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Lägenhet & andelslägenhet for sale in Burgas

1 189 881 SEK

Lägenhet & andelslägenhet (Till salu)

Referens: EDEN-T93400487 / 93400487
For more information, call us at: ... or 056 828 449 and quote the reference number of the property: BS 83408. Responsible broker: Georgi Ivanov Newly built two-bedroom apartment with Act 16 and a wonderful sea view, suitable for year-round living in the district. Freedom in the developed seaside town of Pomorie, close to the Salt Museum, Mud Baths, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Lidl Supermarket and a number of other city amenities and services. The apartment (88.76 sq.m.) is located on the 3rd floor of a 6-storey building and consists of: Living room with kitchen Two bedrooms Corridor Two bathrooms with toilet Two terraces For sale finished on a plug, without doors, with electricity and water outlets. The annual maintenance fee is 200 euros. Pomorie is the third largest city on the Black Sea coast after Varna and Burgas. With its 9 kilometers, the eastern beach of Pomorie is the longest on the Southern Black Sea coast. The location of the town near Pomorie Lake also provides opportunities for a walk along an eco-trail, observation of rare migratory birds and spa procedures with mud and lye in the two specialized sanatoriums and some spa hotels. The city is visited by tourists throughout the year, as the mud has a healing effect on many diseases. It also offers conditions for wine tourism. We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to make a viewing. The property can be reserved and removed from sale with the payment of a deposit, after which the viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of documents for concluding a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only during the purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and smoothly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include movable and immovable property insurance, life insurance, medical and motor insurance, construction and repair activities, furniture, legal and accounting services, etc. Visa fler Visa färre За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 056 828 449 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: BS 83408. Отговорен брокер: Георги Иванов Новопостроен тристаен апартамент с Акт 16 и прекрасна морска гледка, подходящ за целогодишно живеене в кв. Свобода в развития морски град Поморие, близо до Музей на солта, Кални бани, Специализирана болница за рехабилитация, супермаркет Лидъл и редица други градски удобства и услуги. Апартаментът (88.76 кв.м.) е разположен на 3-ти жилищен етаж в 6-етажна сграда и се състои от: Хол с кухня Две спални Коридор Две бани с тоалетна Две тераси Продава се завършен на тапа, без врати, с изводи за ток и вода. Годишната такса поддръжка е 200 евро. Поморие е третият по големина град по Черноморието след Варна и Бургас. Със своите 9 километра, източният плаж на Поморие е най-дългият по Южното Черноморие. Местоположението на града в близост до Поморийско езеро предоставя възможности и за разходка по екопътека, наблюдение на редки прелетни птици и СПА процедури с кал и луга в двата специализирани санаториума и някои спа хотели. Градът е посещаван от туристите през цялата година, тъй като калта има лечебно влияние върху множество заболявания. Предлага условия и за винен туризъм. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно ползване на новозакупения имот. Услугите, които можем да предложим, включват застраховка на движимо и недвижимо имущество, застраховка живот, медицинско и автомобилно застраховане, строителни и ремонтни дейности, обзавеждане, юридически и счетоводни услуги и др. For more information, call us at: ... or 056 828 449 and quote the reference number of the property: BS 83408. Responsible broker: Georgi Ivanov Newly built two-bedroom apartment with Act 16 and a wonderful sea view, suitable for year-round living in the district. Freedom in the developed seaside town of Pomorie, close to the Salt Museum, Mud Baths, Specialized Rehabilitation Hospital, Lidl Supermarket and a number of other city amenities and services. The apartment (88.76 sq.m.) is located on the 3rd floor of a 6-storey building and consists of: Living room with kitchen Two bedrooms Corridor Two bathrooms with toilet Two terraces For sale finished on a plug, without doors, with electricity and water outlets. The annual maintenance fee is 200 euros. Pomorie is the third largest