Bostäder - Till Salu

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Lägenhet & andelslägenhet for sale in Pleven

1 359 970 SEK

Lägenhet & andelslägenhet (Till salu)

Referens: EDEN-T102050782 / 102050782
ADDRESS Real Estate Agency presents you an innovative apartment located on the second floor, with a total area of 114.89 sq.m., which offers a unique feeling of spaciousness. It is the perfect place for people who want to combine the comforts of city life with the feeling of living in a house, thanks to its large terrace and garden, which will take you away from the dynamics of the urban environment. Space and comfort in layout: The apartment has: Two spacious bedrooms that offer enough space for personalization and comfort. Each room is designed with attention to detail to provide light and coziness, with the possibility of easy furnishing to your liking. Kitchen with dining area, combined, offering ample space for preparing and sharing food. It is the perfect place to gather with the family or relax after a long day, with direct access to the terrace. A corridor that connects all rooms smoothly and provides comfort when moving around the apartment. Bathroom with toilet, combining modern and quality materials with functionality. The unique feeling of living in the city: One of the biggest advantages of this apartment is the large terrace of 12.52sq.m. and the adjoining garden of about 79 sq.m. This space is perfect for morning coffee outdoors or for relaxing after a long day. The garden is immediately accessible from the apartment, which gives you the feeling that you live in a house and not in an apartment. The terrace can be covered as you wish, which will provide you with an extra sheltered outdoor space, suitable for all weather conditions, whether you want to enjoy sunny days or hide from the rain while enjoying your garden. Modern technologies and sustainability: The apartment is equipped with an individual photosolar system with a capacity of 6 kW and energy storage batteries with a capacity of 15 kW. This system will reduce your electricity costs by about 50%, saving you about BGN 3500. yearly. As households move to the free electricity market in 2025, these savings will double. An atmospheric water generator will be installed on the roof of the building, which will provide about 25 liters of clean drinking water per day, extracted directly from the air. This innovative solution will lead to another significant savings of about BGN 750. per year from water costs. Extras and amenities of the building: Garages with the possibility of a charging station for electric vehicles; Elevator for easy access to each floor; Landscaped common areas with an emphasis on aesthetics and nature; Video surveillance for security; No building maintenance fee; High-quality building materials providing durability and comfort; -Ability to customize and complete turnkey according to your preferences; Flexible purchasing conditions to meet your needs; Location and amenities nearby: The building is located near playgrounds, shops, public transport stops, restaurants, schools, kindergartens and a chapel. Moreover, only 5 minutes from the Medical University of Pleven, making the location ideal for families as well as students or workers in the area. This apartment combines the luxury of a spacious home with all the amenities and savings that a modern, eco-friendly building offers. It is the perfect choice for anyone looking for coziness, nature and technological innovations in the heart of the city. For information and viewings ... Assistance for mortgage and consumer loans through CreditCenter. Follow our Facebook page: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven. Visa fler Visa färre Агенция АДРЕС' недвижими имоти Ви представя един иновативен апартамент, разположен на втория етаж, с обща площ от 114.89кв.м., който предлага уникално усещане за простор. Това е перфектното място за хора, които искат да съчетаят удобствата на градския живот с усещането за живот в къща, благодарение на своята голяма тераса и градина, които ще ви пренесат далеч от динамиката на градската среда. Простор и комфорт в разпределението: Апартаментът разполага с: Две просторни спални, които предлагат достатъчно място за персонализация и комфорт. Всяка стая е проектирана с внимание към детайлите, за да осигури светлина и уют, с възможност за лесно обзавеждане по ваш вкус. Кухня с трапезария, съчетани, предлагащи достатъчно пространство за приготвяне и споделяне на храната. Тя е идеалното място за събиране със семейството или за почивка след дълъг ден, с директен достъп към терасата. Коридор, който свързва всички помещения плавно и осигурява комфорт при придвижване в жилището. Баня с тоалетна, съчетаваща модерни и качествени материали с функционалност. Неповторимото усещане за живот в града: Едно от най-големите предимства на този апартамент е голямата тераса от 12.52кв.