3 796 989 SEK
3 739 459 SEK
3 912 049 SEK
4 025 959 SEK
4 210 055 SEK
3 969 579 SEK
Benefit from the possibility of partial exemption from IMT and stamp duty as provided for in Decree-Law No. 48-A/2024.
Consolidated residential area, a stone's throw from Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constituição and Polo Universitário, very well served by public transport (buses and metro - Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros), indicating a high and safe potential for appreciation.
VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate company with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).
Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.
We take responsibility for taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best mortgage solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.
We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options best suited to your profile.
Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining a mortgage simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: A
2 bedroom apartment located in a residential condominium, located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, with a unique location, in front of Parque do Covelo, around Rua de Faria de Guimarães and its access to Via de Cintura Interna (accesses A1, N13, A3 , A4 and A28) from Porto.
Consolidated residential area, a stone's throw from Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constitution and the University Center, very well served by public transport (buses and metro - Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros), indicating a high and safe appreciation potential.
VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).
Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.
We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.
We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.
Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: A Visa fler Visa färre Apartamento T2 inserido em condomínio residencial, implantado num lote com cerca de 2.000 m2, com localização ímpar, em frente ao Parque do Covelo, na envolvente da Rua de Faria de Guimarães e respetivo acesso à Via de Cintura Interna (acessos A1, N13, A3, A4 e A28) do Porto.
Beneficie da possibilidade de isenção parcial de IMT e imposto de selo conforme previsto no Decreto-Lei n.º 48-A/2024.
Zona residencial consolidada, a dois passos da Avenida dos Combatentes, do Marquês, da Constituição e do Polo Universitário, muito bem servida de transportes públicos (autocarros e metro - Marquês, Combatentes e Salgueiros), indiciando um potencial de valorização elevado e seguro.
A VIVER NAS ONDAS é uma imobiliária com 18 anos de experiência que também atua como INTERMEDIÁRIA de CRÉDITO, devidamente autorizada pelo Banco de Portugal (Reg. 3151).
A nossa equipa é composta por profissionais apaixonados e dedicados, prontos para tornar os seus sonhos em realidade.
Assumimos a responsabilidade de cuidar de todo o processo de financiamento, proporcionando-lhe tranquilidade e segurança. Estamos empenhados em encontrar as melhores soluções de crédito habitação disponíveis no mercado, e trabalhamos incansavelmente para alcançar esse objetivo.
Cuidamos de todos os detalhes do processo, desde a análise das suas necessidades financeiras até a apresentação das opções de financiamento mais adequadas ao seu perfil.
A nossa missão é oferecer um serviço de excelência, colocando os seus interesses em primeiro lugar. Trabalhamos com empenho e dedicação para tornar o processo de obtenção de crédito habitação mais simples e eficaz para si.
Categoria Energética: A
2 bedroom apartment located in a residential condominium, located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, with a unique location, in front of Parque do Covelo, around Rua de Faria de Guimarães and its access to Via de Cintura Interna (accesses A1, N13, A3 , A4 and A28) from Porto.
Consolidated residential area, a stone's throw from Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constitution and the University Center, very well served by public transport (buses and metro - Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros), indicating a high and safe appreciation potential.
VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).
Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.
We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.
We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.
Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: A Byt se 2 ložnicemi vložený do rezidenčního kondominia, který se nachází na pozemku o rozloze cca 2 000 m2, s jedinečnou polohou, před Parque do Covelo, v okolí Rua de Faria de Guimarães a příslušným přístupem na Via de Cintura Interna (přístupy A1, N13, A3, A4 a A28) Porta.
Využijte možnosti částečného osvobození od IMT a kolkovného, jak je stanoveno ve vládním nařízení č. 48-A/2024.
Konsolidovaná rezidenční čtvrť, co by kamenem dohodil od Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constituição a Polo Universitário, velmi dobře obsluhovaná veřejnou dopravou (autobusy a metro - Marquês, Combatentes a Salgueiros), což naznačuje vysoký a bezpečný potenciál pro zhodnocení.
VIVER NAS ONDAS je realitní společnost s 18 lety zkušeností, která zároveň působí jako ZPROSTŘEDKOVATEL ÚVĚRU, řádně autorizovaný Portugalskou centrální bankou (reg. 3151).
Náš tým se skládá z nadšených a oddaných profesionálů, kteří jsou připraveni splnit vaše sny.
Přebíráme odpovědnost za to, že se postaráme o celý proces financování, abychom vám zajistili klid a jistotu. Zavázali jsme se hledat nejlepší hypoteční řešení dostupná na trhu a neúnavně pracujeme na dosažení tohoto cíle.
Postaráme se o všechny detaily procesu, od analýzy vašich finančních potřeb až po představení možností financování, které nejlépe vyhovují vašemu profilu.
Naším posláním je nabízet vynikající služby a klást vaše zájmy na první místo. S nasazením a nasazením pracujeme na tom, abychom vám proces získání hypotéky zjednodušili a zefektivnili.
Energetická třída: A
Apartmán se 2 ložnicemi se nachází v rezidenčním kondominiu, který se nachází na pozemku o rozloze přibližně 2 000 m2, s jedinečnou polohou, před Parque do Covelo, kolem Rua de Faria de Guimarães a jeho přístupu na Via de Cintura Interna (přístupy A1, N13, A3, A4 a A28) z Porta.
Konsolidovaná rezidenční čtvrť, co by kamenem dohodil od Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constitution a univerzitního centra, velmi dobře obsluhovaná veřejnou dopravou (autobusy a metro - Marquês, Combatentes a Salgueiros), což naznačuje vysoký a bezpečný potenciál ocenění.
