9 105 126 SEK
2 bd
85 m²
The materials, coatings and equipment are of the latest quality and design, providing a life of comfort and leisure in a home in the middle of the city. These beautiful apartments of typology T1, T2 and T3 have high ceilings and worked ceilings, marks of architectural differentiation in areas ranging from 57m² to 163m².A tasteful choice for those looking to invest in a brand new home, these beautiful apartments are located just a few minutes from main services such as the CUF hospital, Alcântara-Mar train station that allow you to reach Cais de Sodré in 5 minutes, and Sintra or Cascais in less than 30 minutes. The ease of access to the main roads with the North-South Axis, A2 and A5 is a great advantage to enter and leave the city of Lisbon comfortably and in a short time.Also nearby are several monuments such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the Belém Tower, the Ajuda Palace, the MAAT and other museums, symbols of Portuguese culture, alongside other icons such as the 25 de Abril Bridge, LX Factory, the Alcântara Docks and the Port of Lisbon.
There are many reasons not to miss this opportunity to live in a historic building on Rua Prior do Crato, a living area of history and culture just a few steps from the Alcântara Docks and LX Factory, emblematic places of movida and gastronomy.Renaissance 1890The Renaissance 1890 development fully recovers a historic building in Alcântara, a memorable neighborhood of Lisbon, and has already available for purchase 26 apartments called T1, T2 and T3 with cosmopolitan distinction and exclusive combination of tradition with the comfort of modernity.
Next to the Tagus River, this beautiful Pombaline-style building is reborn, a project inserted in a block logic, consisting of 5 floors, attic, large ground floor and torn in order to allow the installation of commerce. It is an architectural icon that aims to bring historical grandeur to the housing market, in this area of unique luminosity where you can breathe Lisbon.2 bedroom apartment / 2 suites / ClosetApartment with 95.00m² of gross private area with two suites (master suite with dressing room). The open-plan kitchen and living room have an area of 38.00m².In the regular geometry of the Pombaline façades, there are bay windows that bring the light of Lisbon into the interiors, giving a clean environment, designed to provide the greatest comfort and convenience.
The materials, coverings and equipment are of the highest quality and design, providing a life of comfort and leisure in a home in the heart of the city. These beautiful one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments have high ceilings, architectural hallmarks and areas ranging from 57m² to 163m².A tasteful choice for those looking to invest in a brand new home, these beautiful apartments are located just a few minutes from the main services such as the CUF hospital, Alcântara-Mar train station, which allows you to reach Cais de Sodré in 5 minutes, or Sintra or Cascais in less than 30 minutes. Easy access to the main roads with the Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 and A5 is a great advantage for getting in and out of Lisbon comfortably and in a short time.Also nearby are various monuments such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the Belém Tower, the Ajuda Palace, the MAAT and other museums, symbols of Portuguese culture, alongside other icons such as the 25 de Abril Bridge, LX Factory, the Alcântara Docks and the Port of Lisbon.
There are many reasons not to miss this opportunity to live in a historic building on Rua Prior do Crato, a lively area of history and culture just a few steps from the Docas de Alcântara and LX Factory, emblematic places of movement and gastronomy.Renaissance 1890The Renaissance 1890 development completely restores a historic building in Alcântara, a memorable neighborhood in Lisbon, and now has 26 apartments available for purchase, called T1, T2 and T3, with a cosmopolitan distinction and an exclusive combination of tradition with the comfort of modernity.
Next to the Tagus River, this beautiful Pombaline style building is reborn, a project following the logic of a block, consisting of 5 floors, attics, a spacious ground floor that is open to allow the installation of commerce. It is an architectural icon that aims to bring historical grandeur to the housing market, in this area of ?? unique luminosity where Lisbon breathes. Visa fler Visa färre Apartmán se 2 ložnicemi / 2 apartmány / SkříňApartmán o rozloze 95,00 m² soukromé hrubé plochy se dvěma apartmány (hlavní apartmá se šatní skříní). Kuchyň a obývací pokoj navržené v open-space registru 38,00 m² plochy.V pravidelné geometrii pombalínských fasád vynikají balkonová okna, která přivádějí světlo Lisabonu do interiérů a poskytují čisté prostředí, které je navrženo tak, aby poskytovalo co největší komfort a pohodlí.
