Land with 25 ha located in Bicas in the Comporta area next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 min from Pego beach and 20 min from Comporta. With scattered pine and eucalyptus trees and two ruins with the possibility of recovery and expansion up to 500 m2 of housing and also 8,000 m2 of agricultural support subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This land is perfectly framed in the typical pine forest landscape of the area, with total tranquility. Characteristics: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 m2 of housing area - 8,000 m2 of agricultural support : Grândola is a village in the District of Setúbal, Alentejo region and sub-region of Alentejo Litoral, Portugal. The territory of Grândola is characterized by three major areas: the Grândola mountain range, the plain and the coastal strip, which present marked differences in soil composition, relief, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola mountain range represents the ancient geology of the Iberian Plateau, having its maximum point on the Atalaia hill, with 326 m of altitude. Constituting a physical obstacle that delimits the coastal area, with influence on climatic and landscape aspects, it is the least populated area of the municipality and is mostly covered with cork oaks. In this area you can enjoy heritage such as the Mother Church of Grândola, the Necropolis of cists of Casas Velhas, the Dolmen of Pedra Branca, the megalithic monument of Pata do Cavalo or Monte das Boiças, the megalithic monument of Lousal, the Roman dam of Pego da Moura or the dam of Pego da Mina and the Cerrado do Castelo. Beaches such as Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos and Praia da Comporta, as well as enjoying several restaurants, traditional commerce. Thanks to its location, it offers easy access to motorways such as the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2, rail access such as the Alentejo line, port access such as the Port of Setúbal and Sines and access to Humberto Delgado Airport and Faro Airport. Energy Rating: Exempt
25 ha plot of land located in Bicas in the area of Comporta next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 minutes from Pego beach and 20 minutes from Comporta. With scattered pines, eucalyptus and two ruins which could be rebuilt and enlarged to provide 500 sq m of housing and another 8,000 sq m of agricultural land subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This plot fits perfectly into the typical pine forest landscape of the area, and offers total tranquillity. Features: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 sq m living area - 8,000 sq m of agricultural land : Grândola is a Portuguese town in the District of Setúbal, in the Alentejo Litoral subregion of the Alentejo region. The area around Grândola is divided into three large zones: the Grândola hills, the plains and the coastal strip, each of which are distinct in terms of their soil, contours, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola hills are representative of the ancient geology of the Iberian Meseta, with its highest point at Outeiro da Atalaia, at an elevation of 326 m. Constituting a physical obstacle that marks the boundary of the coastal area, it has an influence on the climate and landscape, is the least populated area of the municipality and is mainly covered in cork oak trees. Here you can enjoy heritage, including the Igreja Matriz de Grândola, the Cistas das Casas Velhas Necropolis, the Pedra Branca burial chamber, the standing stones at Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças and Lousal, the Roman dam at Pego da Moura and the Roman ruins at Cerrado do Castelo. There are beaches at Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos and Comporta, as well as many restaurants and traditional shops. Its location offers easy access to the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2 motorways and highways, Alentejo line trains, the ports of Setúbal and Sines as well as Lisbon and Faro airports. Energy Rating: Exempt
Visa flerVisa färre
Grundstück mit 25 ha in Bicas in der Gegend von Comporta in der Nähe von Aldeia da Muda, ca. 20 Minuten vom Strand Pego und 20 Minuten von Comporta entfernt. Mit vereinzelten Pinien- und Eukalyptusbäumen und zwei Ruinen mit der Möglichkeit der Wiederherstellung und Erweiterung auf bis zu 500 m2 Wohnraum und auch 8.000 m2 landwirtschaftlicher Unterstützung, die genehmigt werden müssen, wobei PIP bei der Gemeinde Grândola beantragt wurde. Dieses Grundstück ist perfekt in die typische Kiefernwaldlandschaft der Gegend eingebettet, mit absoluter Ruhe. Merkmale: - 25,2 ha Land - 500 m2 Wohnfläche - 8.000 m2 landwirtschaftliche Unterstützung : Grândola ist ein Dorf im Distrikt Setúbal in der Region Alentejo und in der Unterregion Alentejo Litoral, Portugal. Das Gebiet von Grândola zeichnet sich durch drei große Gebiete aus: das Grândola-Gebirge, die Ebene und der Küstenstreifen, die deutliche Unterschiede in