VIVER NAS ONDAS je realitní kancelář s 18 lety zkušeností, která působí také jako ZPROSTŘEDKOVATEL ÚVĚRU, řádně autorizovaný Portugalskou centrální bankou (reg. 3151).
Náš tým se skládá z nadšených a oddaných profesionálů, kteří jsou připraveni splnit vaše sny.
Přebíráme odpovědnost za péči o celý proces financování, abychom vám poskytli klid a jistotu. Jsme odhodláni najít nejlepší řešení úvěrů na bydlení dostupná na trhu, a neúnavně pracujeme na dosažení tohoto cíle.
Postaráme se o všechny detaily procesu, od analýzy vašich finančních potřeb až po představení možností financování, které nejlépe odpovídají vašemu profilu.
Naším posláním je nabízet vynikající služby a klást vaše zájmy na první místo. S nasazením a nasazením pracujeme na tom, abychom vám proces získání úvěru na bydlení zjednodušili a zefektivnili.
Energetická třída: A 2 bedroom apartment inserted in a residential condominium, located on a plot of about 2,000 m2, with a unique location, in front of Parque do Covelo, in the surroundings of Rua de Faria de Guimarães and respective access to Via de Cintura Interna (accesses A1, N13, A3, A4 and A28) of Porto.
Benefit from the possibility of partial exemption from IMT and stamp duty as provided for in Decree-Law No. 48-A/2024.
Consolidated residential area, a stone's throw from Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constituição and Polo Universitário, very well served by public transport (buses and metro - Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros), indicating a high and safe potential for appreciation.
VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate company with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).
Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.
We take responsibility for taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best mortgage solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.
We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options best suited to your profile.
Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining a mortgage simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: A
2 bedroom apartment located in a residential condominium, located on a plot of approximately 2,000 m2, with a unique location, in front of Parque do Covelo, around Rua de Faria de Guimarães and its access to Via de Cintura Interna (accesses A1, N13, A3 , A4 and A28) from Porto.
Consolidated residential area, a stone's throw from Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constitution and the University Center, very well served by public transport (buses and metro - Marquês, Combatentes and Salgueiros), indicating a high and safe appreciation potential.
VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 18 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151).
Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true.
We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal.
We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile.
Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you.
Energy Rating: A Апартамент с 2 спални, вмъкнат в жилищна кооперация, разположен на парцел от около 2,000 м2, с уникално местоположение, пред Parque do Covelo, в околностите на Rua de Faria de Guimarães и съответния достъп до Via de Cintura Interna (достъп до A1, N13, A3, A4 и A28) на Порто.
Възползвайте се от възможността за частично освобождаване от IMT и гербов налог, както е предвидено в Наредба-закон No 48-A/2024.
Консолидиран жилищен район, на един хвърлей от Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constituição и Polo Universitário, много добре обслужван от обществения транспорт (автобуси и метро - Marquês, Combatentes и Salgueiros), което показва висок и безопасен потенциал за поскъпване.
VIVER NAS ONDAS е компания за недвижими имоти с 18 години опит, която действа и като КРЕДИТЕН ПОСРЕДНИК, надлежно упълномощен от Банката на Португалия (Рег. 3151).
Нашият екип е съставен от страстни и всеотдайни професионалисти, готови да сбъднат мечтите ви.
Ние поемаме отговорност за целия процес на финансиране, като ви осигуряваме спокойствие и сигурност. Ние се ангажираме да намерим най-добрите ипотечни решения, налични на пазара, и работим неуморно за постигането на тази цел.
Ние се грижим за всички детайли на процеса, от анализа на вашите финансови нужди до представяне на опциите за финансиране, които са най-подходящи за вашия профил.
Нашата мисия е да предложим отлично обслужване, поставяйки вашите интереси на първо място. Работим с ангажираност и отдаденост, за да направим процеса на получаване на ипотека по-прост и ефективен за вас.
Енергиен рейтинг: A
Апартамент с 2 спални, разположен в жилищна кооперация, разположен на парцел от приблизително 2,000 м2, с уникално местоположение, пред Parque do Covelo, около Rua de Faria de Guimarães и достъпа му до Via de Cintura Interna (достъп до A1, N13, A3, A4 и A28) от Порто.
Консолидиран жилищен район, на един хвърлей от Avenida dos Combatentes, Marquês, Constitution и University Center, много добре обслужван от обществен транспорт (автобуси и метро - Marquês, Combatentes и Salgueiros), което показва висок и безопасен потенциал за поскъпване.
VIVER NAS ONDAS е агенция за недвижими имоти с 18 години опит, която действа и като КРЕДИТЕН ПОСРЕДНИК, надлежно упълномощен от Банката на Португалия (Рег. 3151).
Нашият екип е съставен от страстни и всеотдайни професионалисти, готови да сбъднат мечтите ви.
Ние поемаме отговорността да се погрижим за целия процес на финансиране, като ви осигурим спокойствие и сигурност. Ние се ангажираме да намерим най-добрите решения за жилищни кредити, налични на пазара, и работим неуморно, за да постигнем тази цел.
Ние се грижим за всички детайли на процеса, от анализа на вашите финансови нужди до представяне на опциите за финансиране, които най-добре отговарят на вашия профил.
Нашата мисия е да предложим отлично обслужване, поставяйки вашите интереси на първо място. Ние работим с ангажираност и отдаденост, за да направим процеса на получаване на жилищен кредит по-прост и по-ефективен за вас.
Енергиен рейтинг: A