Materiály, nátěry a vybavení jsou nejnovější kvality a designu, které poskytují život v pohodlí a volném čase v domě uprostřed města. Tyto krásné apartmány typologie T1, T2 a T3 mají vysoké stropy a opracované stropy, což jsou známky architektonické diferenciace na plochách od 57 m² do 163 m².Tyto krásné apartmány jsou vkusnou volbou pro ty, kteří chtějí investovat do zbrusu nového domova, jen pár minut od hlavních služeb, jako je nemocnice CUF, vlakové nádraží Alcântara-Mar, které vám umožní dostat se do Cais de Sodré za 5 minut a do Sintry nebo Cascais za méně než 30 minut. Snadný přístup k hlavním silnicím se severojižní osou, A2 a A5 je velkou výhodou pro pohodlný a krátkodobý vjezd a výjezd z Lisabonu.V blízkosti se nachází také několik památek, jako je klášter Jerónimos, Belémská věž, palác Ajuda, MAAT a další muzea, symboly portugalské kultury, spolu s dalšími ikonami, jako je most 25 de Abril, továrna LX, doky Alcântara a lisabonský přístav.
Existuje mnoho důvodů, proč si nenechat ujít tuto příležitost bydlet v historické budově na Rua Prior do Crato, živé oblasti historie a kultury jen pár kroků od doků Alcântara a továrny LX, symbolických míst movida a gastronomie.Renesance 1890Renesanční výstavba z roku 1890 plně obnovuje historickou budovu v Alcântara, památné čtvrti Lisabonu, a má již k dispozici ke koupi 26 bytů s názvem T1, T2 a T3 s kosmopolitní odlišností a exkluzivní kombinací tradice s komfortem modernosti.
Vedle řeky Tejo se znovu rodí tato krásná budova v pombalinském stylu, projekt vložený do blokové logiky, skládající se z 5 pater, podkroví, velkého přízemí a roztrhaného, aby umožnil instalaci obchodu. Jedná se o architektonickou ikonu, která si klade za cíl přinést historickou vznešenost na trh s bydlením, v této oblasti jedinečného světla, kde můžete dýchat Lisabon.Apartmán se 2 ložnicemi / 2 apartmány / SkříňApartmán s 95,00 m² hrubé soukromé plochy se dvěma apartmány (hlavní apartmá se šatnou). Otevřená kuchyň a obývací pokoj mají rozlohu 38,00 m².V pravidelné geometrii pombalinských fasád jsou arkýřová okna, která přinášejí světlo Lisabonu do interiérů a poskytují čisté prostředí, které je navrženo tak, aby poskytovalo co největší komfort a pohodlí.
Materiály, krytiny a vybavení jsou nejvyšší kvality a designu, poskytují život v pohodlí a volném čase v domě v srdci města. Tyto krásné apartmány s jednou, dvěma a třemi ložnicemi mají vysoké stropy, architektonické znaky a plochu od 57 m² do 163 m².Tyto krásné apartmány jsou vkusnou volbou pro ty, kteří chtějí investovat do zbrusu nového domova, jen pár minut od hlavních služeb, jako je nemocnice CUF, vlakové nádraží Alcântara-Mar, které vám umožní dostat se do Cais de Sodré za 5 minut, nebo do Sintry nebo Cascais za méně než 30 minut. Snadný přístup k hlavním silnicím s Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 a A5 je velkou výhodou pro pohodlnou a krátkou cestu do a z Lisabonu.V blízkosti jsou také různé památky, jako je klášter Jerónimos, Belémská věž, palác Ajuda, MAAT a další muzea, symboly portugalské kultury, spolu s dalšími ikonami, jako je most 25 de Abril, továrna LX, doky Alcântara a lisabonský přístav.
Existuje mnoho důvodů, proč si nenechat ujít tuto příležitost bydlet v historické budově na Rua Prior do Crato, živé oblasti historie a kultury jen pár kroků od Docas de Alcântara a továrny LX, symbolických míst pohybu a gastronomie.Renesance 1890Renesanční výstavba z roku 1890 kompletně obnovuje historickou budovu v Alcântara, památné čtvrti Lisabonu, a nyní má k dispozici 26 bytů k nákupu, nazvaných T1, T2 a T3, s kosmopolitním vyznamenáním a exkluzivní kombinací tradice s komfortem moderny.
