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Hus & enfamiljshus for sale in Labin

19 929 857 SEK

Hus & Enfamiljshus (Till salu)

8 r
lot 1 497
Referens: EDEN-T92706075 / 92706075
We are delighted that in our offer for you, we have the 1st certified passive, luxury villa with a pool in the Republic of Croatia. It is located in the picturesque Istrian town of Barban, widely known for the traditional "Ring Race"; a knight's game that takes place every year at the end of August and that attracts thousands of local and foreign tourists and visitors, enjoying the competition of brave horsemen with sharp eyesight who shoot the "middle" of the ring with their long spears.
This Villa will hit every client "in the middle" of their wishes for a truly special property. It is located at the very end of the town, surrounded by greenery, vineyards and olive groves and has a beautiful panoramic view of nature, the town and the mountain Učka.
The villa consists of ground and first floors. On the ground floor there is a large kitchen-dining room, living room, hallway and staircase, two "en suite" bedrooms, a storage room, a separate bathroom and in the outer part a covered "L" terrace and a 55 m2 swimming pool.
On the first floor there are two more "en suite" bedrooms, a gym, anteroom, sauna, staircase-hallway, separate bathroom and a covered terrace with a wonderful view. The sizes and heights of all rooms in the villa are above average.
In the following text, we try to convey to you the meaning of a passive house by means of a description of its main characteristics. If you want more detailed explanations and other information, feel free to contact us. We will also have a brochure prepared for you that we can send to you electronically.
What does passive house (villa) mean?
In short, that the facility was built according to the most demanding energy standards in the world!
The Passive House energy standard is one of the most demanding energy standards in the world, designed by the Passive House Institute from Darmstadt, which in addition to energy consumption, the Passive House standard conditions a high thermal comfort of living in combination with extremely low energy requirements.
They are characterized by exceptional thermal comfort and minimal energy consumption. Family houses, office buildings, religious institutions, hospitals, schools, homes and other buildings that meet the requirements of the Passive House Standard differ in purpose, but all provide a comfortable stay with extremely low energy requirements. Warm, airy and economical.
In Passive Houses there is no possibility of cold surfaces, moisture or stagnant air. Fresh air is supplied to all rooms or stale air is extracted, while saving energy. They are extremely quiet, from the outside to the inside, but the same goes for the heating/cooling and ventilation systems themselves, which are designed to be very quiet.

The following factors make the passive house unique:
⦁ Fresh and filtered air, everywhere and always: The ventilation system continuously blows fresh air into rooms with extended stays, while at the same time extracting moist and polluted air from bathrooms and storage rooms
⦁ Constant feeling of comfort: greater than underfloor heating, by maintaining a constant temperature of all surfaces
⦁ No thermal bridges: two-dimensional analysis of heat transfer
⦁ Air tightness: unwanted infiltration of air into the space is prevented
⦁ Silence and peace, outside and inside: achieved through the insulation and ventilation system
⦁ We heat a little, but with style: through the Samsung multisplit system with cassette air conditioning units located in the suspended ceiling
⦁ Cooling without blowing: using air conditioning units that use the innovative Samsung WindFree technology. Air release through a large number of tiny openings located on the body of the entire unit.
⦁ Always hot water: a heat pump from the renowned manufacturer Stiebel Eltron, with a capacity of 300L and using a Grundfos recirculation pump
⦁ Managing the pool from the comfort of your home, without frequent visits to the pool engine room, heating and cooling using a heat pump
⦁ Energy requirements: Energy requirements in Passive House Barban are almost negligible, which means that you will forget about worrying about the amount of utilities. Estimated annual amount of utilities, a total of only 1500 Euros!
Every Passive House can be certified. Certification involves a process where all calculations, models along with the construction of your building are checked by a person authorized by the Passive House Institute. This person is independent of the designer and the contractor, and his task is to check whether each planned part of the building is executed as planned.
Control is performed over all relevant building projects, over the model and budgets of your certified Passive House Designer (eng. Certified Passive House Designer) and over all building components that have an impact on energy consumption, comfort or hygiene.
Upon completion of construction, if it is proven that everything is satisfied, you will receive a certificate and the assurance that your building will really have the comfort and consumption that was foreseen. Your building will also be entered into the global database of all Passive Houses in the world
Dear clients, we are at your disposal for all your inquiries and possible arrangements regarding viewing dates.

