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Hus & enfamiljshus for sale in Braga

9 093 222 SEK

Hus & Enfamiljshus (Till salu)

6 r
6 bd
1 ba
lot 10 100
Referens: EDEN-T80942395 / 80942395
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT550727

Located in Minho, Portugal on the outskirts of Braga, just 6 km away, there is this Quinta dated from the 18th century, called Quinta da Curvanceiras.

The mother house dates from 1705 and was restored in 1907, as inscribed on the existing stones in the entrance hall.

It has 2 entrances, the main one that gives direct access to the Mother House and another entrance that gives access to the land.

House built in granite typical of the area (Minho) with stunning wooden ceilings, especially in the living room.

This farm is made up of:


Ground floor:
Imposing entrance hall entirely in stone;
Cellars, mill, storage and engine room
1 ° floor:

Majestic dining room with a secular fireplace and balconies with fabulous views;
Living room;
furnished kitchen;
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
stairs to the 2nd floor with natural light through a skylight

2nd Floor:

3 Bedrooms;
1 bathroom
Small Altar
2 storage areas

In addition to these houses, the property has a generously sized swimming pool, small annexes for drying and arranging agricultural implements.
In the remaining land with an area of ​​9600 m2 there are several fruit trees and vines. There are in this space a water well and 2 water holes for supply and irrigation.

This land, as it is in the construction area in the PDM of Braga, may still have several possibilities.

Visit and see the potential that accompanies this space.

3 reasons to buy with Zome:

Constantly accompanied

With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.


Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.


Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!


1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion
- Terrace
Visa fler Visa färre Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT550727

Located in Minho, Portugal on the outskirts of Braga, just 6 km away, there is this Quinta dated from the 18th century, called Quinta da Curvanceiras.

The mother house dates from 1705 and was restored in 1907, as inscribed on the existing stones in the entrance hall.

It has 2 entrances, the main one that gives direct access to the Mother House and another entrance that gives access to the land.

House built in granite typical of the area (Minho) with stunning wooden ceilings, especially in the living room.

This farm is made up of:


Ground floor:
Imposing entrance hall entirely in stone;
Cellars, mill, storage and engine room
1 ° floor:

Majestic dining room with a secular fireplace and balconies with fabulous views;
Living room;
furnished kitchen;
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
stairs to the 2nd floor with natural light through a skylight

2nd Floor:

3 Bedrooms;
1 bathroom
Small Altar
2 storage areas

In addition to these houses, the property has a generously sized swimming pool, small annexes for drying and arranging agricultural implements.
In the remaining land with an area of ​​9600 m2 there are several fruit trees and vines. There are in this space a water well and 2 water holes for supply and irrigation.

This land, as it is in the construction area in the PDM of Braga, may still have several possibilities.

Visit and see the potential that accompanies this space.

3 reasons to buy with Zome:

Constantly accompanied

With the best training and experience in the real estate market, Zome’s agents are fully dedicated to providing you with the best assistance, guiding you with full confidence in the right direction to meet your needs and ambitions. From here onwards we will create a close relationship and carefully listen to your expectations, because our priority is your happiness! Because it is important that you feel you are being accompanied, and that we will be with you every step of the way.


Zome’s agents are given unique training on the market, based on practical experience sharing between professionals and strengthened by applied neuroscientific knowledge that allows them to simplify and make their real-estate experience more effective. Forget about bureaucratic nightmares because with Zome you have the total support of an experienced and multiskilled team that gives you practical support in all the essential aspects, so that your real estate experience exceeds your expectations.


Rid yourself of your worries and earn the quality time you need to do whatever makes you happier. We work every day to bring added value to your life by giving you the reliable advice you need, so that together we can achieve the best results. With Zome you will never feel lost or unaccompanied and you will gain something that is priceless: your complete peace of mind! That is how you will feel throughout the whole experience: Calm, secure, comfortable and... HAPPY!


1. If you are a real estate agent, this property is available for business sharing. Do not hesitate to show it to your customers and talk to us to book a visit.
2. To make it easier to identify this property, please quote the respective ZMPT ID or the respective agent that sent you the suggestion
- Terrace
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT550727

Localizada no Minho, Portugal, nos arredores de Braga, a apenas 6 km de distância, existe esta Quinta datada do século XVIII, chamada Quinta da Curvanceiras.

A casa-mãe data de 1705 e foi restaurada em 1907, como inscrito nas pedras existentes no hall de entrada.

Tem 2 entradas, a principal que dá acesso direto à Casa Mãe e outra entrada que dá acesso ao terreno.

Casa construída em granito típico da área (Minho) com tetos de madeira deslumbrantes, especialmente na sala de estar.