der Bodenzusammensetzung, dem Relief, der Flora und der Landschaft im Allgemeinen aufweisen. Das Grândola-Gebirge repräsentiert die alte Geologie des Iberischen Plateaus und hat seinen höchsten Punkt auf dem Atalaia-Hügel mit 326 m Höhe. Da es sich um ein physisches Hindernis handelt, das das Küstengebiet abgrenzt und Einfluss auf klimatische und landschaftliche Aspekte hat, ist es das am dünnsten besiedelte Gebiet der Gemeinde und größtenteils mit Korkeichen bewachsen. In dieser Gegend können Sie Kulturerbe wie die Mutterkirche von Grândola, die Nekropole der Kisten von Casas Velhas, den Dolmen von Pedra Branca, das megalithische Monument von Pata do Cavalo oder Monte das Boiças, das megalithische Monument von Lousal, den römischen Staudamm von Pego da Moura oder den Damm von Pego da Mina und den Cerrado do Castelo genießen. Strände wie Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos und Praia da Comporta, sowie mehrere Restaurants, traditioneller Handel. Dank seiner Lage bietet es eine gute Anbindung an Autobahnen wie die A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 und N261-2, Schienenanbindungen wie die Alentejo-Linie, Hafenanbindungen wie den Hafen von Setúbal und Sines sowie Zugang zu den Flughäfen Humberto Delgado und Faro. Energieeffizienzklasse: Befreit
25 ha großes Grundstück in Bicas in der Gegend von Comporta in der Nähe von Aldeia da Muda, ca. 20 Minuten vom Strand Pego und 20 Minuten von Comporta entfernt. Mit vereinzelten Kiefern, Eukalyptus und zwei Ruinen, die wieder aufgebaut und vergrößert werden könnten, um 500 m² Wohnfläche und weitere 8.000 m² landwirtschaftliche Flächen zu schaffen, die genehmigungspflichtig sind, wobei PIP bei der Gemeinde Grândola beantragt wird. Dieses Grundstück fügt sich perfekt in die typische Kiefernwaldlandschaft der Gegend ein und bietet absolute Ruhe. Merkmale: - 25,2 ha Land - 500 m² Wohnfläche - 8.000 m² landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche : Grândola ist eine portugiesische Stadt im Distrikt Setúbal in der Unterregion Alentejo Litoral in der Region Alentejo. Das Gebiet um Grândola ist in drei große Zonen unterteilt: die Grândola-Hügel, die Ebenen und den Küstenstreifen, die sich jeweils in Bezug auf ihren Boden, ihre Konturen, ihre Flora und ihre Landschaft im Allgemeinen unterscheiden. Die Grândola-Hügel sind repräsentativ für die alte Geologie der iberischen Meseta, mit ihrem höchsten Punkt am Outeiro da Atalaia auf einer Höhe von 326 m. Es stellt ein physisches Hindernis dar, das die Grenze des Küstengebiets markiert, hat Einfluss auf das Klima und die Landschaft, ist das am dünnsten besiedelte Gebiet der Gemeinde und hauptsächlich mit Korkeichen bewachsen. Hier können Sie das Kulturerbe genießen, darunter die Igreja Matriz de Grândola, die Nekropole Cistas das Casas Velhas, die Grabkammer von Pedra Branca, die stehenden Steine von Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças und Lousal, den römischen Staudamm von Pego da Moura und die römischen Ruinen von Cerrado do Castelo. Es gibt Strände in Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos und Comporta sowie viele Restaurants und traditionelle Geschäfte. Seine Lage bietet einfachen Zugang zu den Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen A2, A26, IC1, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 und N261-2, Zügen der Alentejo-Linie, den Häfen von Setúbal und Sines sowie den Flughäfen Lissabon und Faro. Energieeffizienzklasse: Befreit
Terreno com 25 ha situado em Bicas na zona da Comporta junto à Aldeia da Muda, a cerca de 20 min da praia do Pego e 20 min da Comporta. Com pinheiros e eucaliptos dispersos e com duas ruínas com possibilidade de recuperação e ampliação até aos 500 m2 de habitação e ainda 8.000 m2 de apoio agrícola sujeito a aprovação, com PIP pedido à Câmara Municipal de Grândola. Este terreno está perfeitamente enquadrado na paisagem típica de pinhal da zona, com total tranquilidade. Características: - 25,2 ha de terreno - 500 m2 área habitação - 8.000 m2 de apoio agrícola : Grândola é uma vila portuguesa no Distrito de Setúbal, região do Alentejo e sub-região do Alentejo Litoral. O território de Grândola é caracterizado por três grandes zonas: a serra de Grândola, a planície e a faixa litoral, que apresentam marcadas diferenças na composição do solo, no relevo, na flora e na paisagem em geral. A serra de Grândola, representa a geologia antiga da Meseta Ibérica, tendo o seu ponto máximo no outeiro da Atalaia, com 326 m de altitude. Constituindo um obstáculo físico que delimita a área costeira, com influência nos aspectos climáticos e paisagísticos, é a área menos povoada do concelho e está na sua maior parte coberta de sobreiros. Nesta zona poderá desfrutar de património como a Igreja Matriz de Grândola, a Necrópole de cistas das Casas Velhas, o Dólmen da Pedra Branca, o Monumento megalítico da Pata do Cavalo ou Monte das Boiças, o Monumento megalítico do Lousal, a Barragem romana do Pego da Moura ou Barragem do Pego da Mina e o Cerrado do Castelo. Praias tais como a Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos e a Praia da Comporta, assim como usufruir de diversos restaurantes, comércio tradicional. Graças à sua localização oferece acessos facilitados às auto-estradas como a A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 e N261-2, acessos ferroviários como a linha do Alentejo, acesso portuário como o Porto de Setúbal e de Sines e acesso ao Aeroporto Humberto Delgado e Aeroporto de Faro. Categoria Energética: Isento