м. и прилежащата градина от около 79 кв.м. Това пространство е идеално за сутрешно кафе на открито или за релакс след дълъг ден. Градината е непосредствено достъпна от апартамента, което ви създава усещането, че живеете в къща, а не в апартамент. Терасата може да бъде покрита по ваше желание, което ще ви осигури допълнително защитено външно пространство, подходящо за всякакви метеорологични условия независимо дали искате да се наслаждавате на слънчевите дни или да се скриете от дъжда, докато се наслаждавате на градината си. Модерни технологии и устойчивост: Апартаментът е оборудван с индивидуална фотосоларна система с мощност от 6 kW и батерии за съхранение на енергия с капацитет от 15 kW. Тази система ще намали разходите ви за електроенергия с около 50%, като ви спести около 3500 лв. годишно. С преминаването на домакинствата към свободния пазар на електроенергия през 2025 г., тези спестявания ще се удвоят. На покрива на сградата ще бъде инсталиран атмосферен генератор за вода, който ще осигурява около 25 литра чиста питейна вода на ден, извлечена директно от въздуха. Това иновативно решение ще доведе до още една значителна икономия около 750 лв. годишно от разходи за вода. Екстри и удобства на сградата: Гаражи с възможност за станция за зареждане на електромобили; Асансьор за лесен достъп до всеки етаж; Озеленени общи площи с акцент върху естетиката и природата; Видеонаблюдение за сигурност; Без такса за поддръжка на сградата; Висококачествени строителни материали, осигуряващи дълготрайност и комфорт; -Възможност за персонализиране и завършване до ключ според вашите предпочитания; Гъвкави условия за закупуване, които да отговорят на нуждите ви; Локация и удобства в близост: Сградата е разположена в близост до детски площадки, магазини, спирки на градски транспорт, ресторанти, училища, детски градини и параклис. Освен това, само на 5 минути от Медицинския университет Плевен, което прави местоположението идеално както за семейства, така и за студенти или работещи в района. Този апартамент съчетава лукса на просторен дом с всички удобства и икономии, които предлага една модерна, екологична сграда. Той е перфектният избор за всеки, който търси уют, природа и технологични иновации в сърцето на града. За информация и огледи ... Съдействие за ипотечни и потребителски кредити, чрез КредитЦентър. Последвайте страницата ни във фейсбук: Кристиян Цветанов-АДРЕС Недвижими имоти Плевен. ADDRESS Real Estate Agency presenteert u een innovatief appartement gelegen op de tweede verdieping, met een totale oppervlakte van 114,89 m², dat een uniek gevoel van ruimte biedt. Het is de perfecte plek voor mensen die het comfort van het stadsleven willen combineren met het gevoel in een huis te wonen, dankzij het grote terras en de tuin, die u weghalen van de dynamiek van de stedelijke omgeving. Ruimte en comfort in indeling: Het appartement beschikt over: Twee ruime slaapkamers die voldoende ruimte bieden voor personalisatie en comfort. Elke kamer is ontworpen met aandacht voor detail om licht en gezelligheid te bieden, met de mogelijkheid om gemakkelijk in te richten naar wens. Keuken met eethoek, gecombineerd, biedt voldoende ruimte voor het bereiden en delen van eten. Het is de perfecte plek om samen te komen met het gezin of te ontspannen na een lange dag, met directe toegang tot het terras. Een gang die alle kamers soepel met elkaar verbindt en comfort biedt bij het bewegen door het appartement. Badkamer met toilet, een combinatie van moderne en hoogwaardige materialen met functionaliteit. Het unieke gevoel van wonen in de stad: Een van de grootste voordelen van dit appartement is het grote terras van 12,52 m². en de aangrenzende tuin van ongeveer 79 m². Deze ruimte is perfect voor een kopje koffie in de buitenlucht of om te ontspannen na een lange dag. De tuin is direct toegankelijk vanuit het appartement, waardoor je het gevoel hebt dat je in een huis woont en niet in een appartement. Het terras kan naar wens worden overdekt, waardoor u een extra beschutte buitenruimte krijgt, geschikt voor alle weersomstandigheden, of u nu wilt genieten van zonnige dagen of wilt schuilen voor de regen terwijl u geniet van uw tuin. Moderne technologieën en duurzaamheid: Het appartement is uitgerust met een individueel foto-zonnestelsel met een capaciteit van 6 kW en energieopslagbatterijen met een capaciteit van 15 kW. Dit systeem verlaagt uw elektriciteitskosten met ongeveer 