city on the Black Sea coast after Varna and Burgas. With its 9 kilometers, the eastern beach of Pomorie is the longest on the Southern Black Sea coast. The location of the town near Pomorie Lake also provides opportunities for a walk along an eco-trail, observation of rare migratory birds and spa procedures with mud and lye in the two specialized sanatoriums and some spa hotels. The city is visited by tourists throughout the year, as the mud has a healing effect on many diseases. It also offers conditions for wine tourism. We can organize a viewing of the property at a convenient time for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to make a viewing. The property can be reserved and removed from sale with the payment of a deposit, after which the viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of documents for concluding a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information about the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only during the purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and smoothly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include movable and immovable property insurance, life insurance, medical and motor insurance, construction and repair activities, furniture, legal and accounting services, etc. Para más información, llámenos al: ... o 056 828 449 y cite el número de referencia de la propiedad: BS 83408. Agente responsable: Georgi Ivanov Apartamento de dos dormitorios de nueva construcción con Ley 16 y una maravillosa vista al mar, adecuado para vivir todo el año en el distrito. Libertad en la ciudad costera desarrollada de Pomorie, cerca del Museo de la Sal, los baños de barro, el Hospital de Rehabilitación Especializado, el supermercado Lidl y una serie de otras comodidades y servicios de la ciudad. El apartamento (88,76 m²) está situado en la 3ª planta de un edificio de 6 plantas y consta de: Salón comedor con cocina Dos dormitorios Pasillo Dos baños con aseo Dos terrazas Se vende acabado en enchufe, sin puertas, con tomas de luz y agua. La cuota anual de mantenimiento es de 200 euros. Pomorie es la tercera ciudad más grande de la costa del Mar Negro después de Varna y Burgas. Con sus 9 kilómetros, la playa oriental de Pomorie es la más larga de la costa sur del Mar Negro. La ubicación de la ciudad cerca del lago Pomorie también ofrece oportunidades para un paseo a lo largo de un sendero ecológico, la observación de aves migratorias raras y procedimientos de spa con barro y lejía en los dos sanatorios especializados y algunos hoteles balneario. La ciudad es visitada por turistas durante todo el año, ya que el barro tiene un efecto curativo sobre muchas enfermedades. También ofrece condiciones para el enoturismo. Podemos organizar una visita a la propiedad en un momento conveniente para usted. Para ello, póngase en contacto con el corredor responsable de la oferta y dígale cuándo le gustaría realizar una visita. La propiedad se puede reservar y retirar de la venta con el pago de un depósito, después de lo cual se terminan las visitas con otros compradores y comienza la preparación de los documentos para celebrar un contrato preliminar y final. Póngase en contacto con el corredor responsable de esta propiedad para obtener información detallada sobre el procedimiento de compra y los métodos de pago. Somos una empresa de renombre y estaremos con usted no solo durante la compra, sino también después, brindándole servicios adicionales a su solicitud para utilizar completamente y sin problemas la propiedad recién comprada. Los servicios que podemos ofrecer incluyen seguros de bienes muebles e inmuebles, seguros de vida, seguros médicos y de automóviles, actividades de construcción y reparación, muebles, servicios legales y contables, etc. Per maggiori informazioni, chiamaci al numero: ... o 056 828 449 e cita il numero di riferimento dell'immobile: BS 83408. Broker responsabile: Georgi Ivanov Appartamento con due camere da letto di nuova costruzione con Act 16 e una splendida vista sul mare, adatto per vivere tutto l'anno nel quartiere. Libertà nella città balneare sviluppata di Pomorie, vicino al Museo del Sale, ai bagni di fango, all'ospedale specializzato di riabilitazione, al supermercato Lidl e a una serie di altri comfort e servizi della città. L'appartamento (88,76 mq) si trova al 3 ° piano di un edificio di 6 piani ed è composto da: Soggiorno con cucina Due camere da letto Corridoio Due bagni con wc Due terrazze Vendesi rifinito a spina, senza porte, con