25 ha plot of land located in Bicas in the area of Comporta next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 minutes from Pego beach and 20 minutes from Comporta. With scattered pines, eucalyptus and two ruins which could be rebuilt and enlarged to provide 500 sq m of housing and another 8,000 sq m of agricultural land subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This plot fits perfectly into the typical pine forest landscape of the area, and offers total tranquillity. Features: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 sq m living area - 8,000 sq m of agricultural land : Grândola is a Portuguese town in the District of Setúbal, in the Alentejo Litoral subregion of the Alentejo region. The area around Grândola is divided into three large zones: the Grândola hills, the plains and the coastal strip, each of which are distinct in terms of their soil, contours, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola hills are representative of the ancient geology of the Iberian Meseta, with its highest point at Outeiro da Atalaia, at an elevation of 326 m. Constituting a physical obstacle that marks the boundary of the coastal area, it has an influence on the climate and landscape, is the least populated area of the municipality and is mainly covered in cork oak trees. Here you can enjoy heritage, including the Igreja Matriz de Grândola, the Cistas das Casas Velhas Necropolis, the Pedra Branca burial chamber, the standing stones at Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças and Lousal, the Roman dam at Pego da Moura and the Roman ruins at Cerrado do Castelo. There are beaches at Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos and Comporta, as well as many restaurants and traditional shops. Its location offers easy access to the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2 motorways and highways, Alentejo line trains, the ports of Setúbal and Sines as well as Lisbon and Faro airports. Energy Rating: Exempt
Land with 25 ha located in Bicas in the Comporta area next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 min from Pego beach and 20 min from Comporta. With scattered pine and eucalyptus trees and two ruins with the possibility of recovery and expansion up to 500 m2 of housing and also 8,000 m2 of agricultural support subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This land is perfectly framed in the typical pine forest landscape of the area, with total tranquility. Characteristics: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 m2 of housing area - 8,000 m2 of agricultural support : Grândola is a village in the District of Setúbal, Alentejo region and sub-region of Alentejo Litoral, Portugal. The territory of Grândola is characterized by three major areas: the Grândola mountain range, the plain and the coastal strip, which present marked differences in soil composition, relief, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola mountain range represents the ancient geology of the Iberian Plateau, having its maximum point on the Atalaia hill, with 326 m of altitude. Constituting a physical obstacle that delimits the coastal area, with influence on climatic and landscape aspects, it is the least populated area of the municipality and is mostly covered with cork oaks. In this area you can enjoy heritage such as the Mother Church of Grândola, the Necropolis of cists of Casas Velhas, the Dolmen of Pedra Branca, the megalithic monument of Pata do Cavalo or Monte das Boiças, the megalithic monument of Lousal, the Roman dam of Pego da Moura or the dam of Pego da Mina and the Cerrado do Castelo. Beaches such as Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos and Praia da Comporta, as well as enjoying several restaurants, traditional commerce. Thanks to its location, it offers easy access to motorways such as the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2, rail access such as the Alentejo line, port access such as the Port of Setúbal and Sines and access to Humberto Delgado Airport and Faro Airport. Energy Rating: Exempt
