Affärsmöjlighet (Till salu)
2 ba
/ 104681140
Falagueira-Venda Nova
Till salu
Next to the church, other shops and the bus stop opposite.
In full operation for 47 years, fully equipped, kitchen and warehouse.
- Shop with 120 m2
- Interior space with 36 chairs and terrace with 16 seats
- 2 WCS
- Average monthly turnover of 40,000.00
- 250 customers/day
- Serves an average of 30 lunches a day
- 4 employees
- Opening hours possible from 7am to 11pm
- Shop rent 300.00
Sales value without hired staff: 135,000.00
Great opportunity to have your own business!
Book your visit now!Our mission is simple!
With a very clear and simple mission and vision, to continually offer a culture of excellent customer service, our people are the mirror of our brand and our deepest identity.
Our brand CENTURY 21 Realty Art! Our family! A family with more than 20 years' experience and knowledge acquired in the property market, with roots from the north to the south of the country, and across borders, and which strives for quality and superior service every day!
- An IRREVERENT family that is always looking for more and better
- A PERSEVERANT family that aims for its goal every day
- An EXPERIENCED family made up of the best professionals we could ask for
A daily opportunity to excel and improve!
We know that our commitment is your vote of TRUST!
Each business traces its own chronology, its own history, its own storyline!
No two people or businesses are the same! But our commitment is that despite the plot, the epilogue is always fortunate!
We have been the largest company in the CENTURY 21 network on the Iberian Peninsula since 2012 and have more than 400 employees working together to sell your home for the best value.
*If you are a property consultant, this property is available to share. Show it to your buyer clients and book a viewing.
*For easier identification of this property, please refer to the respective reference.
National Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre - https:// Visa fler Visa färre En raison du départ à la retraite du propriétaire, ce Café-Snack Bar à Falagueira/Amadora est à vendre.
A côté de l'église, d'autres magasins et l'arrêt de bus en face.
En pleine activité depuis 47 ans, entièrement équipé, cuisine et entrepôt.
- Magasin de 120 m2
- Espace intérieur avec 36 chaises et terrasse avec 16 sièges
- 2 WCS
- Chiffre d'affaires mensuel moyen de 40 000,00 .
- 250 clients/jour
- 30 déjeuners par jour en moyenne
- 4 employés
- Horaires d'ouverture possibles de 7h à 23h
- Loyer du magasin : 300,00
Valeur du chiffre d'affaires sans personnel : 135,000.00
Excellente occasion d'avoir votre propre affaire !
Réservez votre visite dès maintenant !Notre mission est simple !
Avec une mission et une vision très claires et simples, pour offrir continuellement une culture d'excellent service à la clientèle, notre personnel est le miroir de notre marque et de notre identité la plus profonde.
Notre marque « CENTURY 21 Realty Art » ! Notre famille ! Une famille avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience et de connaissances acquises sur le marché de l'immobilier, avec des racines du nord au sud du pays, et au-delà des frontières, et qui s'efforce chaque jour d'offrir un service de qualité et de qualité supérieure !
- Une famille IRRÉVERTE qui cherche toujours à faire plus et mieux
- Une famille PERSEVERANTE qui vise chaque jour son objectif
- Une famille EXPÉRIMENTÉE composée des meilleurs professionnels que nous puissions souhaiter.
Une opportunité quotidienne d'exceller et de s'améliorer !
Nous savons que notre engagement est votre vote de CONFIANCE !
Chaque entreprise a sa propre chronologie, sa propre histoire, son propre scénario !
Il n'y a pas deux personnes ou deux entreprises identiques ! Mais notre engagement est que, malgré l'intrigue, l'épilogue est toujours heureux !
Depuis 2012, nous sommes la plus grande entreprise du réseau CENTURY 21 sur la péninsule ibérique et nous avons plus de 400 employés qui travaillent ensemble pour vendre votre maison au meilleur prix.
Notes :
*Si vous êtes un conseiller immobilier, cette propriété est disponible à partager. Montrez-la à vos clients acheteurs et réservez une visite.