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Nedžad Salihović
Prodajni predstavnik
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
Fax: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
Visa fler Visa färre Wir freuen uns, dass wir in unserem Angebot für Sie die erste zertifizierte passive Luxusvilla mit Pool in der Republik Kroatien haben. Es befindet sich in der malerischen istrischen Stadt Barban, die weithin für das traditionelle „Ringrennen“ bekannt ist. Ein Ritterspiel, das jedes Jahr Ende August stattfindet und Tausende von einheimischen und ausländischen Touristen und Besuchern anzieht, die sich am Wettkampf mutiger Reiter mit scharfem Sehvermögen erfreuen, die mit ihren langen Speeren die „Mitte“ des Rings erschießen.
Diese Villa wird jeden Kunden mitten in seinen Wünschen nach einer wirklich besonderen Immobilie treffen. Es liegt ganz am Ende der Stadt, umgeben von viel Grün, Weinbergen und Olivenhainen und bietet einen wunderschönen Panoramablick auf die Natur, die Stadt und den Berg Učka.
Die Villa besteht aus Erdgeschoss und Obergeschoss. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es eine große Wohnküche, Wohnzimmer, Flur und Treppenhaus, zwei „en suite“-Schlafzimmer, einen Abstellraum, ein separates Badezimmer und im äußeren Teil eine überdachte „L“-Terrasse und einen 55 m2 großen Swimmingpool Schwimmbad.
Im ersten Stock befinden sich zwei weitere „en Suite“-Schlafzimmer, ein Fitnessraum, Vorraum, Sauna, Treppenhaus-Flur, separates Badezimmer und eine überdachte Terrasse mit herrlicher Aussicht. Die Größe und Höhe aller Räume der Villa ist überdurchschnittlich.
Im folgenden Text versuchen wir, Ihnen anhand einer Beschreibung seiner wesentlichen Merkmale die Bedeutung eines Passivhauses zu vermitteln. Wenn Sie detailliertere Erläuterungen und weitere Informationen wünschen, können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren. Wir bereiten für Sie auch eine Broschüre vor, die wir Ihnen elektronisch zusenden können.
Was bedeutet Passivhaus (Villa)?
Kurz gesagt, die Anlage wurde nach den anspruchsvollsten Energiestandards der Welt gebaut!
Der Passivhaus-Energiestandard ist einer der anspruchsvollsten Energiestandards weltweit und wurde vom Passivhaus-Institut Darmstadt entwickelt, der neben dem Energieverbrauch auch einen hohen thermischen Wohnkomfort bei extrem niedrigem Energieverbrauch bedingt Anforderungen.
Sie zeichnen sich durch außergewöhnlichen thermischen Komfort und minimalen Energieverbrauch aus. Einfamilienhäuser, Bürogebäude, religiöse Einrichtungen, Krankenhäuser, Schulen, Wohnhäuser und andere Gebäude, die den Anforderungen des Passivhaus-Standards entsprechen, unterscheiden sich in ihrer Zweckbestimmung, bieten aber alle einen komfortablen Aufenthalt bei äußerst geringem Energiebedarf. Warm, luftig und sparsam.
Kalte Oberflächen, Feuchtigkeit oder stehende Luft sind in Passivhäusern ausgeschlossen. Alle Räume werden mit Frischluft versorgt bzw. verbrauchte Luft wird energiesparend abgesaugt. Sie sind von außen nach innen äußerst leise, aber das Gleiche gilt auch für die Heiz-/Kühl- und Lüftungssysteme selbst, die auf sehr leise ausgelegt sind.