25 ha plot of land located in Bicas in the area of Comporta next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 minutes from Pego beach and 20 minutes from Comporta. With scattered pines, eucalyptus and two ruins which could be rebuilt and enlarged to provide 500 sq m of housing and another 8,000 sq m of agricultural land subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This plot fits perfectly into the typical pine forest landscape of the area, and offers total tranquillity. Features: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 sq m living area - 8,000 sq m of agricultural land : Grândola is a Portuguese town in the District of Setúbal, in the Alentejo Litoral subregion of the Alentejo region. The area around Grândola is divided into three large zones: the Grândola hills, the plains and the coastal strip, each of which are distinct in terms of their soil, contours, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola hills are representative of the ancient geology of the Iberian Meseta, with its highest point at Outeiro da Atalaia, at an elevation of 326 m. Constituting a physical obstacle that marks the boundary of the coastal area, it has an influence on the climate and landscape, is the least populated area of the municipality and is mainly covered in cork oak trees. Here you can enjoy heritage, including the Igreja Matriz de Grândola, the Cistas das Casas Velhas Necropolis, the Pedra Branca burial chamber, the standing stones at Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças and Lousal, the Roman dam at Pego da Moura and the Roman ruins at Cerrado do Castelo. There are beaches at Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos and Comporta, as well as many restaurants and traditional shops. Its location offers easy access to the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2 motorways and highways, Alentejo line trains, the ports of Setúbal and Sines as well as Lisbon and Faro airports. Energy Rating: Exempt
: Grândola is a village in the District of Setúbal, Alentejo region and sub-region of Alentejo Litoral, Portugal. The territory of Grândola is characterized by three major areas: the Grândola mountain range, the plain and the coastal strip, which present marked differences in soil composition, relief, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola mountain range represents the ancient geology of the Iberian Plateau, having its maximum point on the Atalaia hill, with 326 m of altitude. Constituting a physical obstacle that delimits the coastal area, with influence on climatic and landscape aspects, it is the least populated area of the municipality and is mostly covered with cork oaks. In this area you can enjoy heritage such as the Mother Church of Grândola, the Necropolis of cists of Casas Velhas, the Dolmen of Pedra Branca, the megalithic monument of Pata do Cavalo or Monte das Boiças, the megalithic monument of Lousal, the Roman dam of Pego da Moura or the dam of Pego da Mina and the Cerrado do Castelo. Beaches such as Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos and Praia da Comporta, as well as enjoying several restaurants, traditional commerce. Thanks to its location, it offers easy access to motorways such as the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2, rail access such as the Alentejo line, port access such as the Port of Setúbal and Sines and access to Humberto Delgado Airport and Faro Airport.
Energy Rating: Exempt
25 ha plot of land located in Bicas in the area of Comporta next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 minutes from Pego beach and 20 minutes from Comporta. With scattered pines, eucalyptus and two ruins which could be rebuilt and enlarged to provide 500 sq m of housing and another 8,000 sq m of agricultural land subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This plot fits perfectly into the typical pine forest landscape of the area, and offers total tranquillity. Features: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 sq m living area - 8,000 sq m of agricultural land
: Grândola is a Portuguese town in the District of Setúbal, in the Alentejo Litoral subregion of the Alentejo region. The area around Grândola is divided into three large zones: the Grândola hills, the plains and the coastal strip, each of which are distinct in terms of their soil, contours, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola hills are representative of the ancient geology of the Iberian Meseta, with its highest point at Outeiro da Atalaia, at an elevation of 326 m. Constituting a physical obstacle that marks the boundary of the coastal area, it has an influence on the climate and landscape, is the least populated area of the municipality and is mainly covered in cork oak trees. Here you can enjoy heritage, including the Igreja Matriz de Grândola, the Cistas das Casas Velhas Necropolis, the Pedra Branca burial chamber, the standing stones at Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças and Lousal, the Roman dam at Pego da Moura and the Roman ruins at Cerrado do Castelo. There are beaches at Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos and Comporta, as well as many restaurants and traditional shops. Its location offers easy access to the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2 motorways and highways, Alentejo line trains, the ports of Setúbal and Sines as well as Lisbon and Faro airports.