Vedle řeky Tejo se znovu rodí tato krásná budova v pombalinském stylu, projekt sledující logiku bloku, který se skládá z 5 pater, podkroví, prostorného přízemí, které je otevřené, aby umožnilo instalaci obchodu. Jedná se o architektonickou ikonu, která si klade za cíl přinést historickou vznešenost na trh s bydlením, v této oblasti ?? jedinečná světelnost tam, kde dýchá Lisabon. Apartamento T2 / 2 Suites / ClosetApartamento de 95,00m² de área bruta privativa com duas suites (master suite com closet). A cozinha e sala desenhadas em open-space registam 38,00m² de área.Na geometria regular das fachadas pombalinas, sobressaem janelas sacadas que conduzem a luz de Lisboa aos interiores conferindo um ambiente clean, previsto para proporcionar o maior conforto e comodidade.
Os materiais, revestimentos e equipamentos são de última linha de qualidade e design proporcionando vida de conforto e lazer num lar em plena cidade. Estes belos apartamentos de tipologia T1, T2 e T3 têm pé direito alto e tetos trabalhados, marcas de diferenciação arquitetónica em áreas que variam ente 57m² e 163m².Escolha de bom gosto para quem procura investir numa casa a estrear, estes bonitos apartamentos situam-se a poucos minutos de serviços principais como o hospital da CUF, estação de comboio Alcântara-Mar que permitem chegar ao Cais de Sodré em 5 min, ainda a Sintra ou Cascais em menos de 30 minutos. A facilidade de acesso às principais estradas com o Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 e A5 é uma grande vantagem para entrar e sair da cidade de Lisboa comodamente e em pouco tempo.Igualmente próximos estão diversos monumentos como o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, a Torre de Belém, o Palácio da Ajuda, o MAAT e outros museus, símbolos da cultura portuguesa, ao lado de outros ícones como a Ponte 25 de Abril, LX Factory, as Docas de Alcântara e o Porto de Lisboa.
São muitas as razões para não perder esta oportunidade de morar num edifício de traça histórica na Rua Prior do Crato, zona viva de história e cultura a poucos passos das Docas de Alcântara e LX Factory, locais emblemáticos de movida e gastronomia.Renaissance 1890O empreendimento Renaissance 1890 recupera integralmente um edifício histórico em Alcântara, memorável bairro de Lisboa, e tem desde já disponíveis para aquisição 26 apartamentos de chame T1, T2 e T3 com distinção cosmopolita e combinação exclusiva da tradição com o conforto da modernidade.
Junto ao rio Tejo, renasce este belo edifício de estilo pombalino, um projecto inserido uma lógica de quarteirão, constituído por 5 pisos, águas-furtadas, rés do chão amplo e rasgado de modo a permitir a instalação de comércio. Trata-se de um ícone de arquitetura que pretende trazer a imponência histórica ao mercado habitacional, nesta zona de luminosidade impar onde se respira Lisboa.2 bedroom apartment / 2 suites / ClosetApartment with 95.00m² of gross private area with two suites (master suite with dressing room). The open-plan kitchen and living room have an area of 38.00m².In the regular geometry of the Pombaline façades, there are bay windows that bring the light of Lisbon into the interiors, giving a clean environment, designed to provide the greatest comfort and convenience.
The materials, coverings and equipment are of the highest quality and design, providing a life of comfort and leisure in a home in the heart of the city. These beautiful one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments have high ceilings, architectural hallmarks and areas ranging from 57m² to 163m².A tasteful choice for those looking to invest in a brand new home, these beautiful apartments are located just a few minutes from the main services such as the CUF hospital, Alcântara-Mar train station, which allows you to reach Cais de Sodré in 5 minutes, or Sintra or Cascais in less than 30 minutes. Easy access to the main roads with the Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 and A5 is a great advantage for getting in and out of Lisbon comfortably and in a short time.Also nearby are various monuments such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the Belém Tower, the Ajuda Palace, the MAAT and other museums, symbols of Portuguese culture, alongside other icons such as the 25 de Abril Bridge, LX Factory, the Alcântara Docks and the Port of Lisbon.
