Fantastic land with 4,183m2, located in a quiet area, where nature and its horizon are stunning,According to the Municipal Master Plan of Gondomar (PDM), the qualification of this land is Rural Land for Multiple Agricultural and Forestry Use.It offers several possibilities for building on the ground, of which we highlight in a generic way, 168 m2 of soil waterproofing for housing purposes and 293m2 for tourism purposes. Facade height up to 7 mt.This land provides Privacy and Exclusivity and It is just 3 minutes from access to national road 108, where the banks of the Douro River are right there, The proximity of an access node to the A41 and IC24 makes the cities of Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel much closer, as well as trips to the North or South of the country more accessible and comfortable.About the Buildings for this type of qualification are the following:Referred to in chapter V - Article 39. Buildability regimeBuilding capacity in these spaces, without prejudice to the provisions of the specific legislation in force and the safeguard principles established in this Regulation, is restricted to the following cases: a) Facilities for direct and exclusive support of agricultural or livestock activities, provided that: i) The utilization rate does not exceed 0.02 of the farm area, assuming a minimum of 50 m² of construction area. ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.b) Installations for processing agricultural or livestock products, provided that: i) The maximum implantation area does not exceed 800 m², except in exceptional cases of interest technical-economic recognized by the City Council and demonstrated the correct integration landscaping in the territory; ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.c) CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION AND ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS FOR HOUSING PURPOSES, under the following conditions: i) The new buildings are located in the area least harmful to agricultural activity; ii) The land use index does not exceed 0.04 of the building area (168m2), except in construction situations between existing buildings on either side of the same margin of a given public road and which are less than 100 meters apart, in which case the area maximum soil waterproofing cannot exceed 300 m2; iii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except when the slope of the land provides the basement construction up to a maximum height at the most unfavorable point of 9 meters, provided that with solutions properly integrated into the landscape. d) CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION AND ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS FOR TOURIST, SPORT OR LEISURE PURPOSES or for collective use equipment, under the following conditions: i) The land use index does not exceed 0.07 of the building area (293 m2), without prejudice to the expansion area of existing buildings reaching 50% of the construction area original; ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, unless the slope of the land provides the basement construction with an open facade up to a maximum height of the facade, at the point most unfavorable, 9 meters, or even in the case of structures with special technical requirements, as long as the solutions are properly integrated into the landscape."Excellent Business Opportunity!!!
Visa flerVisa färre
Fantástico terreno com 4.183m2, localizado numa zona tranquila, onde a natureza e o seu horizonte são deslumbrantes,De acordo com o Plano Diretor Municipal de Gondomar (PDM), a Qualificação deste terreno é de Solo Rural de Uso Múltiplo Agrícola e Florestal.Oferece Várias possibilidades de edificação no solo, das quais salientamos de uma forma genérica, 168 m2 de impermeabilização do solo para fins habitacionais e de 293m2 para fins de Turismo. Altura da fachada até 7 mt.Este terreno proporciona Privacidade e Exclusividade e Fica a escassos 3 minutos de acesso à estrada nacional 108, onde as margens do Rio Douro estão mesmo ali, A proximidade de um nó de acesso à A41 e IC24 tornam às cidades do Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel muito mais perto, bem como, as viagens para Norte ou Sul do País, mais acessíveis e cômodas. Sobre as Edificações para este tipo de qualificação são as seguintes:Referido no capítulo V - Artigo 39.º Regime de edificabilidadeA edificabilidade nestes espaços, sem prejuízo do disposto na legislação específica em vigor e dos princípios de salvaguarda estabelecidos no presente Regulamento, restringe -se aos seguintes casos: a) Instalações de apoio direto e exclusivo a atividades agrícolas ou pecuárias, desde que: i) O índice de utilização não exceda 0.02 da área da exploração, admitindo -se um mínimo de 50 m² de área de construção. ii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo por razões de ordem técnica.b) Instalações de transformação de produtos agrícolas ou pecuários, desde que: i) A área máxima de implantação não seja superior a 800 m², salvo casos excecionais de interesse técnico -económico reconhecido pela Câmara Municipal e demonstrada a correta integração paisagística no território; ii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo por razões de ordem técnica. c) CONSTRUÇÃO, AMPLIAÇÃO E ALTERAÇÃO DE EDIFICIOS PARA FINS HABITACIONAIS, nas seguintes condições: i) Os novos edifícios implantarem -se na área menos prejudicial à atividade agrícola; ii) O índice de utilização do solo não exceda 0.04 da área do prédio (168m2), exceto em situação de construção entre construções existentes a um e outro lado da mesma margem de uma dada via pública e que distem entre si menos de 100 metros, caso em que a área máxima de impermeabilização do solo não pode ser superior a 300 m2 ; iii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo quando o declive do terreno proporcione a construção em cave até uma altura máxima no ponto mais desfavorável de 9 metros, desde que com soluções devidamente integradas na paisagem. d) CONSTRUÇÃO, AMPLIAÇÃO E ALTERAÇÃO DE EDIFICOS PARA FINS TURISTICOS, de desporto ou lazer ou para equipamentos de utilização coletiva, nas seguintes condições: i) O índice de utilização do solo não exceda 0.07 da área do prédio (293 m2), sem prejuízo da área de ampliação de construções existentes atingir 50 % da área de construção original; ii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo no caso do declive do terreno proporcione a construção em cave com uma fachada desafogada até uma altura máxima da fachada, no ponto mais desfavorável, de 9 metros, ou ainda no caso de estruturas com exigências técnicas especiais, desde que com soluções devidamente integradas na paisagem."Excelente Oportunidade de Negócio!!!