Folgende Faktoren machen das Passivhaus einzigartig:
⦁ Frische und gefilterte Luft, überall und immer: Das Lüftungssystem bläst kontinuierlich frische Luft in Räume mit längerem Aufenthalt und entzieht gleichzeitig feuchte und verschmutzte Luft aus Badezimmern und Lagerräumen
⦁ Konstantes Komfortgefühl: größer als bei einer Fußbodenheizung, da alle Oberflächen konstant temperiert bleiben
⦁ Keine Wärmebrücken: zweidimensionale Analyse der Wärmeübertragung
⦁ Luftdichtheit: Unerwünschtes Eindringen von Luft in den Raum wird verhindert
⦁ Stille und Frieden, draußen und drinnen: erreicht durch das Isolations- und Belüftungssystem
⦁ Wir heizen ein wenig, aber mit Stil: durch das Samsung-Multisplit-System mit Kassetten-Klimageräten in der abgehängten Decke
⦁ Kühlen ohne zu blasen: mit Klimaanlagen, die die innovative Samsung WindFree-Technologie nutzen. Luftablass durch zahlreiche kleine Öffnungen am Gehäuse des gesamten Geräts.
⦁ Immer heißes Wasser: eine Wärmepumpe des renommierten Herstellers Stiebel Eltron mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 300 l und einer Grundfos-Umwälzpumpe
⦁ Verwalten Sie den Pool bequem von zu Hause aus, ohne häufige Besuche im Maschinenraum des Pools, Heizen und Kühlen mit einer Wärmepumpe
⦁ Energiebedarf: Der Energiebedarf im Passivhaus Barban ist nahezu vernachlässigbar, sodass Sie sich keine Gedanken über die Menge an Betriebskosten machen müssen. Geschätzter jährlicher Nebenkostenaufwand, insgesamt nur 1500 Euro!
Jedes Passivhaus kann zertifiziert werden. Bei der Zertifizierung handelt es sich um einen Prozess, bei dem alle Berechnungen, Modelle sowie die Konstruktion Ihres Gebäudes von einer vom Passivhaus-Institut autorisierten Person überprüft werden. Diese Person ist unabhängig vom Planer und Auftragnehmer und hat die Aufgabe, zu prüfen, ob jeder geplante Teil des Gebäudes wie geplant ausgeführt wird.
Die Kontrolle erfolgt über alle relevanten Bauvorhaben, über das Modell und die Budgets Ihres zertifizierten Passivhausplaners (dt. Certified Passive House Designer) und über alle Gebäudekomponenten, die Auswirkungen auf den Energieverbrauch, den Komfort oder die Hygiene haben.
Nach Abschluss der Bauarbeiten erhalten Sie, wenn nachweislich alles zufriedenstellend ist, ein Zertifikat und die Zusicherung, dass Ihr Gebäude auch tatsächlich den vorgesehenen Komfort und Verbrauch aufweist. Ihr Gebäude wird außerdem in die globale Datenbank aller Passivhäuser der Welt eingetragen
Sehr geehrte Kunden, wir stehen Ihnen für alle Anfragen und möglichen Terminvereinbarungen gerne zur Verfügung.

ID CODE: ...

Nedžad Salihović
Prodajni predstavnik
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
Fax: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
Oduševljeni smo što u našoj ponudi za Vas, imamo 1. certificiranu pasivnu, luksuznu vilu s bazenom u republici Hrvtaskoj. Nalazi se u slikovitom istarskom mjestu Barban,nadaleko poznatom po tradicionalnoj "Trci na prstenac"; viteška igra koja se održava svake godine krajem Kolovoza i koja privlači na tisuće domaćih i stranih turista i posjetitelja, uživajući u nadmetanju hrabrih konjanika oštrog vida koji svojim dugim kopljima gađaju "sridu" prstenca.
Ova Vila će pogoditi svakog klijenta "u sridu" njihovih želja za jednom zaista posebnom nekretninom. Smještena je na samom kraju mjesta, okružena je zelenilom, vinogradima i maslinicima te ima ima i lijep panoramski pogled na prirodu, mjesto i planinu Učku.
Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju se nalaze velika kuhinja-blagovaona, dnevni boravak, predsoblje i stubište, dvije "en suite" spavaće sobe, spremište,odvojena kupaona te u vanjskom dijelu natkrivena "L" terasa i bazen od 55 m2.
Na katu se nalaze još dvije "en suite" spavaće sobe, teretana, predsoblje,sauna,stubište-hodnika, odvojena kupaona te natkrivena terasa s koje se pruža divan pogled. Veličine i visine svih prostora u vili su iznad prosječne.
U daljnjem tekstu vam pokušavamo dočarati značenje pasivne kuće pomoću opisa glavnih karakteristika. Ukoliko želite detaljnija obrazloženja i više drugih informacija, slobodno nas kontaktirajte. Imati ćemo i pripremljenu brošuru za Vas koju Vam možemo poslati i elektronskim putem.
Što to znači pasivna kuća (vila)?
Ukratko, da je objekt izgrađen po najzahtjevnijim energetskim standardima na svijetu!
Energetski standard Pasivne Kuće jedan je od najzahtjevnijih energetskih standarda na svijetu, osmišljen od strane Passive House instituta iz Darmstata, koji osim potrošnjom energije, standard Pasivne Kuće uvjetuje visoku toplinsku ugodnost boravka u kombinaciji s iznimnom malim zahtjevima za energiju.
Odlikuju se iznimnom toplinskom ugodnošću i minimalnom potrošnjom energije. Obiteljske kuće, poslovne zgrade, vjerske ustanove, bolnice, škole, domovi i druge zgrade koje udovoljavaju uvjetima Passive House Standarda razlikuju se u namjeni, ali sve pružaju jedak komfor boravka uz iznimno niske zahtjeve za energijom. Tople, prozračne i ekonomične.
U Pasivnim Kućama nema mogućnosti hladnih površina, vlage ili ustajalog zraka. U sve sobe se doprema svježi zrak ili izvlači ustajali zrak, a da se pri tom štedi energija. Iznimno su tihe, što izvana prema unutra, ali isto se tiče samih sustava grijanja/hlađenje i ventilacije, koji su projektirani kako bi bili vrlo tihi.