There are many reasons not to miss this opportunity to live in a historic building on Rua Prior do Crato, a lively area of history and culture just a few steps from the Docas de Alcântara and LX Factory, emblematic places of movement and gastronomy.Renaissance 1890The Renaissance 1890 development completely restores a historic building in Alcântara, a memorable neighborhood in Lisbon, and now has 26 apartments available for purchase, called T1, T2 and T3, with a cosmopolitan distinction and an exclusive combination of tradition with the comfort of modernity.
Next to the Tagus River, this beautiful Pombaline style building is reborn, a project following the logic of a block, consisting of 5 floors, attics, a spacious ground floor that is open to allow the installation of commerce. It is an architectural icon that aims to bring historical grandeur to the housing market, in this area of ??unique luminosity where Lisbon breathes. Apartamento de 2 Dormitorios / 2 Suites / ClosetApartamento de 95.00m² de área bruta privada con dos suites (suite principal con closet). La cocina y el salón diseñados en espacio abierto registran 38.00m² de superficie.En la geometría regular de las fachadas pombalinas destacan los ventanales balconeras que conducen la luz de Lisboa a los interiores, dando un ambiente limpio, diseñado para brindar el mayor confort y comodidad.
Los materiales, revestimientos y equipos son de la última calidad y diseño, proporcionando una vida de confort y ocio en una vivienda en medio de la ciudad. Estos preciosos apartamentos de tipología T1, T2 y T3 cuentan con techos altos y techos trabajados, marcas de diferenciación arquitectónica en zonas que van desde los 57m² hasta los 163m².Una opción de buen gusto para aquellos que buscan invertir en una casa nueva, estos hermosos apartamentos se encuentran a pocos minutos de los principales servicios, como el hospital CUF, la estación de tren de Alcântara-Mar que le permite llegar a Cais de Sodré en 5 minutos, y a Sintra o Cascais en menos de 30 minutos. La facilidad de acceso a las principales carreteras con el Eje Norte-Sur, A2 y A5 es una gran ventaja para entrar y salir de la ciudad de Lisboa cómodamente y en poco tiempo.También cerca se encuentran varios monumentos como el Monasterio de los Jerónimos, la Torre de Belém, el Palacio Ajuda, el MAAT y otros museos, símbolos de la cultura portuguesa, junto a otros iconos como el Puente 25 de Abril, la Fábrica LX, los Muelles de Alcântara y el Puerto de Lisboa.
Hay muchas razones para no perderse esta oportunidad de vivir en un edificio histórico en la Rua Prior do Crato, una zona viva de historia y cultura a pocos pasos de los Muelles de Alcântara y de la Fábrica LX, lugares emblemáticos de la movida y la gastronomía.Renacimiento 1890La promoción renacentista de 1890 recupera por completo un edificio histórico en Alcântara, un barrio memorable de Lisboa, y ya tiene disponibles para la compra 26 apartamentos llamados T1, T2 y T3 con distinción cosmopolita y combinación exclusiva de tradición con la comodidad de la modernidad.
Junto al río Tajo, renace este bello edificio de estilo pombalino, un proyecto inserto en una lógica de manzanas, compuesto por 5 plantas, buhardilla, gran planta baja y rasgado con el fin de permitir la instalación de comercio. Se trata de un icono arquitectónico que pretende aportar grandeza histórica al mercado inmobiliario, en esta zona de luminosidad única en la que se respira Lisboa.Apartamento de 2 dormitorios / 2 suites / ClosetApartamento con 95.00m² de área privada bruta con dos suites (suite principal con vestidor). La cocina abierta y la sala de estar tienen una superficie de 38.00m².En la geometría regular de las fachadas pombalinas, hay ventanales que aportan la luz de Lisboa a los interiores, dando un ambiente limpio, diseñado para proporcionar el mayor confort y comodidad.