Fantastique terrain de 4 183 m2, situé dans un quartier calme, où la nature et son horizon sont époustouflants,Selon le Plan Directeur Municipal de Gondomar (PDM), la qualification de ce terrain est Terre Rurale à Usage Multiple Agricole et Forestier.Il offre plusieurs possibilités de construction au sol, parmi lesquelles nous soulignons de manière générique, 168 m2 d'étanchéité du sol à usage d'habitation et 293 m2 à usage touristique. Hauteur de façade jusqu'à 7 mètres.Ce terrain offre intimité et exclusivité et Il se trouve à seulement 3 minutes de l'accès à la route nationale 108, où se trouvent les rives du fleuve Douro, La proximité d'un nud d'accès à l'A41 et à l'IC24 rend les villes de Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel beaucoup plus proches, ainsi que les déplacements vers le nord ou le sud du pays plus accessibles et confortables. Les bâtiments pour ce type de qualification sont les suivants :Mentionné au chapitre V - Article 39. Régime de constructibilité Le renforcement des capacités dans ces espaces, sans préjudice des dispositions de la législation spécifique en vigueur et des principes de sauvegarde établis dans le présent règlement, est limité aux cas suivants : a) Facilités de soutien direct et exclusif aux activités agricoles ou d'élevage, à condition que : i) Le taux d'utilisation ne dépasse pas 0,02 de la superficie de l'exploitation, en supposant un minimum de 50 m² de la zone de construction. ii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf pour des raisons techniques.b) Installations de transformation de produits agricoles ou d'élevage, à condition que : i) La surface maximale d'implantation n'excède pas 800 m², sauf cas exceptionnels d'intérêt technico-économique reconnu par la Mairie et démontré la bonne intégration aménagement paysager du territoire; ii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf pour des raisons techniques.c) CONSTRUCTION, AGRANDISSEMENT ET MODIFICATION DE BÂTIMENTS À DES FINS D'HABITATION, aux conditions suivantes : i) Les nouveaux bâtiments sont situés dans la zone la moins nuisible à l'activité agricole ; ii) L'indice d'occupation du sol ne dépasse pas 0,04 de la surface du bâtiment (168 m2), sauf dans les situations de construction entre des bâtiments existants de part et d'autre d'un même marge d'une voie publique donnée et qui sont distants de moins de 100 mètres, auquel cas la zone l'imperméabilisation maximale du sol ne peut excéder 300 m2 ; iii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf lorsque la pente du terrain permet construction de sous-sol jusqu'à une hauteur maximale au point le plus défavorable de 9 mètres, à condition que avec des solutions bien intégrées dans le paysage. d) CONSTRUCTION, AGRANDISSEMENT ET MODIFICATION DE BÂTIMENTS À DES FINS TOURISTIQUES, SPORTIVES OU DE LOISIRS ou pour du matériel à usage collectif, dans les conditions suivantes : i) L'indice d'occupation du sol ne dépasse pas 0,07 de la surface constructible (293 m2), sans préjudice de la superficie d'agrandissement des bâtiments existants atteignant 50% de la superficie de construction original; ii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf si la pente du terrain permet construction de sous-sol avec une façade ouverte jusqu'à une hauteur maximale de la façade, au point le plus défavorable, 9 mètres, voire dans le cas de structures présentant des exigences techniques particulières, à condition que les solutions soient bien intégrées dans le paysage."Excellente opportunité commerciale !!!