50%, waardoor u ongeveer BGN 3500 bespaart. jaarlijks. Als huishoudens in 2025 overstappen op de vrije elektriciteitsmarkt, zullen deze besparingen verdubbelen. Op het dak van het gebouw wordt een atmosferische watergenerator geïnstalleerd, die zal zorgen voor ongeveer 25 liter schoon drinkwater per dag, rechtstreeks uit de lucht gehaald. Deze innovatieve oplossing zal leiden tot nog een aanzienlijke besparing van ongeveer BGN 750. per jaar uit de waterkosten. Extra's en voorzieningen van het gebouw: Garages met de mogelijkheid van een oplaadpunt voor elektrische voertuigen; Lift voor gemakkelijke toegang tot elke verdieping; Aangelegde gemeenschappelijke ruimtes met de nadruk op esthetiek en natuur; Videobewaking voor veiligheid; Geen onderhoudskosten voor het gebouw; Hoogwaardige bouwmaterialen die duurzaamheid en comfort bieden; -Mogelijkheid om turnkey aan te passen en te voltooien volgens uw voorkeuren; Flexibele inkoopvoorwaarden om aan uw behoeften te voldoen; Locatie en voorzieningen in de buurt: Het gebouw is gelegen nabij speeltuinen, winkels, haltes van het openbaar vervoer, restaurants, scholen, kleuterscholen en een kapel. Bovendien ligt het op slechts 5 minuten van de Medische Universiteit van Pleven, waardoor de locatie ideaal is voor zowel gezinnen als studenten of werknemers in de omgeving. Dit appartement combineert de luxe van een ruime woning met alle voorzieningen en besparingen die een modern, milieuvriendelijk gebouw biedt. Het is de perfecte keuze voor iedereen die op zoek is naar gezelligheid, natuur en technologische innovaties in het hart van de stad. Voor informatie en bezichtigingen ... Hulp bij hypothecaire en consumptieve kredieten via CreditCenter. Volg onze Facebook-pagina: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven. ADDRESS Real Estate Agency presents you an innovative apartment located on the second floor, with a total area of 114.89 sq.m., which offers a unique feeling of spaciousness. It is the perfect place for people who want to combine the comforts of city life with the feeling of living in a house, thanks to its large terrace and garden, which will take you away from the dynamics of the urban environment. Space and comfort in layout: The apartment has: Two spacious bedrooms that offer enough space for personalization and comfort. Each room is designed with attention to detail to provide light and coziness, with the possibility of easy furnishing to your liking. Kitchen with dining area, combined, offering ample space for preparing and sharing food. It is the perfect place to gather with the family or relax after a long day, with direct access to the terrace. A corridor that connects all rooms smoothly and provides comfort when moving around the apartment. Bathroom with toilet, combining modern and quality materials with functionality. The unique feeling of living in the city: One of the biggest advantages of this apartment is the large terrace of 12.52sq.m. and the adjoining garden of about 79 sq.m. This space is perfect for morning coffee outdoors or for relaxing after a long day. The garden is immediately accessible from the apartment, which gives you the feeling that you live in a house and not in an apartment. The terrace can be covered as you wish, which will provide you with an extra sheltered outdoor space, suitable for all weather conditions, whether you want to enjoy sunny days or hide from the rain while enjoying your garden. Modern technologies and sustainability: The apartment is equipped with an individual photosolar system with a capacity of 6 kW and energy storage batteries with a capacity of 15 kW. This system will reduce your electricity costs by about 50%, saving you about BGN 3500. yearly. As households move to the free electricity market in 2025, these savings will double. An atmospheric water generator will be installed on the roof of the building, which will provide about 25 liters of clean drinking water per day, extracted directly from the air. This innovative solution will lead to another significant savings of about BGN 750. per year from water costs. Extras and amenities of the building: Garages with the possibility of a charging station for electric vehicles; Elevator for easy access to each floor; Landscaped common areas with an emphasis on aesthetics and nature; Video surveillance for security; No building maintenance fee; High-quality building materials providing durability and comfort; -Ability to customize and complete turnkey according to your preferences; Flexible purchasing conditions to meet your needs; Location and amenities nearby: The building is located near playgrounds, shops, public transport