Los materiales, revestimientos y equipamiento son de la más alta calidad y diseño, proporcionando una vida de confort y ocio en una vivienda en pleno centro de la ciudad. Estos hermosos apartamentos de uno, dos y tres dormitorios tienen techos altos, sellos arquitectónicos y áreas que van desde los 57 m² hasta los 163 m².Una opción de buen gusto para aquellos que buscan invertir en una casa nueva, estos hermosos apartamentos se encuentran a pocos minutos de los principales servicios, como el hospital CUF, la estación de tren de Alcântara-Mar, que le permite llegar a Cais de Sodré en 5 minutos, o Sintra o Cascais en menos de 30 minutos. El fácil acceso a las carreteras principales con el Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 y A5 es una gran ventaja para entrar y salir de Lisboa cómodamente y en poco tiempo.También cerca se encuentran varios monumentos como el Monasterio de los Jerónimos, la Torre de Belém, el Palacio de Ajuda, el MAAT y otros museos, símbolos de la cultura portuguesa, junto a otros iconos como el Puente 25 de Abril, la Fábrica LX, los Muelles de Alcântara y el Puerto de Lisboa.
Hay muchas razones para no perderse esta oportunidad de vivir en un edificio histórico en la Rua Prior do Crato, una zona llena de vida e historia y cultura a pocos pasos de las Docas de Alcântara y de la Fábrica LX, lugares emblemáticos de movimiento y gastronomía.Renacimiento 1890La promoción renacentista de 1890 restaura por completo un edificio histórico en Alcântara, un barrio memorable de Lisboa, y ahora cuenta con 26 apartamentos disponibles para la compra, llamados T1, T2 y T3, con una distinción cosmopolita y una combinación exclusiva de tradición con la comodidad de la modernidad.
Junto al río Tajo, renace este precioso edificio de estilo pombalino, un proyecto siguiendo la lógica de manzana, compuesto por 5 plantas, áticos, una amplia planta baja que se abre para permitir la instalación de comercio. Se trata de un icono arquitectónico que pretende aportar grandeza histórica al mercado inmobiliario, en esta zona de ?? una luminosidad única donde se respira Lisboa. 2 Bedroom Apartment / 2 Suites / ClosetApartment of 95.00m² of private gross area with two suites (master suite with closet). The kitchen and living room designed in open-space register 38.00m² of area.In the regular geometry of the Pombaline facades, balcony windows stand out that lead the light of Lisbon to the interiors, giving a clean environment, designed to provide the greatest comfort and convenience.
The materials, coatings and equipment are of the latest quality and design, providing a life of comfort and leisure in a home in the middle of the city. These beautiful apartments of typology T1, T2 and T3 have high ceilings and worked ceilings, marks of architectural differentiation in areas ranging from 57m² to 163m².A tasteful choice for those looking to invest in a brand new home, these beautiful apartments are located just a few minutes from main services such as the CUF hospital, Alcântara-Mar train station that allow you to reach Cais de Sodré in 5 minutes, and Sintra or Cascais in less than 30 minutes. The ease of access to the main roads with the North-South Axis, A2 and A5 is a great advantage to enter and leave the city of Lisbon comfortably and in a short time.Also nearby are several monuments such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the Belém Tower, the Ajuda Palace, the MAAT and other museums, symbols of Portuguese culture, alongside other icons such as the 25 de Abril Bridge, LX Factory, the Alcântara Docks and the Port of Lisbon.
There are many reasons not to miss this opportunity to live in a historic building on Rua Prior do Crato, a living area of history and culture just a few steps from the Alcântara Docks and LX Factory, emblematic places of movida and gastronomy.Renaissance 1890The Renaissance 1890 development fully recovers a historic building in Alcântara, a memorable neighborhood of Lisbon, and has already available for purchase 26 apartments called T1, T2 and T3 with cosmopolitan distinction and exclusive combination of tradition with the comfort of modernity.
Next to the Tagus River, this beautiful Pombaline-style building is reborn, a project inserted in a block logic, consisting of 5 floors, attic, large ground floor and torn in order to allow the installation of commerce. It is an architectural icon that aims to bring historical grandeur to the housing market, in this area of unique luminosity where you can breathe Lisbon.2 bedroom apartment / 2 suites / ClosetApartment with 95.00m² of gross private area with two suites (master suite with dressing room). The open-plan kitchen and living room have an area of 38.00m².In the regular geometry of the Pombaline façades, there are bay windows that bring the light of Lisbon into the interiors, giving a clean environment, designed to provide the greatest comfort and convenience.