Fantastic land with 4,183m2, located in a quiet area, where nature and its horizon are stunning,According to the Municipal Master Plan of Gondomar (PDM), the qualification of this land is Rural Land for Multiple Agricultural and Forestry Use.It offers several possibilities for building on the ground, of which we highlight in a generic way, 168 m2 of soil waterproofing for housing purposes and 293m2 for tourism purposes. Facade height up to 7 mt.This land provides Privacy and Exclusivity and It is just 3 minutes from access to national road 108, where the banks of the Douro River are right there, The proximity of an access node to the A41 and IC24 makes the cities of Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel much closer, as well as trips to the North or South of the country more accessible and comfortable.About the Buildings for this type of qualification are the following:Referred to in chapter V - Article 39. Buildability regimeBuilding capacity in these spaces, without prejudice to the provisions of the specific legislation in force and the safeguard principles established in this Regulation, is restricted to the following cases: a) Facilities for direct and exclusive support of agricultural or livestock activities, provided that: i) The utilization rate does not exceed 0.02 of the farm area, assuming a minimum of 50 m² of construction area. ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.b) Installations for processing agricultural or livestock products, provided that: i) The maximum implantation area does not exceed 800 m², except in exceptional cases of interest technical-economic recognized by the City Council and demonstrated the correct integration landscaping in the territory; ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.c) CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION AND ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS FOR HOUSING PURPOSES, under the following conditions: i) The new buildings are located in the area least harmful to agricultural activity; ii) The land use index does not exceed 0.04 of the building area (168m2), except in construction situations between existing buildings on either side of the same margin of a given public road and which are less than 100 meters apart, in which case the area maximum soil waterproofing cannot exceed 300 m2; iii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except when the slope of the land provides the basement construction up to a maximum height at the most unfavorable point of 9 meters, provided that with solutions properly integrated into the landscape. d) CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION AND ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS FOR TOURIST, SPORT OR LEISURE PURPOSES or for collective use equipment, under the following conditions: i) The land use index does not exceed 0.07 of the building area (293 m2), without prejudice to the expansion area of existing buildings reaching 50% of the construction area original; ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, unless the slope of the land provides the basement construction with an open facade up to a maximum height of the facade, at the point most unfavorable, 9 meters, or even in the case of structures with special technical requirements, as long as the solutions are properly integrated into the landscape."Excellent Business Opportunity!!!
It is just 3 minutes from access to national road 108, where the banks of the Douro River are right there, The proximity of an access node to the A41 and IC24 makes the cities of Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel much closer, as well as trips to the North or South of the country more accessible and comfortable.About the Buildings for this type of qualification are the following:Referred to in chapter V - Article 39. Buildability regimeBuilding capacity in these spaces, without prejudice to the provisions of the specific legislation in force and the safeguard principles established in this Regulation, is restricted to the following cases: a) Facilities for direct and exclusive support of agricultural or livestock activities, provided that:
i) The utilization rate does not exceed 0.02 of the farm area, assuming a minimum of 50 m²
of construction area.
ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.b) Installations for processing agricultural or livestock products, provided that:
i) The maximum implantation area does not exceed 800 m², except in exceptional cases of interest
technical-economic recognized by the City Council and demonstrated the correct integration
landscaping in the territory;
ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.c) CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION AND ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS FOR HOUSING PURPOSES, under the following conditions:
i) The new buildings are located in the area least harmful to agricultural activity;
ii) The land use index does not exceed 0.04 of the building area (168m2),
except in construction situations between existing buildings on either side of the same
margin of a given public road and which are less than 100 meters apart, in which case the area
maximum soil waterproofing cannot exceed 300 m2;
iii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except when the slope of the land provides the
basement construction up to a maximum height at the most unfavorable point of 9 meters, provided that
or for collective use equipment, under the following conditions:
i) The land use index does not exceed 0.07 of the building area (293 m2),
without prejudice to the expansion area of existing buildings reaching 50% of the construction area
ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, unless the slope of the land provides the
basement construction with an open facade up to a maximum height of the facade, at the point
most unfavorable, 9 meters, or even in the case of structures with special technical requirements,
as long as the solutions are properly integrated into the landscape."Excellent Business Opportunity!!! Visa fler Visa färre Fantástico terreno com 4.183m2, localizado numa zona tranquila, onde a natureza e o seu horizonte são deslumbrantes,De acordo com o Plano Diretor Municipal de Gondomar (PDM), a Qualificação deste terreno é de Solo Rural de Uso Múltiplo Agrícola e Florestal.Oferece Várias possibilidades de edificação no solo, das quais salientamos de uma forma genérica, 168 m2 de impermeabilização do solo para fins habitacionais e de 293m2 para fins de Turismo. Altura da fachada até 7 mt.Este terreno proporciona Privacidade e Exclusividade e
Fica a escassos 3 minutos de acesso à estrada nacional 108, onde as margens do Rio Douro estão mesmo ali, A proximidade de um nó de acesso à A41 e IC24 tornam às cidades do Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel muito mais perto, bem como, as viagens para Norte ou Sul do País, mais acessíveis e cômodas. Sobre as Edificações para este tipo de qualificação são as seguintes:Referido no capítulo V - Artigo 39.º Regime de edificabilidadeA edificabilidade nestes espaços, sem prejuízo do disposto na legislação específica em vigor e dos princípios de salvaguarda estabelecidos no presente Regulamento, restringe -se aos seguintes casos: a) Instalações de apoio direto e exclusivo a atividades agrícolas ou pecuárias, desde que:
i) O índice de utilização não exceda 0.02 da área da exploração, admitindo -se um mínimo de 50 m²
de área de construção.
ii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo por razões de ordem técnica.b) Instalações de transformação de produtos agrícolas ou pecuários, desde que:
i) A área máxima de implantação não seja superior a 800 m², salvo casos excecionais de interesse
técnico -económico reconhecido pela Câmara Municipal e demonstrada a correta integração
paisagística no território;
ii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo por razões de ordem técnica. c) CONSTRUÇÃO, AMPLIAÇÃO E ALTERAÇÃO DE EDIFICIOS PARA FINS HABITACIONAIS, nas seguintes condições:
i) Os novos edifícios implantarem -se na área menos prejudicial à atividade agrícola;
ii) O índice de utilização do solo não exceda 0.04 da área do prédio (168m2),
exceto em situação de construção entre construções existentes a um e outro lado da mesma
margem de uma dada via pública e que distem entre si menos de 100 metros, caso em que a área
máxima de impermeabilização do solo não pode ser superior a 300 m2 ;
iii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo quando o declive do terreno proporcione a
construção em cave até uma altura máxima no ponto mais desfavorável de 9 metros, desde que
com soluções devidamente integradas na paisagem. d) CONSTRUÇÃO, AMPLIAÇÃO E ALTERAÇÃO DE EDIFICOS PARA FINS TURISTICOS, de desporto ou lazer
ou para equipamentos de utilização coletiva, nas seguintes condições:
i) O índice de utilização do solo não exceda 0.07 da área do prédio (293 m2),
sem prejuízo da área de ampliação de construções existentes atingir 50 % da área de construção
ii) A altura da fachada não exceda 7 metros, salvo no caso do declive do terreno proporcione a
construção em cave com uma fachada desafogada até uma altura máxima da fachada, no ponto
mais desfavorável, de 9 metros, ou ainda no caso de estruturas com exigências técnicas especiais,
desde que com soluções devidamente integradas na paisagem."Excelente Oportunidade de Negócio!!! Fantastique terrain de 4 183 m2, situé dans un quartier calme, où la nature et son horizon sont époustouflants,Selon le Plan Directeur Municipal de Gondomar (PDM), la qualification de ce terrain est Terre Rurale à Usage Multiple Agricole et Forestier.Il offre plusieurs possibilités de construction au sol, parmi lesquelles nous soulignons de manière générique, 168 m2 d'étanchéité du sol à usage d'habitation et 293 m2 à usage touristique. Hauteur de façade jusqu'à 7 mètres.Ce terrain offre intimité et exclusivité et
Il se trouve à seulement 3 minutes de l'accès à la route nationale 108, où se trouvent les rives du fleuve Douro, La proximité d'un nud d'accès à l'A41 et à l'IC24 rend les villes de Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel beaucoup plus proches, ainsi que les déplacements vers le nord ou le sud du pays plus accessibles et confortables. Les bâtiments pour ce type de qualification sont les suivants :Mentionné au chapitre V - Article 39. Régime de constructibilité
Le renforcement des capacités dans ces espaces, sans préjudice des dispositions de la législation spécifique en vigueur et des principes de sauvegarde établis dans le présent règlement, est limité aux cas suivants : a) Facilités de soutien direct et exclusif aux activités agricoles ou d'élevage, à condition que :
i) Le taux d'utilisation ne dépasse pas 0,02 de la superficie de l'exploitation, en supposant un minimum de 50 m²
de la zone de construction.