Energy Rating: Exempt Visa fler Visa färre Grundstück mit 25 ha in Bicas in der Gegend von Comporta in der Nähe von Aldeia da Muda, ca. 20 Minuten vom Strand Pego und 20 Minuten von Comporta entfernt. Mit vereinzelten Pinien- und Eukalyptusbäumen und zwei Ruinen mit der Möglichkeit der Wiederherstellung und Erweiterung auf bis zu 500 m2 Wohnraum und auch 8.000 m2 landwirtschaftlicher Unterstützung, die genehmigt werden müssen, wobei PIP bei der Gemeinde Grândola beantragt wurde. Dieses Grundstück ist perfekt in die typische Kiefernwaldlandschaft der Gegend eingebettet, mit absoluter Ruhe. Merkmale: - 25,2 ha Land - 500 m2 Wohnfläche - 8.000 m2 landwirtschaftliche Unterstützung
: Grândola ist ein Dorf im Distrikt Setúbal in der Region Alentejo und in der Unterregion Alentejo Litoral, Portugal. Das Gebiet von Grândola zeichnet sich durch drei große Gebiete aus: das Grândola-Gebirge, die Ebene und der Küstenstreifen, die deutliche Unterschiede in der Bodenzusammensetzung, dem Relief, der Flora und der Landschaft im Allgemeinen aufweisen. Das Grândola-Gebirge repräsentiert die alte Geologie des Iberischen Plateaus und hat seinen höchsten Punkt auf dem Atalaia-Hügel mit 326 m Höhe. Da es sich um ein physisches Hindernis handelt, das das Küstengebiet abgrenzt und Einfluss auf klimatische und landschaftliche Aspekte hat, ist es das am dünnsten besiedelte Gebiet der Gemeinde und größtenteils mit Korkeichen bewachsen. In dieser Gegend können Sie Kulturerbe wie die Mutterkirche von Grândola, die Nekropole der Kisten von Casas Velhas, den Dolmen von Pedra Branca, das megalithische Monument von Pata do Cavalo oder Monte das Boiças, das megalithische Monument von Lousal, den römischen Staudamm von Pego da Moura oder den Damm von Pego da Mina und den Cerrado do Castelo genießen. Strände wie Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos und Praia da Comporta, sowie mehrere Restaurants, traditioneller Handel. Dank seiner Lage bietet es eine gute Anbindung an Autobahnen wie die A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 und N261-2, Schienenanbindungen wie die Alentejo-Linie, Hafenanbindungen wie den Hafen von Setúbal und Sines sowie Zugang zu den Flughäfen Humberto Delgado und Faro.