The materials, coverings and equipment are of the highest quality and design, providing a life of comfort and leisure in a home in the heart of the city. These beautiful one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments have high ceilings, architectural hallmarks and areas ranging from 57m² to 163m².A tasteful choice for those looking to invest in a brand new home, these beautiful apartments are located just a few minutes from the main services such as the CUF hospital, Alcântara-Mar train station, which allows you to reach Cais de Sodré in 5 minutes, or Sintra or Cascais in less than 30 minutes. Easy access to the main roads with the Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 and A5 is a great advantage for getting in and out of Lisbon comfortably and in a short time.Also nearby are various monuments such as the Jerónimos Monastery, the Belém Tower, the Ajuda Palace, the MAAT and other museums, symbols of Portuguese culture, alongside other icons such as the 25 de Abril Bridge, LX Factory, the Alcântara Docks and the Port of Lisbon.
There are many reasons not to miss this opportunity to live in a historic building on Rua Prior do Crato, a lively area of history and culture just a few steps from the Docas de Alcântara and LX Factory, emblematic places of movement and gastronomy.Renaissance 1890The Renaissance 1890 development completely restores a historic building in Alcântara, a memorable neighborhood in Lisbon, and now has 26 apartments available for purchase, called T1, T2 and T3, with a cosmopolitan distinction and an exclusive combination of tradition with the comfort of modernity.
Next to the Tagus River, this beautiful Pombaline style building is reborn, a project following the logic of a block, consisting of 5 floors, attics, a spacious ground floor that is open to allow the installation of commerce. It is an architectural icon that aims to bring historical grandeur to the housing market, in this area of ?? unique luminosity where Lisbon breathes. Appartement 2 chambres / 2 suites / placardAppartement de 95.00m² de surface brute privative avec deux suites (suite parentale avec placard). La cuisine et le salon conçus en open-space enregistrent 38,00m² de surface.Dans la géométrie régulière des façades pombalines, se distinguent les fenêtres des balcons qui conduisent la lumière de Lisbonne vers les intérieurs, donnant un environnement propre, conçu pour offrir le plus grand confort et commodité.
Les matériaux, les revêtements et les équipements sont de dernière qualité et design, offrant une vie de confort et de loisirs dans une maison au milieu de la ville. Ces beaux appartements de typologie T1, T2 et T3 disposent de hauts plafonds et de plafonds ouvragés, marques de différenciation architecturale dans des surfaces allant de 57m² à 163m².Un choix de bon goût pour ceux qui cherchent à investir dans une maison neuve, ces beaux appartements sont situés à seulement quelques minutes des principaux services tels que l’hôpital CUF, la gare d’Alcântara-Mar qui vous permettent de rejoindre Cais de Sodré en 5 minutes, et Sintra ou Cascais en moins de 30 minutes. La facilité d’accès aux routes principales avec l’axe nord-sud, A2 et A5 est un grand avantage pour entrer et sortir de la ville de Lisbonne confortablement et en peu de temps.À proximité se trouvent également plusieurs monuments tels que le monastère des Hiéronymites, la tour de Belém, le palais Ajuda, le MAAT et d’autres musées, symboles de la culture portugaise, ainsi que d’autres icônes telles que le pont du 25 avril, l’usine LX, les quais d’Alcântara et le port de Lisbonne.
Il y a de nombreuses raisons de ne pas manquer cette opportunité de vivre dans un bâtiment historique de la Rua Prior do Crato, un lieu de vie d’histoire et de culture à quelques pas des quais d’Alcântara et de LX Factory, lieux emblématiques de la movida et de la gastronomie.Renaissance 1890Le développement Renaissance 1890 récupère entièrement un bâtiment historique à Alcântara, un quartier mémorable de Lisbonne, et a déjà disponible à l’achat 26 appartements appelés T1, T2 et T3 avec une distinction cosmopolite et une combinaison exclusive de tradition avec le confort de la modernité.
