542 626 SEK
241 m²
This land is 900m from the Tagus River.
Book your visit
CHOOSING CENTURY21 ByNunes means opting for the most efficient Network of Real Estate Consultants on the market, capable of advising and supporting you in the purchase of your property.
Whatever the value of your investment, you will always be sure that your new property is not just part of what we do - it is all we do.
ADVANTAGES:- Provision of a Dedicated Consultant throughout the purchase process;- Permanent search for a property tailored to your needs;- Negotiation monitoring;- Provision of the most advantageous financial solutions;- Support in the financing process;- Support in scheduling and execution of the CPCV (Purchase and Sale Promise Contract); - Support in marking and carrying out the public deed of purchase and sale Visa fler Visa färre Terrain de 406 m2, qui permet la construction de 243 m2 de logements.
Ce terrain est à 900m du fleuve Tage.
Réservez votre visite
CHOISIR CENTURY21 ByNunes, c'est opter pour le Réseau de Conseillers Immobiliers le plus performant du marché, capable de vous conseiller et de vous accompagner dans l'achat de votre bien.
Quelle que soit la valeur de votre investissement, vous serez toujours sûr que votre nouvelle propriété ne fait pas seulement partie de ce que nous faisons c'est tout ce que nous faisons.
AVANTAGES :- Mise à disposition d'un Consultant dédié tout au long du processus d'achat ;- Recherche permanente d'un bien adapté à vos besoins ;- Suivi des négociations ;- Fourniture des solutions financières les plus avantageuses ;- Accompagnement dans le processus de financement ;- Accompagnement dans la planification et l'exécution du CPCV (Contrat de Promesse d'Achat et de Vente) ; - Accompagnement au marquage et à la réalisation de l'acte public d'achat et de vente Terreno com 406 m2, que permite a construção 243 m2 de habitação.
Este terreno fica a 900m do rio tejo.
Marque a sua visita
ESCOLHER a CENTURY21 ByNunes é optar pela mais eficiente Rede de Consultores Imobiliários do mercado, capazes de o aconselhar e acompanhar na operação de compra do seu imóvel.
Seja qual for o valor do seu investimento, terá sempre a certeza que o seu novo imóvel não é uma parte do que fazemos - é tudo o que fazemos.
VANTAGENS:- Disponibilização de um Consultor Dedicado em todo o processo de compra;- Procura permanente de um imóvel à medida das suas necessidades;- Acompanhamento negocial;- Disponibilização das mais vantajosas soluções financeiras;- Apoio no processo de financiamento;- Apoio na marcação e realização do CPCV (Contrato Promessa Compra e Venda);- Apoio na marcação e realização da escritura publica de compra e venda Land with 406 m2, which allows the construction of 243 m2 of housing.
This land is 900m from the Tagus River.
Book your visit
CHOOSING CENTURY21 ByNunes means opting for the most efficient Network of Real Estate Consultants on the market, capable of advising and supporting you in the purchase of your property.
Whatever the value of your investment, you will always be sure that your new property is not just part of what we do - it is all we do.
ADVANTAGES:- Provision of a Dedicated Consultant throughout the purchase process;- Permanent search for a property tailored to your needs;- Negotiation monitoring;- Provision of the most advantageous financial solutions;- Support in the financing process;- Support in scheduling and execution of the CPCV (Purchase and Sale Promise Contract); - Support in marking and carrying out the public deed of purchase and sale