Lager & industriområde (Till salu)
482 m²
/ 104311716
Only from Yavlena! Description: Yavlena Agency is pleased to offer you business premises in the center of Sofia. Provadia. The area of the land property is 820 sq.m. The built-up sites in the plot are two warehouses with a total area of 340 sq.m and another building of 142 sq.m. The construction is massive, monolithic of single bricks with strong stone foundations. The site has two entrances, the height is 6 meters. It has lots for water and electricity. Suitable property for various types of commercial activity. In Yavlena you will find a huge variety of properties to buy or rent. We know the specific requirements of our clients and are ready to find the right property for each buyer or tenant. (yavlenaCOM/153399).
Visa fler
Visa färre
Само от Явлена! Описание: Агенция Явлена има удоволствието да ви предложи бизнес помещение в центъра на гр. Провадия. Площта на поземления имот е 820 кв.м . Застроените обекти в парцела са два склада с обща площ от 340 кв.м и още една сграда от 142 кв.м . Строителството е масивно, монолитно от тухли единички със здрави каменни основи. Обектът е с два входа, височината е 6 метра. Разполага с партиди за вода и ток .Трифазен ток. Подходящ имот за различни видове търговска дейност. В Явлена ще откриеш огромно разнообразие от имоти за покупка или наем. Ние познаваме специфичните изисквания на своите клиенти и сме готови да намерим точния имот за всеки купувач или наемател. (yavlenaCOM/153399).
Uniquement de Yavlena ! Description : L’agence Yavlena a le plaisir de vous proposer des locaux d’affaires dans le centre de Sofia. Provadia. La superficie du terrain est de 820 m². Les sites bâtis dans le terrain sont deux entrepôts d’une superficie totale de 340 m² et un autre bâtiment de 142 m². La construction est massive, monolithique de briques simples avec de solides fondations en pierre. Le site a deux entrées, la hauteur est de 6 mètres. Il y a beaucoup d’eau et d’électricité. Propriété appropriée pour divers types d’activités commerciales. À Yavlena, vous trouverez une grande variété de propriétés à acheter ou à louer. Nous connaissons les exigences spécifiques de nos clients et sommes prêts à trouver le bien qui convient à chaque acheteur ou locataire. (yavlenaCOM/153399).
Only from Yavlena! Description: Yavlena Agency is pleased to offer you business premises in the center of Sofia. Provadia. The area of the land property is 820 sq.m. The built-up sites in the plot are two warehouses with a total area of 340 sq.m and another building of 142 sq.m. The construction is massive, monolithic of single bricks with strong stone foundations. The site has two entrances, the height is 6 meters. It has lots for water and electricity. Suitable property for various types of commercial activity. In Yavlena you will find a huge variety of properties to buy or rent. We know the specific requirements of our clients and are ready to find the right property for each buyer or tenant. (yavlenaCOM/153399).
Till salu
Lager & industriområde
Fastighets storlek:
482 m²