A côté du Tage, ce bel immeuble de style Pombaline renaît, un projet inséré dans une logique de bloc, composé de 5 étages, mansardé, grand rez-de-chaussée et déchiré afin de permettre l’installation de commerce. C’est une icône architecturale qui vise à apporter une grandeur historique au marché du logement, dans cette zone de luminosité unique où vous pouvez respirer Lisbonne.Appartement 2 chambres / 2 suites / PlacardAppartement de 95.00m² de surface privative brute avec deux suites (suite parentale avec dressing). La cuisine ouverte et le salon ont une superficie de 38,00 m².Dans la géométrie régulière des façades Pombaline, il y a des baies vitrées qui apportent la lumière de Lisbonne à l’intérieur, donnant un environnement propre, conçu pour offrir le plus grand confort et commodité.
Les matériaux, les revêtements et les équipements sont de la plus haute qualité et design, offrant une vie de confort et de loisirs dans une maison au cœur de la ville. Ces beaux appartements d’une, deux et trois chambres ont de hauts plafonds, des caractéristiques architecturales et des superficies allant de 57m² à 163m².Un choix de bon goût pour ceux qui cherchent à investir dans une maison neuve, ces beaux appartements sont situés à seulement quelques minutes des principaux services tels que l’hôpital CUF, la gare d’Alcântara-Mar, qui vous permet de rejoindre Cais de Sodré en 5 minutes, ou Sintra ou Cascais en moins de 30 minutes. L’accès facile aux routes principales avec l’Eixo Norte-Sul, l’A2 et l’A5 est un grand avantage pour entrer et sortir de Lisbonne confortablement et en peu de temps.À proximité se trouvent également divers monuments tels que le monastère des Hiéronymites, la tour de Belém, le palais Ajuda, le MAAT et d’autres musées, symboles de la culture portugaise, ainsi que d’autres icônes telles que le pont du 25 avril, l’usine LX, les quais d’Alcântara et le port de Lisbonne.
Il y a de nombreuses raisons de ne pas manquer cette occasion de vivre dans un bâtiment historique de la Rua Prior do Crato, un quartier animé d’histoire et de culture à quelques pas des Docas de Alcântara et de LX Factory, lieux emblématiques du mouvement et de la gastronomie.Renaissance 1890Le développement Renaissance 1890 restaure complètement un bâtiment historique à Alcântara, un quartier mémorable de Lisbonne, et compte désormais 26 appartements disponibles à l’achat, appelés T1, T2 et T3, avec une distinction cosmopolite et une combinaison exclusive de tradition et de confort de modernité.
Au bord du Tage, ce bel immeuble de style pombalin renaît, un projet suivant la logique d’un bloc, composé de 5 étages, de greniers, d’un rez-de-chaussée spacieux qui est ouvert pour permettre l’installation de commerce. C’est une icône architecturale qui vise à apporter une grandeur historique au marché du logement, dans ce quartier de ?? une luminosité unique où respire Lisbonne. Apartman s 2 spavaće sobe / 2 apartmana / ormarApartman od 95,00m² privatne bruto površine s dva apartmana (glavni apartman s ormarom). Kuhinja i dnevni boravak dizajnirani u otvorenom prostoru imaju površinu od 38,00m².U pravilnoj geometriji fasada Pombaline ističu se balkonski prozori koji vode svjetlost Lisabona u interijere, dajući čisto okruženje, dizajnirano da pruži najveću udobnost i udobnost.
Materijali, premazi i oprema najnovije su kvalitete i dizajna, pružajući život udobnosti i razonode u domu usred grada. Ovi prekrasni apartmani tipologije T1, T2 i T3 imaju visoke stropove i obrađene stropove, oznake arhitektonske diferencijacije u površinama od 57m² do 163m².Ukusan izbor za one koji žele uložiti u potpuno novi dom, ovi prekrasni apartmani nalaze se samo nekoliko minuta od glavnih usluga kao što su bolnica CUF, željeznički kolodvor Alcântara-Mar koji vam omogućuju da stignete do Cais de Sodré za 5 minuta, a Sintre ili Cascaisa za manje od 30 minuta. Jednostavnost pristupa glavnim cestama s osi sjever-jug, A2 i A5 velika je prednost za ulazak i izlazak iz grada Lisabona udobno i u kratkom vremenu.U blizini se nalazi i nekoliko spomenika kao što su samostan Jerónimos, toranj Belém, palača Ajuda, MAAT i drugi muzeji, simboli portugalske kulture, uz druge ikone kao što su most 25 de Abril, tvornica LX, dokovi Alcântara i luka u Lisabonu.