ii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf pour des raisons techniques.b) Installations de transformation de produits agricoles ou d'élevage, à condition que :
i) La surface maximale d'implantation n'excède pas 800 m², sauf cas exceptionnels d'intérêt
technico-économique reconnu par la Mairie et démontré la bonne intégration
aménagement paysager du territoire;
ii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf pour des raisons techniques.c) CONSTRUCTION, AGRANDISSEMENT ET MODIFICATION DE BÂTIMENTS À DES FINS D'HABITATION, aux conditions suivantes :
i) Les nouveaux bâtiments sont situés dans la zone la moins nuisible à l'activité agricole ;
ii) L'indice d'occupation du sol ne dépasse pas 0,04 de la surface du bâtiment (168 m2),
sauf dans les situations de construction entre des bâtiments existants de part et d'autre d'un même
marge d'une voie publique donnée et qui sont distants de moins de 100 mètres, auquel cas la zone
l'imperméabilisation maximale du sol ne peut excéder 300 m2 ;
iii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf lorsque la pente du terrain permet
construction de sous-sol jusqu'à une hauteur maximale au point le plus défavorable de 9 mètres, à condition que
ou pour du matériel à usage collectif, dans les conditions suivantes :
i) L'indice d'occupation du sol ne dépasse pas 0,07 de la surface constructible (293 m2),
sans préjudice de la superficie d'agrandissement des bâtiments existants atteignant 50% de la superficie de construction
ii) La hauteur de la façade n'excède pas 7 mètres, sauf si la pente du terrain permet
construction de sous-sol avec une façade ouverte jusqu'à une hauteur maximale de la façade, au point
le plus défavorable, 9 mètres, voire dans le cas de structures présentant des exigences techniques particulières,
à condition que les solutions soient bien intégrées dans le paysage."Excellente opportunité commerciale !!! Fantastic land with 4,183m2, located in a quiet area, where nature and its horizon are stunning,According to the Municipal Master Plan of Gondomar (PDM), the qualification of this land is Rural Land for Multiple Agricultural and Forestry Use.It offers several possibilities for building on the ground, of which we highlight in a generic way, 168 m2 of soil waterproofing for housing purposes and 293m2 for tourism purposes. Facade height up to 7 mt.This land provides Privacy and Exclusivity and
It is just 3 minutes from access to national road 108, where the banks of the Douro River are right there, The proximity of an access node to the A41 and IC24 makes the cities of Porto, Gondomar, Penafiel much closer, as well as trips to the North or South of the country more accessible and comfortable.About the Buildings for this type of qualification are the following:Referred to in chapter V - Article 39. Buildability regimeBuilding capacity in these spaces, without prejudice to the provisions of the specific legislation in force and the safeguard principles established in this Regulation, is restricted to the following cases: a) Facilities for direct and exclusive support of agricultural or livestock activities, provided that:
i) The utilization rate does not exceed 0.02 of the farm area, assuming a minimum of 50 m²
of construction area.
ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.b) Installations for processing agricultural or livestock products, provided that:
i) The maximum implantation area does not exceed 800 m², except in exceptional cases of interest
technical-economic recognized by the City Council and demonstrated the correct integration
landscaping in the territory;
ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except for technical reasons.c) CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION AND ALTERATION OF BUILDINGS FOR HOUSING PURPOSES, under the following conditions:
i) The new buildings are located in the area least harmful to agricultural activity;
ii) The land use index does not exceed 0.04 of the building area (168m2),
except in construction situations between existing buildings on either side of the same
margin of a given public road and which are less than 100 meters apart, in which case the area
maximum soil waterproofing cannot exceed 300 m2;
iii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, except when the slope of the land provides the
basement construction up to a maximum height at the most unfavorable point of 9 meters, provided that
or for collective use equipment, under the following conditions:
i) The land use index does not exceed 0.07 of the building area (293 m2),
without prejudice to the expansion area of existing buildings reaching 50% of the construction area
ii) The height of the facade does not exceed 7 meters, unless the slope of the land provides the
basement construction with an open facade up to a maximum height of the facade, at the point
most unfavorable, 9 meters, or even in the case of structures with special technical requirements,
as long as the solutions are properly integrated into the landscape."Excellent Business Opportunity!!!