur, en la urbanización llamada Es Valls, y a una corta distancia del centro de la población de Begur y de camino a la conocida playa de Sa riera, tenemos este gran terreno rústico para vender, de casi 67.000m2.
Esta parcela está clasificada como SUELO RÚSTICO AGRARIO, con lo cual, a excepción de rehabilitar alguna edificación antigua existente, no se puede hacer ningún tipo de construcción en obra nueva.
La finca, se compone de árboles en su mayoría pinos, que se encuentran en buenas condiciones y el bosque siempre se ha mantenido limpio, para evitar dentro de lo posible, el riesgo de incendio. Desde la parte más alta de este terreno, hay bonitas vistas al mar, hacia el lado de Sa Riera. Hay caminos y senderos que permiten poder transitar por todo el bosque. También hay restos de antiguas barracas. Al otro lado de calle los terrenos son urbanos. Gastos adicionales a la compra: 10% ITP + Notario + Registro
#ref:1316 BEG In einer wunderschönen Gegend von Begur, in der Urbanisation Es Valls, nicht weit vom Zentrum der Stadt Begur entfernt und auf dem Weg zum bekannten Strand Sa Riera, haben wir dieses große rustikale Grundstück zum Verkauf. von fast 67.000m2.
Dieses Grundstück ist als RUSTIKALES LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHES GRUNDSTÜCK klassifiziert, was bedeutet, dass, abgesehen von der Sanierung einiger bestehender alter Gebäude, keine Bebauung im Rahmen eines Neubaus durchgeführt werden kann.
Der Hof besteht aus Bäumen, hauptsächlich Kiefern, die in gutem Zustand sind, und der Wald wurde immer sauber gehalten, um die Brandgefahr so weit wie möglich zu vermeiden. Vom höchsten Teil dieses Grundstücks aus hat man einen wunderschönen Blick auf das Meer in Richtung Sa Riera. Es gibt Straßen und Wege, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, durch den Wald zu reisen. Es gibt auch Reste alter Kasernen. Auf der anderen Straßenseite ist das Grundstück urban.Zusätzliche Kosten zum Kauf: 10 % ITP + Notar + Registrierung
#ref:1316 BEG Dans un beau quartier de Begur, dans l'urbanisation appelée Es Valls, et à une courte distance du centre de la ville de Begur et sur le chemin de la célèbre plage de Sa Riera, nous avons ce grand terrain rustique à vendre, de près de 67 000 m2.
Cette parcelle est classée TERRAIN AGRICOLE RUSTIQUE, ce qui signifie que, à l'exception de la réhabilitation de certains bâtiments anciens existants, aucun type de construction ne peut être réalisé en nouvelle construction.
La ferme est composée d'arbres, principalement de pins, qui sont en bon état et la forêt a toujours été maintenue propre, pour éviter autant que possible les risques d'incendie. De la partie la plus élevée de ce terrain, il y a de belles vues sur la mer, vers le côté de Sa Riera. Il existe des routes et des sentiers qui permettent de parcourir la forêt. Il y a aussi des vestiges d'anciennes casernes. De l'autre côté de la rue, le terrain est urbain.Frais supplémentaires à l'achat : 10% ITP + Notaire + Inscription
#ref:1316 BEG In a beautiful area of Begur, in the urbanization called Es Valls, and a short distance from the center of the town of Begur and on the way to the well-known beach of Sa Riera, we have this large rustic plot for sale, of almost 67,000m2.
This plot is classified as RUSTIC AGRICULTURAL LAND, which means that, except for rehabilitating some existing old buildings, no new construction can be done.
The property is made up of mostly pine trees, which are in good condition and the forest has always been kept clean, to avoid the risk of fire as much as possible. From the highest part of this plot, there are beautiful views of the sea, towards Sa Riera. There are paths and trails that allow you to walk through the entire forest. There are also remains of old huts. On the other side of the street the land is urban.Additional costs to purchase: 10% ITP + Notary + Registry
#ref:1316 BEG In een prachtige omgeving van Begur, in de urbanisatie Es Valls, en op korte afstand van het centrum van de stad Begur en op weg naar het bekende strand van Sa Riera, hebben wij deze grote rustieke grond te koop, van bijna 67.000m2.
Dit perceel is geclassificeerd als RUSTIEKE LANDBOUWGROND, wat betekent dat er, afgezien van het rehabiliteren van enkele bestaande oude gebouwen, geen enkele vorm van nieuwbouw mag worden uitgevoerd.
De boerderij bestaat uit bomen, voornamelijk dennen, die in goede staat verkeren en het bos is altijd schoon gehouden om het risico op brand zoveel mogelijk te voorkomen. Vanaf het hoogste deel van dit land zijn er prachtige uitzichten op de zee, richting de Sa Riera-kant. Er zijn wegen en paden waarmee je door het bos kunt reizen. Er zijn ook overblijfselen van oude kazernes. Aan de andere kant van de straat is het land stedelijk.Bijkomende kosten bij de aankoop: 10% ITP + Notaris + Registratie
#ref:1316 BEG In a beautiful area of Begur, in the urbanization called Es Valls, and a short distance from the center of the town of Begur and on the way to the well-known beach of Sa Riera, we have this large rustic plot for sale, of almost 67,000m2.
This plot is classified as RUSTIC AGRICULTURAL LAND, which means that, except for rehabilitating some existing old buildings, no new construction can be done.
The property is made up of mostly pine trees, which are in good condition and the forest has always been kept clean, to avoid the risk of fire as much as possible. From the highest part of this plot, there are beautiful views of the sea, towards Sa Riera. There are paths and trails that allow you to walk through the entire forest. There are also remains of old huts. On the other side of the street the land is urban.Additional costs to purchase: 10% ITP + Notary + Registry
#ref:1316 BEG In a beautiful area of Begur, in the urbanization called Es Valls, and a short distance from the center of the town of Begur and on the way to the well-known beach of Sa Riera, we have this large rustic plot for sale, of almost 67,000m2.
This plot is classified as RUSTIC AGRICULTURAL LAND, which means that, except for rehabilitating some existing old buildings, no new construction can be done.
The property is made up of mostly pine trees, which are in good condition and the forest has always been kept clean, to avoid the risk of fire as much as possible. From the highest part of this plot, there are beautiful views of the sea, towards Sa Riera. There are paths and trails that allow you to walk through the entire forest. There are also remains of old huts. On the other side of the street the land is urban.Additional costs to purchase: 10% ITP + Notary + Registry
#ref:1316 BEG