Mnogo je razloga da ne propustite ovu priliku da živite u povijesnoj zgradi na Rua Prior do Crato, životnom području povijesti i kulture samo nekoliko koraka od pristaništa Alcântara i tvornice LX, amblematskih mjesta movida i gastronomije.Renesansa 1890.Renesansni razvoj iz 1890. u potpunosti oporavlja povijesnu zgradu u Alcântari, nezaboravnoj četvrti Lisabona, a već je dostupan za kupnju 26 stanova pod nazivom T1, T2 i T3 s kozmopolitskom razlikom i ekskluzivnom kombinacijom tradicije s udobnošću modernosti.
Uz rijeku Tejo, ponovno se rađa ova prekrasna zgrada u stilu Pombaline, projekt umetnut u blok logiku, koji se sastoji od 5 katova, potkrovlja, velikog prizemlja i poderanog kako bi se omogućila instalacija trgovine. To je arhitektonska ikona koja ima za cilj unijeti povijesnu veličinu na tržište nekretnina, u ovom području jedinstvenog sjaja gdje možete udahnuti Lisabon.Apartman s 2 spavaće sobe / 2 apartmana / OrmarApartman s 95,00m² bruto privatne površine s dva apartmana (glavni apartman sa garderobom). Kuhinja i dnevni boravak otvorenog plana imaju površinu od 38,00m².U pravilnoj geometriji fasada Pombaline nalaze se erkeri koji unose svjetlost Lisabona u interijere, dajući čisto okruženje, dizajnirano da pruži najveću udobnost i udobnost.
Materijali, obloge i oprema su najviše kvalitete i dizajna, pružajući život udobnosti i dokolice u domu u srcu grada. Ovi prekrasni jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni stanovi imaju visoke stropove, arhitektonska obilježja i površine od 57m² do 163m².Ukusan izbor za one koji žele uložiti u potpuno novi dom, ovi prekrasni apartmani nalaze se samo nekoliko minuta od glavnih usluga kao što su bolnica CUF, željeznički kolodvor Alcântara-Mar, koji vam omogućuje da stignete do Cais de Sodré za 5 minuta, ili Sintre ili Cascaisa za manje od 30 minuta. Jednostavan pristup glavnim cestama s Eixo Norte-Sul, A2 i A5 velika je prednost za udoban ulazak i izlazak iz Lisabona u kratkom vremenu.U blizini su i razni spomenici kao što su samostan Jerónimos, toranj Belém, palača Ajuda, MAAT i drugi muzeji, simboli portugalske kulture, uz druge ikone kao što su most 25 de Abril, tvornica LX, dokovi Alcântara i luka u Lisabonu.
Mnogo je razloga da ne propustite ovu priliku da živite u povijesnoj zgradi na Rua Prior do Crato, živahnom području povijesti i kulture samo nekoliko koraka od Docas de Alcântara i LX Factory, amblematskih mjesta kretanja i gastronomije.Renesansa 1890.Renesansni razvoj iz 1890. u potpunosti obnavlja povijesnu zgradu u Alcântari, nezaboravnoj četvrti u Lisabonu, a sada ima 26 stanova dostupnih za kupnju, nazvanih T1, T2 i T3, s kozmopolitskom razlikom i ekskluzivnom kombinacijom tradicije s udobnošću modernosti.
Uz rijeku Tejo, ponovno se rađa ova prekrasna zgrada u stilu Pombalina, projekt koji slijedi logiku bloka, koji se sastoji od 5 katova, potkrovlja, prostranog prizemlja koje je otvoreno kako bi se omogućila instalacija trgovine. To je arhitektonska ikona koja ima za cilj unijeti povijesnu veličinu na tržište nekretnina, na ovom području ?? jedinstvena svjetlost tamo gdje Lisabon diše.