Jedinstvenost pasivne kuće čine slijedeći faktori:
⦁ Svjež i filtriran zrak , posvuda i uvijek: Ventilacijski sustav neprekidno upuhuje svjež zrak u prostore s produženim boravkom, dok istovremeno izvlači vlažan i zagađen zrak iz kupaona i spremišta
⦁ Konstantan osjećaj ugode: veći od podnog grijanja, održavanjem konstantne temperature svih ploha
⦁ Bez toplinskih mostova: dvodimenzijska analiza prolaska topline
⦁ Zrakonepropusnost: spriječena neželjena infiltracija zraka u prostor
⦁ Tišina i mir, izvana i iznutra: ostvarena putem sustava izolacije i ventilacije
⦁ Grijemo malo, ali sa stilom: putem Samsung multisplit sustava s kazetnim klima jedinicama smještenim u spuštenom stropu
⦁ Hlađenje bez puhanja: pomoću klima jedinica koje koriste inovativnu Samsung WindFree tehnologiju. Puštanje zraka kroz veliki broj sićušnih otvora koji se nalaze po tijelu cijele jedinice.
⦁ Uvijek topla voda: dizalica topline renomiranog proizvođača Stiebel Eltron, kapaciteta 300L i pomoću Grundfos recirkulacijske pumpe
⦁ Upravljanje bazenom iz komfora kuće, bez učestalih ulazaka u strojarnicu bazena, grijanje i hlađenje pomoću dizalice topline
⦁ Zahtjevi za energijom: Potrebe za energijom u Pasivnoj Kući Barban gotovo su zanemarive, što znači da ćete zaboraviti na brigu o iznosu režija. Predviđen godišnji iznos režija, ukupno samo 1500 Eura!
Svaka Pasivna Kuća može se certificirati. Certifikacija uključuje proces u kojem se svi proračuni, modeli zajedno s gradnjom vaše zgrade provjeravaju od osobe ovlaštene od strane Passive House Instituta. Ta osoba je neovisna o projektantu i izvođaču te joj je zadatak provjeriti da li je svaki predviđeni dio zgrade izveden kako je i predviđen.
Kontrola se vrši nad svim relevantnim projektima zgrade, nad modelom i proračunima vašeg ovlaštenog projektanta Pasivnih Kuća (eng. Certified Pasive House Designer) te svim komponentama zgrade koji imaju utjecaj na potrošnje energije, komfor ili higijenu.
Po završetku gradnje, ukoliko je dokazano da je sve zadovoljeno, dobijete certifikat i sigurnost da će vaša građevina zaista imati ugodnost i potrošnju koja je predviđena. Također će vaša zgrada biti unesena u svjetsku bazu podataka svih Pasivnih Kuća na svijetu
Dragi klijenti, stojimo Vam na raspolaganju za sve vaše upite i moguće dogovore oko termina razgleda.


Nedžad Salihović
Prodajni predstavnik
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
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... />Features:
- Balcony
ID CODE: ...