Esta fazenda é composta de:


Imponente hall de entrada inteiramente em pedra;
Porões, moinho, armazenamento e sala de máquinas
1º andar:

Sala de jantar majestosa com lareira secular e varandas com vistas fabulosas;
Sala de estar;
cozinha mobiliada;
2 quartos
2 banheiros
escadas para o 2º andar com luz natural através de uma claraboia

2º Andar:

3 Quartos;
1 banheiro
Altar Pequeno
2 áreas de armazenamento

Além dessas casas, a propriedade possui uma piscina de tamanho generoso, pequenos anexos para secagem e organização de implementos agrícolas.
No restante da terra com uma área de 9600 m2 há várias árvores frutíferas e videiras. Há neste espaço um poço de água e 2 poços de água para abastecimento e irrigação.

Esse terreno, como está na área de construção no PDM de Braga, ainda pode ter várias possibilidades.

Visite e veja o potencial que acompanha este espaço.

3 motivos para comprar com Zome:

Constantemente acompanhado

Com o melhor treinamento e experiência no mercado imobiliário, os agentes da Zome estão totalmente dedicados a fornecer-lhe a melhor assistência, orientando-o com total confiança na direção certa para atender às suas necessidades e ambições. A partir de agora criaremos uma relação próxima e escutaremos atentamente suas expectativas, pois nossa prioridade é sua felicidade! Porque é importante que você sinta que está sendo acompanhado, e que estaremos com você a cada passo do caminho.


Os agentes da Zome recebem treinamento único no mercado, baseado no compartilhamento prático de experiência entre profissionais e reforçado pelo conhecimento neurocientífico aplicado que lhes permite simplificar e tornar sua experiência imobiliária mais eficaz. Esqueça os pesadelos burocráticos, pois com o Zome você tem o total apoio de uma equipe experiente e multiquale que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspectos essenciais, para que sua experiência imobiliária exceda suas expectativas.


Livre-se de suas preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que você precisa para fazer o que te faz mais feliz. Trabalhamos todos os dias para agregar valor à sua vida, dando-lhe os conselhos confiáveis que você precisa, para que juntos possamos alcançar os melhores resultados. Com Zome você nunca se sentirá perdido ou desacompanhado e ganhará algo que não tem preço: sua completa paz de espírito! É assim que você vai se sentir durante toda a experiência: Calma, segura, confortável e... FELIZ!


1. Se você é um agente imobiliário, esta propriedade está disponível para compartilhamento de negócios. Não hesite em mostrá-lo aos seus clientes e falar conosco para reservar uma visita.
2. Para facilitar a identificação desta propriedade, cite o respectivo ID ZMPT ou o respectivo agente que lhe enviou a sugestão
- Terrace
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT550727

Nachází se v Minho, Portugalsko na okraji Braga, pouhých 6 km daleko, tam je tato Quinta datovaná od 18. století, volal Quinta da Curvanceiras.

Mateřský dům pochází z roku 1705 a byl obnoven v roce 1907, jak je napsáno na stávajících kamenech ve vstupní hale.

Má 2 vchody, hlavní, který umožňuje přímý přístup do mateřského domu a další vchod, který umožňuje přístup na pozemek.

Dům postavený ze žuly typické pro oblast (Minho) s ohromujícími dřevěnými stropy, zejména v obývacím pokoji.

Tato farma se skládá z:


Impozantní vstupní hala zcela z kamene;
Sklepy, mlýn, sklad a strojovna
1 ° podlaha:

Majestátní jídelna se světským krbem a balkony s nádherným výhledem;
Obývací pokoj;
zařízená kuchyň;
2 ložnice
2 koupelny
schody do 2. patra s přirozeným světlem přes světlík

2. patro:

3 ložnice;
1 koupelna
Malý oltář
2 skladovací prostory

Kromě těchto domů má nemovitost velkoryse velký bazén, malé přístavby pro sušení a uspořádání zemědělského nářadí.
Na zbývajícím pozemku o rozloze 9600 m2 se nachází několik ovocných stromů a vinné révy. V tomto prostoru je studna a 2 napajedla pro zásobování a zavlažování.

Tento pozemek, stejně jako je ve stavební oblasti v PDM Braga, může mít ještě několik možností.

Navštivte a podívejte se na potenciál, který tento prostor doprovází.

3 důvody, proč koupit se Zome:

Neustále doprovázeno

S nejlepším vzděláním a zkušenostmi na trhu s nemovitostmi jsou makléři Zome plně odhodláni poskytnout vám nejlepší pomoc a vést vás s plnou důvěrou správným směrem, aby vyhovovaly vašim potřebám a ambicím. Od této chvíle vytvoříme blízký vztah a pečlivě nasloucháme vašim očekáváním, protože naší prioritou je vaše štěstí! Protože je důležité, abyste cítili, že jste doprovázeni, a že budeme s vámi na každém kroku.


Agenti Zome absolvují jedinečné školení na trhu, založené na praktickém sdílení zkušeností mezi profesionály a posílené aplikovanými neurovědeckými poznatky, které jim umožňují zjednodušit a zefektivnit jejich realitní zkušenosti. Zapomeňte na byrokratické noční můry, protože se Zome máte plnou podporu zkušeného a multikvalifikovaného týmu, který vám poskytne praktickou podporu ve všech základních aspektech, takže vaše zkušenosti s nemovitostmi předčí vaše očekávání.


