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Hus & enfamiljshus for sale in Rendufe

2 844 538 SEK

Hus & Enfamiljshus (Till salu)

4 r
3 bd
2 ba
lot 120
Referens: EDEN-T94619846 / 94619846
Discover your new home fully renovated, with comfort and a privileged location!

Upon entering, you have at your disposal three bedrooms, of which are suites, full bathrooms, living room and kitchen in open space, garage and patio. Completely renovated, it is finished with false ceilings with LED spotlights, double-glazed window frames, floating floors, intervened roof and façade intervened with a mass of hood.

The location of this property is situated within walking distance of bus stops, making daily commuting easy. In addition, it is close to Parque Nascente Shopping Mall, where you can enjoy a variety of shops, restaurants and entertainment.

The proximity to other services and commerce makes this villa even more attractive, providing you with comfort in your daily life.

For more information about the finish map or to schedule a visit, please contact us.

Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, with registration AMI: 16410, is headquartered in Rio Tinto, at Rua da Ranha, number 232. Our company's mission is to offer a service of excellence with professionalism, loyalty and transparency in the management of real estate business.

With the slogan 'Live in Your Dream Home', it represents the commitment to helping people achieve their dream of having a perfect home. Through this slogan, we want to convey the idea that Habisonho is committed to making each client's dream come true, providing them with a home that meets their expectations and desires.

Why buy with Habisonho?
When buying with Habisonho, you can count on our complicity, business security and availability of a consultant dedicated to making your dream come true. We present properties in our portfolio and establish partnerships with other real estate agents.

Why sell with Habisonho?
When selling with Habisonho, you can count on our commitment, professionalism and dedication in promoting your property, through hard work in digital and face-to-face marketing. In addition, we introduce your property to our portfolio of clients and partners.

By choosing Habisonho, you will have access to:

Professional and dedicated consultants.
Balance in business (buying and selling)
Legal support
Constant and transparent presence
Flexibility in commissions
Support in the financing process
Support and drafting of contracts
Digital Marketing Job

In addition, we offer other tools and strategies to help you sell and/or buy your property, adapting to the volatility of the real estate market.
Energy Rating: D

Energy Rating: D
Visa fler Visa färre Découvrez votre nouvelle maison entièrement rénovée, avec confort et un emplacement privilégié !

En entrant, vous avez à votre disposition trois chambres, dont des suites, des salles de bain complètes, un salon et une cuisine en espace ouvert, un garage et un patio. Entièrement rénové, il est fini avec des faux plafonds avec spots LED, des cadres de fenêtres à double vitrage, des planchers flottants, un toit et une façade intervenus avec une masse de hotte.

L’emplacement de cette propriété est situé à distance de marche des arrêts de bus, ce qui facilite les déplacements quotidiens. De plus, il se trouve à proximité du centre commercial Parque Nascente, où vous pourrez profiter d’une variété de boutiques, de restaurants et de divertissements.

La proximité d’autres services et commerces rend cette villa encore plus attrayante, vous offrant un confort dans votre vie quotidienne.

Pour plus d’informations sur la carte d’arrivée ou pour planifier une visite, veuillez nous contacter.

Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, immatriculée AMI : 16410, a son siège social à Rio Tinto, Rua da Ranha, numéro 232. La mission de notre entreprise est d’offrir un service d’excellence avec professionnalisme, loyauté et transparence dans la gestion des affaires immobilières.

Avec le slogan « Vivez dans la maison de vos rêves », il représente l’engagement à aider les gens à réaliser leur rêve d’avoir une maison parfaite. À travers ce slogan, nous voulons transmettre l’idée que Habisonho s’engage à réaliser le rêve de chaque client, en lui offrant une maison qui répond à ses attentes et à ses désirs.

Pourquoi acheter avec Habisonho ?
En achetant avec Habisonho, vous pouvez compter sur notre complicité, la sécurité de notre entreprise et la disponibilité d’un consultant dédié à la réalisation de votre rêve. Nous présentons les biens de notre portefeuille et établissons des partenariats avec d’autres agents immobiliers.

Pourquoi vendre avec Habisonho ?
Lorsque vous vendez avec Habisonho, vous pouvez compter sur notre engagement, notre professionnalisme et notre dévouement dans la promotion de votre propriété, grâce à un travail acharné dans le marketing numérique et en face à face. De plus, nous présentons votre propriété à notre portefeuille de clients et de partenaires.