stops, restaurants, schools, kindergartens and a chapel. Moreover, only 5 minutes from the Medical University of Pleven, making the location ideal for families as well as students or workers in the area. This apartment combines the luxury of a spacious home with all the amenities and savings that a modern, eco-friendly building offers. It is the perfect choice for anyone looking for coziness, nature and technological innovations in the heart of the city. For information and viewings ... Assistance for mortgage and consumer loans through CreditCenter. Follow our Facebook page: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-ADDRESS Real Estate Pleven. ADDRESS L'Agenzia Immobiliare vi presenta un innovativo appartamento situato al secondo piano, con una superficie totale di 114,89 mq, che offre una sensazione unica di spaziosità. È il luogo perfetto per le persone che vogliono unire le comodità della vita cittadina alla sensazione di vivere in una casa, grazie alla sua ampia terrazza e al suo giardino, che vi porterà lontano dalle dinamiche dell'ambiente urbano. Spazio e comfort nella disposizione: L'appartamento dispone di: Due ampie camere da letto che offrono spazio sufficiente per la personalizzazione e il comfort. Ogni camera è progettata con attenzione ai dettagli per fornire luce e intimità, con la possibilità di arredare facilmente a proprio piacimento. Cucina con zona pranzo, combinata, offre ampio spazio per la preparazione e la condivisione del cibo. È il luogo perfetto per riunirsi con la famiglia o rilassarsi dopo una lunga giornata, con accesso diretto alla terrazza. Un corridoio che collega tutte le stanze senza intoppi e offre comfort quando ci si sposta all'interno dell'appartamento. Bagno con WC, che combina materiali moderni e di qualità con funzionalità. La sensazione unica di vivere in città: Uno dei maggiori vantaggi di questo appartamento è la grande terrazza di 12,52 mq. e l'annesso giardino di circa 79 mq. Questo spazio è perfetto per un caffè mattutino all'aperto o per rilassarsi dopo una lunga giornata. Il giardino è immediatamente accessibile dall'appartamento, il che ti dà la sensazione di vivere in una casa e non in un appartamento. La terrazza può essere coperta a piacere, il che ti fornirà uno spazio esterno extra riparato, adatto a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche, sia che tu voglia goderti le giornate di sole o nasconderti dalla pioggia mentre ti godi il tuo giardino. Tecnologie moderne e sostenibilità: l'appartamento è dotato di un sistema fotosolare individuale con una capacità di 6 kW e di batterie di accumulo di energia con una capacità di 15 kW. Questo sistema ridurrà i costi dell'elettricità di circa il 50%, risparmiando circa 3500 BGN. annuale. Con il passaggio delle famiglie al mercato libero dell'elettricità nel 2025, questi risparmi raddoppieranno. Sul tetto dell'edificio sarà installato un generatore di acqua atmosferica, che fornirà circa 25 litri di acqua potabile pulita al giorno, estratta direttamente dall'aria. Questa soluzione innovativa porterà a un altro risparmio significativo di circa 750 BGN. all'anno dai costi dell'acqua. Extra e servizi dell'edificio: Garage con possibilità di una stazione di ricarica per veicoli elettrici; Ascensore per un facile accesso ad ogni piano; Aree comuni paesaggistiche con particolare attenzione all'estetica e alla natura; Videosorveglianza per la sicurezza; Nessun costo di manutenzione dell'edificio; Materiali da costruzione di alta qualità che garantiscono durata e comfort; -Possibilità di personalizzare e completare chiavi in mano secondo le proprie preferenze; Condizioni di acquisto flessibili per soddisfare le tue esigenze; Posizione e servizi nelle vicinanze: L'edificio si trova vicino a parchi giochi, negozi, fermate dei mezzi pubblici, ristoranti, scuole, asili e una cappella. Inoltre, a soli 5 minuti dall'Università di Medicina di Pleven, il che rende la posizione ideale sia per le famiglie, sia per gli studenti o i lavoratori della zona. Questo appartamento combina il lusso di una casa spaziosa con tutti i comfort e i risparmi che offre un edificio moderno ed ecologico. È la scelta perfetta per chi cerca intimità, natura e innovazioni tecnologiche nel cuore della città. Per informazioni e visite ... Assistenza per mutui e crediti al consumo tramite CreditCenter. Segui la nostra pagina Facebook: Kristiyan Tsvetanov-INDIRIZZO Real Estate Pleven.
Referens: EDEN-T102050782
Land: BG
Stad: Pleven
Postnummer: 5806
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Lägenhet & andelslägenhet
Fastighets storlek: 115
Våning: 2



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