prese di corrente e acqua. Il canone di manutenzione annuale è di 200 euro. Pomorie è la terza città più grande della costa del Mar Nero dopo Varna e Burgas. Con i suoi 9 chilometri, la spiaggia orientale di Pomorie è la più lunga della costa meridionale del Mar Nero. La posizione della città vicino al lago Pomorie offre anche l'opportunità di una passeggiata lungo un eco-sentiero, l'osservazione di rari uccelli migratori e le procedure termali con fango e liscivia nei due sanatori specializzati e in alcuni hotel termali. La città è visitata dai turisti durante tutto l'anno, poiché il fango ha un effetto curativo su molte malattie. Offre anche le condizioni per l'enoturismo. Possiamo organizzare una visita dell'immobile in un momento conveniente per voi. Per fare ciò, contatta il broker responsabile dell'offerta e digli quando desideri effettuare una visita. L'immobile può essere riservato e ritirato dalla vendita con il versamento di una caparra, dopodiché si concludono le visite con altri acquirenti e inizia la preparazione dei documenti per la stipula di un contratto preliminare e definitivo. Contatta il broker responsabile di questo immobile per informazioni dettagliate sulla procedura di acquisto e sulle modalità di pagamento. Siamo un'azienda rispettabile e saremo con te non solo durante l'acquisto, ma anche dopo, fornendoti servizi aggiuntivi su tua richiesta al fine di utilizzare completamente e senza intoppi l'immobile appena acquistato. I servizi che possiamo offrire includono assicurazioni su beni mobili e immobili, assicurazioni sulla vita, assicurazioni mediche e automobilistiche, attività di costruzione e riparazione, mobili, servizi legali e contabili, ecc. Pour plus d’informations, appelez-nous au : ... ou 056 828 449 et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété : BS 83408. Courtier responsable : Georgi Ivanov Appartement de deux chambres nouvellement construit avec l’acte 16 et une vue magnifique sur la mer, adapté à la vie toute l’année dans le quartier. Liberté dans la ville balnéaire développée de Pomorie, à proximité du musée du sel, des bains de boue, de l’hôpital de réadaptation spécialisé, du supermarché Lidl et d’un certain nombre d’autres commodités et services de la ville. L’appartement (88,76 m²) est situé au 3ème étage d’un immeuble de 6 étages et se compose de : Salon avec cuisine Deux chambres Couloir Deux salles de bains avec WC Deux terrasses A vendre finie sur une prise, sans portes, avec prises d’électricité et d’eau. Les frais annuels de maintenance sont de 200 euros. Pomorie est la troisième plus grande ville de la côte de la mer Noire après Varna et Burgas. Avec ses 9 kilomètres, la plage orientale de Pomorie est la plus longue de la côte sud de la mer Noire. L’emplacement de la ville près du lac de Pomorie offre également la possibilité de se promener le long d’un éco-sentier, d’observer des oiseaux migrateurs rares et de pratiquer des cures thermales avec de la boue et de la lessive dans les deux sanatoriums spécialisés et quelques hôtels thermaux. La ville est visitée par les touristes tout au long de l’année, car la boue a un effet curatif sur de nombreuses maladies. Il offre également des conditions pour l’œnotourisme. Nous pouvons organiser une visite de la propriété à un moment qui vous convient. Pour ce faire, contactez le courtier responsable de l’offre et dites-lui quand vous souhaitez faire une visite. La propriété peut être réservée et retirée de la vente avec le paiement d’un acompte, après quoi les visites avec d’autres acheteurs sont terminées et la préparation des documents pour la conclusion d’un contrat préliminaire et final commence. Contactez le courtier responsable de cette propriété pour des informations détaillées sur la procédure d’achat et les méthodes de paiement. Nous sommes une entreprise réputée et serons avec vous non seulement pendant l’achat, mais aussi après, en vous fournissant des services supplémentaires à votre demande afin d’utiliser pleinement et sans problème la propriété nouvellement achetée. Les services que nous pouvons offrir comprennent l’assurance mobilière et immobilière, l’assurance vie, l’assurance médicale et automobile, les activités de construction et de réparation, l’ameublement, les services juridiques et comptables, etc.
Referens: EDEN-T93400487
Land: BG
Stad: Burgas
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Lägenhet & andelslägenhet
Fastighets storlek: 88
Våning: 3


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