En choisissant Habisonho, vous aurez accès à :

Des consultants professionnels et dévoués.
Équilibre dans les affaires (achat et vente)
Soutien juridique
Présence constante et transparente
Flexibilité dans les commissions
Accompagnement dans le processus de financement
Accompagnement et rédaction de contrats
Emploi en marketing numérique

De plus, nous vous proposons d’autres outils et stratégies pour vous aider à vendre et/ou acheter votre propriété, en nous adaptant à la volatilité du marché immobilier.
Performance énergétique : D

Performance énergétique : D
Descubra a sua nova casa totalmente renovada, com conforto e localização privilegiada!

Ao entrar, tem ao seu dispor três quartos dos quais deles suíte, casa de banho completa, sala e cozinha em open space, garagem e logradouro. Totalmente renovada, tem como acabamentos tetos falsos com focos LED, caixilharia com vidro duplo, soalho flutuante, telhado intervencionado e fachada intervencionada a massa de capoto.

A localização deste imóvel, está situado a uma curta distância de paragens de autocarros, facilitando as deslocações diárias. Além disso, encontra-se próximo do Shopping Parque Nascente, onde poderá desfrutar de uma variedade de lojas, restaurantes e entretenimento.

A proximidade a outros serviços e comércio torna esta moradia ainda mais atrativa, proporcionando-lhe comodidade no seu dia a dia.

Para mais informações sobre mapa de acabamentos ou agendar uma visita, entre em contacto connosco.

Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, com o registo AMI: 16410, está sediada em Rio Tinto, na Rua da Ranha, número 232. A nossa empresa tem como missão oferecer um serviço de excelência com profissionalismo, lealdade e transparência na gestão dos negócios imobiliários.

Com o slogan 'Viva na Sua Habitação de Sonho', representa o compromisso em ajudar as pessoas a alcançarem o seu sonho de ter uma habitação perfeita. Através deste slogan, queremos transmitir a ideia de que a Habisonho está empenhada em tornar realidade o sonho de cada cliente, proporcionando-lhes uma habitação que corresponda às suas expectativas e desejos.

Porque comprar com a Habisonho?
Ao comprar com a Habisonho, pode contar com a nossa cumplicidade, segurança no negócio e disponibilidade de um consultor dedicado a tornar o seu sonho realidade. Apresentamos imóveis na nossa carteira e estabelecemos parcerias com outras imobiliárias.

Porque vender com a Habisonho?
Ao vender com a Habisonho, pode contar com o nosso compromisso, profissionalismo e dedicação na divulgação da sua propriedade, através de um árduo trabalho de marketing digital e presencial. Além disso, apresentamos a sua propriedade à nossa carteira de clientes e parceiros.

Ao escolher a Habisonho, terá acesso a:

Consultores profissionais e dedicados.
Equilíbrio nos negócios (compra e venda)
Apoio jurídico
Presença constante e transparente
Flexibilidade nas comissões
Apoio no processo de financiamento
Apoio e elaboração de contratos
Trabalho de marketing digital

Além disso, oferecemos outras ferramentas e estratégias para ajudar a vender e/ou comprar o seu imóvel, adaptando-nos à volatilidade do mercado imobiliário.
Categoria Energética: D

Energy Rating: D
Objevte svůj nový domov kompletně zrekonstruovaný, s pohodlím a privilegovanou polohou!

Při vstupu máte k dispozici tři ložnice, z nichž jsou apartmá, plně vybavené koupelny, obývací pokoj a kuchyň v otevřeném prostoru, garáž a terasu. Kompletně zrekonstruovaný, je zakončen podhledy s LED reflektory, okenními rámy s dvojitým zasklením, plovoucími podlahami, zasahující střechou a fasádou s masou digestoře.

Poloha tohoto hotelu se nachází v docházkové vzdálenosti od autobusových zastávek, což usnadňuje každodenní dojíždění. Kromě toho se nachází v blízkosti nákupního centra Parque Nascente, kde si můžete užít řadu obchodů, restaurací a zábavy.

Blízkost dalších služeb a obchodu činí tuto vilu ještě atraktivnější a poskytuje vám pohodlí ve vašem každodenním životě.