Nedžad Salihović
Prodajni predstavnik
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
Fax: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
We are delighted that in our offer for you, we have the 1st certified passive, luxury villa with a pool in the Republic of Croatia. It is located in the picturesque Istrian town of Barban, widely known for the traditional "Ring Race"; a knight's game that takes place every year at the end of August and that attracts thousands of local and foreign tourists and visitors, enjoying the competition of brave horsemen with sharp eyesight who shoot the "middle" of the ring with their long spears.
This Villa will hit every client "in the middle" of their wishes for a truly special property. It is located at the very end of the town, surrounded by greenery, vineyards and olive groves and has a beautiful panoramic view of nature, the town and the mountain Učka.
The villa consists of ground and first floors. On the ground floor there is a large kitchen-dining room, living room, hallway and staircase, two "en suite" bedrooms, a storage room, a separate bathroom and in the outer part a covered "L" terrace and a 55 m2 swimming pool.
On the first floor there are two more "en suite" bedrooms, a gym, anteroom, sauna, staircase-hallway, separate bathroom and a covered terrace with a wonderful view. The sizes and heights of all rooms in the villa are above average.
In the following text, we try to convey to you the meaning of a passive house by means of a description of its main characteristics. If you want more detailed explanations and other information, feel free to contact us. We will also have a brochure prepared for you that we can send to you electronically.
What does passive house (villa) mean?
In short, that the facility was built according to the most demanding energy standards in the world!
The Passive House energy standard is one of the most demanding energy standards in the world, designed by the Passive House Institute from Darmstadt, which in addition to energy consumption, the Passive House standard conditions a high thermal comfort of living in combination with extremely low energy requirements.
They are characterized by exceptional thermal comfort and minimal energy consumption. Family houses, office buildings, religious institutions, hospitals, schools, homes and other buildings that meet the requirements of the Passive House Standard differ in purpose, but all provide a comfortable stay with extremely low energy requirements. Warm, airy and economical.
In Passive Houses there is no possibility of cold surfaces, moisture or stagnant air. Fresh air is supplied to all rooms or stale air is extracted, while saving energy. They are extremely quiet, from the outside to the inside, but the same goes for the heating/cooling and ventilation systems themselves, which are designed to be very quiet.

The following factors make the passive house unique:
⦁ Fresh and filtered air, everywhere and always: The ventilation system continuously blows fresh air into rooms with extended stays, while at the same time extracting moist and polluted air from bathrooms and storage rooms
⦁ Constant feeling of comfort: greater than underfloor heating, by maintaining a constant temperature of all surfaces
⦁ No thermal bridges: two-dimensional analysis of heat transfer
⦁ Air tightness: unwanted infiltration of air into the space is prevented
⦁ Silence and peace, outside and inside: achieved through the insulation and ventilation system
⦁ We heat a little, but with style: through the Samsung multisplit system with cassette air conditioning units located in the suspended ceiling
⦁ Cooling without blowing: using air conditioning units that use the innovative Samsung WindFree technology. Air release through a large number of tiny openings located on the body of the entire unit.
⦁ Always hot water: a heat pump from the renowned manufacturer Stiebel Eltron, with a capacity of 300L and using a Grundfos recirculation pump
⦁ Managing the pool from the comfort of your home, without frequent visits to the pool engine room, heating and cooling using a heat pump
⦁ Energy requirements: Energy requirements in Passive House Barban are almost negligible, which means that you will forget about worrying about the amount of utilities. Estimated annual amount of utilities, a total of only 1500 Euros!
Every Passive House can be certified. Certification involves a process where all calculations, models along with the construction of your building are checked by a person authorized by the Passive House Institute. This person is independent of the designer and the contractor, and his task is to check whether each planned part of the building is executed as planned.
Control is performed over all relevant building projects, over the model and budgets of your certified Passive House Designer (eng. Certified Passive House Designer) and over all building components that have an impact on energy consumption, comfort or hygiene.
Upon completion of construction, if it is proven that everything is satisfied, you will receive a certificate and the assurance that your building will really have the comfort and consumption that was foreseen. Your building will also be entered into the global database of all Passive Houses in the world
Dear clients, we are at your disposal for all your inquiries and possible arrangements regarding viewing dates.

ID CODE: ...

Nedžad Salihović
Prodajni predstavnik
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
Fax: ...
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- Balcony
Referens: EDEN-T92706075
Land: HR
Stad: Barban
Postnummer: 52207
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Hus & Enfamiljshus
Fastighets storlek: 323
Tomt storlek: 1 497
Rum: 8
WC: 5
Balkong: Ja


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