Energieeffizienzklasse: Befreit
25 ha großes Grundstück in Bicas in der Gegend von Comporta in der Nähe von Aldeia da Muda, ca. 20 Minuten vom Strand Pego und 20 Minuten von Comporta entfernt. Mit vereinzelten Kiefern, Eukalyptus und zwei Ruinen, die wieder aufgebaut und vergrößert werden könnten, um 500 m² Wohnfläche und weitere 8.000 m² landwirtschaftliche Flächen zu schaffen, die genehmigungspflichtig sind, wobei PIP bei der Gemeinde Grândola beantragt wird. Dieses Grundstück fügt sich perfekt in die typische Kiefernwaldlandschaft der Gegend ein und bietet absolute Ruhe. Merkmale: - 25,2 ha Land - 500 m² Wohnfläche - 8.000 m² landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche
: Grândola ist eine portugiesische Stadt im Distrikt Setúbal in der Unterregion Alentejo Litoral in der Region Alentejo. Das Gebiet um Grândola ist in drei große Zonen unterteilt: die Grândola-Hügel, die Ebenen und den Küstenstreifen, die sich jeweils in Bezug auf ihren Boden, ihre Konturen, ihre Flora und ihre Landschaft im Allgemeinen unterscheiden. Die Grândola-Hügel sind repräsentativ für die alte Geologie der iberischen Meseta, mit ihrem höchsten Punkt am Outeiro da Atalaia auf einer Höhe von 326 m. Es stellt ein physisches Hindernis dar, das die Grenze des Küstengebiets markiert, hat Einfluss auf das Klima und die Landschaft, ist das am dünnsten besiedelte Gebiet der Gemeinde und hauptsächlich mit Korkeichen bewachsen. Hier können Sie das Kulturerbe genießen, darunter die Igreja Matriz de Grândola, die Nekropole Cistas das Casas Velhas, die Grabkammer von Pedra Branca, die stehenden Steine von Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças und Lousal, den römischen Staudamm von Pego da Moura und die römischen Ruinen von Cerrado do Castelo. Es gibt Strände in Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos und Comporta sowie viele Restaurants und traditionelle Geschäfte. Seine Lage bietet einfachen Zugang zu den Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen A2, A26, IC1, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 und N261-2, Zügen der Alentejo-Linie, den Häfen von Setúbal und Sines sowie den Flughäfen Lissabon und Faro.
Energieeffizienzklasse: Befreit Terreno com 25 ha situado em Bicas na zona da Comporta junto à Aldeia da Muda, a cerca de 20 min da praia do Pego e 20 min da Comporta. Com pinheiros e eucaliptos dispersos e com duas ruínas com possibilidade de recuperação e ampliação até aos 500 m2 de habitação e ainda 8.000 m2 de apoio agrícola sujeito a aprovação, com PIP pedido à Câmara Municipal de Grândola. Este terreno está perfeitamente enquadrado na paisagem típica de pinhal da zona, com total tranquilidade. Características: - 25,2 ha de terreno - 500 m2 área habitação - 8.000 m2 de apoio agrícola
: Grândola é uma vila portuguesa no Distrito de Setúbal, região do Alentejo e sub-região do Alentejo Litoral. O território de Grândola é caracterizado por três grandes zonas: a serra de Grândola, a planície e a faixa litoral, que apresentam marcadas diferenças na composição do solo, no relevo, na flora e na paisagem em geral. A serra de Grândola, representa a geologia antiga da Meseta Ibérica, tendo o seu ponto máximo no outeiro da Atalaia, com 326 m de altitude. Constituindo um obstáculo físico que delimita a área costeira, com influência nos aspectos climáticos e paisagísticos, é a área menos povoada do concelho e está na sua maior parte coberta de sobreiros. Nesta zona poderá desfrutar de património como a Igreja Matriz de Grândola, a Necrópole de cistas das Casas Velhas, o Dólmen da Pedra Branca, o Monumento megalítico da Pata do Cavalo ou Monte das Boiças, o Monumento megalítico do Lousal, a Barragem romana do Pego da Moura ou Barragem do Pego da Mina e o Cerrado do Castelo. Praias tais como a Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos e a Praia da Comporta, assim como usufruir de diversos restaurantes, comércio tradicional. Graças à sua localização oferece acessos facilitados às auto-estradas como a A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 e N261-2, acessos ferroviários como a linha do Alentejo, acesso portuário como o Porto de Setúbal e de Sines e acesso ao Aeroporto Humberto Delgado e Aeroporto de Faro.
Categoria Energética: Isento
25 ha plot of land located in Bicas in the area of Comporta next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 minutes from Pego beach and 20 minutes from Comporta. With scattered pines, eucalyptus and two ruins which could be rebuilt and enlarged to provide 500 sq m of housing and another 8,000 sq m of agricultural land subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This plot fits perfectly into the typical pine forest landscape of the area, and offers total tranquillity. Features: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 sq m living area - 8,000 sq m of agricultural land
: Grândola is a Portuguese town in the District of Setúbal, in the Alentejo Litoral subregion of the Alentejo region. The area around Grândola is divided into three large zones: the Grândola hills, the plains and the coastal strip, each of which are distinct in terms of their soil, contours, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola hills are representative of the ancient geology of the Iberian Meseta, with its highest point at Outeiro da Atalaia, at an elevation of 326 m. Constituting a physical obstacle that marks the boundary of the coastal area, it has an influence on the climate and landscape, is the least populated area of the municipality and is mainly covered in cork oak trees. Here you can enjoy heritage, including the Igreja Matriz de Grândola, the Cistas das Casas Velhas Necropolis, the Pedra Branca burial chamber, the standing stones at Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças and Lousal, the Roman dam at Pego da Moura and the Roman ruins at Cerrado do Castelo. There are beaches at Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos and Comporta, as well as many restaurants and traditional shops. Its location offers easy access to the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2 motorways and highways, Alentejo line trains, the ports of Setúbal and Sines as well as Lisbon and Faro airports.