Pro více informací o cílové mapě nebo pro naplánování návštěvy nás prosím kontaktujte.

Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, s registračním číslem AMI: 16410, má sídlo v Rio Tinto, na adrese Rua da Ranha, číslo 232. Posláním naší společnosti je nabízet služby excelence s profesionalitou, loajalitou a transparentností v oblasti řízení obchodu s nemovitostmi.

Se sloganem "Bydlete ve svém vysněném domě" představuje závazek pomáhat lidem dosáhnout jejich snu o dokonalém domově. Prostřednictvím tohoto sloganu chceme zprostředkovat myšlenku, že Habisonho se zavázala splnit sen každého klienta a poskytnout mu domov, který splňuje jeho očekávání a touhy.

Proč nakupovat s Habisonho?
Při nákupu u společnosti Habisonho se můžete spolehnout na naši spoluúčast, obchodní bezpečnost a dostupnost konzultanta, který se věnuje tomu, aby se váš sen stal skutečností. Prezentujeme nemovitosti v našem portfoliu a navazujeme partnerství s dalšími realitními makléři.

Proč prodávat s Habisonho?
Při prodeji s Habisonho se můžete spolehnout na náš závazek, profesionalitu a obětavost při propagaci vaší nemovitosti prostřednictvím tvrdé práce v digitálním a osobním marketingu. Vaši nemovitost navíc zařadíme do našeho portfolia klientů a partnerů.

Výběrem Habisonho získáte přístup k:

Profesionální a specializovaní konzultanti.
Rovnováha v podnikání (nákup a prodej)
Právní podpora
Neustálá a transparentní přítomnost
Flexibilita v provizích
Podpora v procesu financování
Podpora a sepisování smluv
Práce v oblasti digitálního marketingu

Kromě toho nabízíme další nástroje a strategie, které vám pomohou prodat a/nebo koupit vaši nemovitost a přizpůsobit se volatilitě realitního trhu.
Energetická třída: D

Energetická třída: D
Discover your new home fully renovated, with comfort and a privileged location!

Upon entering, you have at your disposal three bedrooms, of which are suites, full bathrooms, living room and kitchen in open space, garage and patio. Completely renovated, it is finished with false ceilings with LED spotlights, double-glazed window frames, floating floors, intervened roof and façade intervened with a mass of hood.

The location of this property is situated within walking distance of bus stops, making daily commuting easy. In addition, it is close to Parque Nascente Shopping Mall, where you can enjoy a variety of shops, restaurants and entertainment.

The proximity to other services and commerce makes this villa even more attractive, providing you with comfort in your daily life.

For more information about the finish map or to schedule a visit, please contact us.

Habisonho - Promoção e Gestão de Imóveis Lda, with registration AMI: 16410, is headquartered in Rio Tinto, at Rua da Ranha, number 232. Our company's mission is to offer a service of excellence with professionalism, loyalty and transparency in the management of real estate business.

With the slogan 'Live in Your Dream Home', it represents the commitment to helping people achieve their dream of having a perfect home. Through this slogan, we want to convey the idea that Habisonho is committed to making each client's dream come true, providing them with a home that meets their expectations and desires.

Why buy with Habisonho?
When buying with Habisonho, you can count on our complicity, business security and availability of a consultant dedicated to making your dream come true. We present properties in our portfolio and establish partnerships with other real estate agents.

Why sell with Habisonho?
When selling with Habisonho, you can count on our commitment, professionalism and dedication in promoting your property, through hard work in digital and face-to-face marketing. In addition, we introduce your property to our portfolio of clients and partners.

By choosing Habisonho, you will have access to:

Professional and dedicated consultants.
Balance in business (buying and selling)
Legal support
Constant and transparent presence
Flexibility in commissions
Support in the financing process
Support and drafting of contracts
Digital Marketing Job

In addition, we offer other tools and strategies to help you sell and/or buy your property, adapting to the volatility of the real estate market.
Energy Rating: D

Energy Rating: D
Referens: EDEN-T94619846
Land: PT
Stad: Rio Tinto
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Hus & Enfamiljshus
Fastighets storlek: 84
Tomt storlek: 120
Rum: 4
Sovrum: 3
Badrum: 2



Genomsnittligt försäljningspris per
Okt 2023
3 months
1 year
24 717 SEK
26 925 SEK



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