Zbavte se svých starostí a získejte kvalitní čas, který potřebujete k tomu, abyste dělali to, co vás činí šťastnějšími. Každý den pracujeme na tom, abychom přinesli přidanou hodnotu do vašeho života tím, že vám poskytneme spolehlivé rady, které potřebujete, abychom společně dosáhli nejlepších výsledků. Se Zome se nikdy nebudete cítit ztraceni nebo bez doprovodu a získáte něco, co je neocenitelné: váš naprostý klid! To je to, jak se budete cítit po celou dobu zážitku: klidný, bezpečný, pohodlný a... VESELÉ!


1. Pokud jste realitní makléř, tato nemovitost je k dispozici pro sdílení podnikání. Neváhejte ji ukázat svým zákazníkům a promluvte si s námi o rezervaci návštěvy.
2. Pro snadnější identifikaci tohoto ubytování uveďte příslušné ID ZMPT nebo příslušného makléře, který vám zaslal návrh
- Terrace
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT550727

Situé à Minho, au Portugal, à la périphérie de Braga, à seulement 6 km, il y a cette Quinta datée du 18ème siècle, appelée Quinta da Curvanceiras.

La maison mère date de 1705 et a été restaurée en 1907, comme inscrit sur les pierres existantes dans le hall d’entrée.

Il dispose de 2 entrées, la principale qui donne un accès direct à la Maison Mère et une autre entrée qui donne accès au terrain.

Maison construite en granit typique de la région (Minho) avec de superbes plafonds en bois, en particulier dans le salon.

Cette ferme est composée de :


Imposant hall d’entrée entièrement en pierre;
Caves, moulin, stockage et salle des machines
1° étage :

Majestueuse salle à manger avec une cheminée séculaire et des balcons avec des vues fabuleuses;
cuisine meublée;
2 chambres
2 salles de bain
escalier menant au 2ème étage avec lumière naturelle à travers un puits de lumière

2ème étage:

3 chambres;
1 salle de bain
Petit autel
2 zones de stockage

En plus de ces maisons, la propriété dispose d’une piscine aux dimensions généreuses, de petites annexes pour le séchage et l’arrangement des outils agricoles.
Dans le reste des terres d’une superficie de 9600 m2, il y a plusieurs arbres fruitiers et vignes. Il y a dans cet espace un puits d’eau et 2 trous d’eau pour l’approvisionnement et l’irrigation.

Ce terrain, tel qu’il se trouve dans la zone de construction du PDM de Braga, peut encore avoir plusieurs possibilités.

Visitez et voyez le potentiel qui accompagne cet espace.

3 raisons d’acheter avec Zome :

Constamment accompagné

Avec la meilleure formation et expérience sur le marché immobilier, les agents de Zome sont entièrement dédiés à vous fournir la meilleure assistance, vous guidant en toute confiance dans la bonne direction pour répondre à vos besoins et ambitions. A partir de là, nous allons créer une relation de proximité et écouter attentivement vos attentes, car notre priorité est votre bonheur! Parce qu’il est important que vous sentiez que vous êtes accompagné et que nous vous accompagnons à chaque étape.


Les agents de Zome bénéficient d’une formation unique sur le marché, basée sur le partage d’expériences pratiques entre professionnels et renforcée par des connaissances neuroscientifiques appliquées qui leur permettent de simplifier et de rendre leur expérience immobilière plus efficace. Oubliez les cauchemars bureaucratiques car avec Zome, vous avez le soutien total d’une équipe expérimentée et polyvalente qui vous apporte un soutien pratique dans tous les aspects essentiels, afin que votre expérience immobilière dépasse vos attentes.


Débarrassez-vous de vos soucis et gagnez le temps de qualité dont vous avez besoin pour faire tout ce qui vous rend plus heureux. Nous travaillons chaque jour pour apporter une valeur ajoutée à votre vie en vous donnant les conseils fiables dont vous avez besoin, afin qu’ensemble nous puissions obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Avec Zome, vous ne vous sentirez jamais perdu ou non accompagné et vous gagnerez quelque chose d’inestimable: votre tranquillité d’esprit! C’est ainsi que vous vous sentirez tout au long de l’expérience: calme, sécurisé, confortable et... CONTENT!


1. Si vous êtes un agent immobilier, cette propriété est disponible pour le partage d’affaires. N’hésitez pas à le montrer à vos clients et à nous parler pour réserver une visite.
2. Pour faciliter l’identification de cette propriété, veuillez indiquer l’ID ZMPT respectif ou l’agent respectif qui vous a envoyé la suggestion
- Terrace
Referens: EDEN-T80942395
Land: PT
Stad: Braga
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Hus & Enfamiljshus
Fastighets storlek: 400
Tomt storlek: 10 100
Rum: 6
Sovrum: 6
Badrum: 1
Terrass: Ja



Genomsnittligt försäljningspris per
Okt 2023
3 months
1 year
19 948 SEK
33 165 SEK



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