Energy Rating: Exempt Land with 25 ha located in Bicas in the Comporta area next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 min from Pego beach and 20 min from Comporta. With scattered pine and eucalyptus trees and two ruins with the possibility of recovery and expansion up to 500 m2 of housing and also 8,000 m2 of agricultural support subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This land is perfectly framed in the typical pine forest landscape of the area, with total tranquility. Characteristics: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 m2 of housing area - 8,000 m2 of agricultural support
: Grândola is a village in the District of Setúbal, Alentejo region and sub-region of Alentejo Litoral, Portugal. The territory of Grândola is characterized by three major areas: the Grândola mountain range, the plain and the coastal strip, which present marked differences in soil composition, relief, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola mountain range represents the ancient geology of the Iberian Plateau, having its maximum point on the Atalaia hill, with 326 m of altitude. Constituting a physical obstacle that delimits the coastal area, with influence on climatic and landscape aspects, it is the least populated area of the municipality and is mostly covered with cork oaks. In this area you can enjoy heritage such as the Mother Church of Grândola, the Necropolis of cists of Casas Velhas, the Dolmen of Pedra Branca, the megalithic monument of Pata do Cavalo or Monte das Boiças, the megalithic monument of Lousal, the Roman dam of Pego da Moura or the dam of Pego da Mina and the Cerrado do Castelo. Beaches such as Paria do Carvalhal, Praia do Pego, Praia dos Brejos and Praia da Comporta, as well as enjoying several restaurants, traditional commerce. Thanks to its location, it offers easy access to motorways such as the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2, rail access such as the Alentejo line, port access such as the Port of Setúbal and Sines and access to Humberto Delgado Airport and Faro Airport.
Energy Rating: Exempt
25 ha plot of land located in Bicas in the area of Comporta next to Aldeia da Muda, about 20 minutes from Pego beach and 20 minutes from Comporta. With scattered pines, eucalyptus and two ruins which could be rebuilt and enlarged to provide 500 sq m of housing and another 8,000 sq m of agricultural land subject to approval, with PIP requested from the Municipality of Grândola. This plot fits perfectly into the typical pine forest landscape of the area, and offers total tranquillity. Features: - 25.2 ha of land - 500 sq m living area - 8,000 sq m of agricultural land
: Grândola is a Portuguese town in the District of Setúbal, in the Alentejo Litoral subregion of the Alentejo region. The area around Grândola is divided into three large zones: the Grândola hills, the plains and the coastal strip, each of which are distinct in terms of their soil, contours, flora and landscape in general. The Grândola hills are representative of the ancient geology of the Iberian Meseta, with its highest point at Outeiro da Atalaia, at an elevation of 326 m. Constituting a physical obstacle that marks the boundary of the coastal area, it has an influence on the climate and landscape, is the least populated area of the municipality and is mainly covered in cork oak trees. Here you can enjoy heritage, including the Igreja Matriz de Grândola, the Cistas das Casas Velhas Necropolis, the Pedra Branca burial chamber, the standing stones at Pata do Cavalo, Monte das Boiças and Lousal, the Roman dam at Pego da Moura and the Roman ruins at Cerrado do Castelo. There are beaches at Carvalhal, Pego, Brejos and Comporta, as well as many restaurants and traditional shops. Its location offers easy access to the A2, A26, IC1, IC33, N120, N261-1 and N261-2 motorways and highways, Alentejo line trains, the ports of Setúbal and Sines as well as Lisbon and Faro airports.
Energy Rating: Exempt