*Pour faciliter l'identification de ce bien, veuillez vous référer à la référence correspondante.
Centre national d'information et d'arbitrage pour les consommateurs - https:// Por motivo de reforma do proprietário, vende-se este Café-Snack Bar na Falagueira/Amadora.
Junto à Igreja, outro comércio e paragem de autocarro mesmo em frente.
Em pleno funcionamento há 47 anos, totalmente equipado, cozinha e armazém.
- Loja com 120 m2
- Espaço interior com 36 cadeiras e esplanada com 16 lugares
- 2 WC
- Faturação média mensal de 40.000,00
- 250 clientes/dia
- Serve uma média de 30 almoços diários
- 4 funcionários
- Horário possível das 7h ás 23h
- Renda da loja é de 300,00
Valor de venda sem o pessoal contratado: 135.000,00
Grande oportunidade de ter o seu próprio negócio!
Marque já a sua visita!A nossa missão é simples!!
Com uma missão e visão muito clara e simples, de oferecer continuamente uma cultura de serviço de excelência ao cliente, as nossas pessoas são o espelho da nossa marca e da nossa identidade mais profunda.
A nossa marca CENTURY 21 Realty Art! A nossa família! Uma família com mais de 20 anos de experiência e conhecimento adquirido no mercado imobiliário, com raízes de norte a sul do país, e além-fronteiras e que pauta todos os dias pela qualidade e superioridade de serviço!
- Uma família IRREVERENTE e que procura sempre mais e melhor
- Uma família PERSEVERANTE que diariamente faz pontaria para o seu objetivo
- Uma família EXPERIENTE e composta pelos melhores profissionais que poderíamos pedir
Uma oportunidade diária de superação e melhoria continua!
Sabemos que o nosso compromisso é o seu voto de CONFIANÇA!
Cada negócio traça a sua cronologia, a sua história, o seu enredo!
Não há pessoas, nem negócios iguais! Mas o nosso compromisso, é que apesar do enredo, o epílogo seja sempre afortunado!
Somos a maior empresa da rede CENTURY 21 na Península Ibérica desde 2012 e contamos com mais de 400 colaboradores a trabalhar em conjunto para vender a sua casa pelo melhor valor.
*Se for Consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Apresente aos seus clientes compradores e agende a sua visita.
*Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel refira, por favor, a respetiva referência.
Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Consumo - https:// Due to the owner's retirement, this Café-Snack Bar in Falagueira/Amadora is for sale.
Next to the church, other shops and the bus stop opposite.
In full operation for 47 years, fully equipped, kitchen and warehouse.
- Shop with 120 m2
- Interior space with 36 chairs and terrace with 16 seats
- 2 WCS
- Average monthly turnover of 40,000.00
- 250 customers/day
- Serves an average of 30 lunches a day
- 4 employees
- Opening hours possible from 7am to 11pm
- Shop rent 300.00
Sales value without hired staff: 135,000.00
Great opportunity to have your own business!
Book your visit now!Our mission is simple!
With a very clear and simple mission and vision, to continually offer a culture of excellent customer service, our people are the mirror of our brand and our deepest identity.
Our brand CENTURY 21 Realty Art! Our family! A family with more than 20 years' experience and knowledge acquired in the property market, with roots from the north to the south of the country, and across borders, and which strives for quality and superior service every day!
- An IRREVERENT family that is always looking for more and better
- A PERSEVERANT family that aims for its goal every day
- An EXPERIENCED family made up of the best professionals we could ask for
A daily opportunity to excel and improve!
We know that our commitment is your vote of TRUST!
Each business traces its own chronology, its own history, its own storyline!
No two people or businesses are the same! But our commitment is that despite the plot, the epilogue is always fortunate!
We have been the largest company in the CENTURY 21 network on the Iberian Peninsula since 2012 and have more than 400 employees working together to sell your home for the best value.
*If you are a property consultant, this property is available to share. Show it to your buyer clients and book a viewing.
*For easier identification of this property, please refer to the respective reference.
National Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre - https://