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Lägenhet & andelslägenhet for sale in Varna

1 259 763 SEK

Lägenhet & andelslägenhet (Till salu)

Referens: EDEN-T100524759 / 100524759
A green paradise filled with Harmony!! Real estate consultant: Vasil Todorov ... / novdom1.bg 78314 We present to you a 3-bedroom apartment with Golden Sands resort located in a wooded area. Perfect property for both living and investing. Apartment with an area of 111 sq. m. The distribution of the Apartment is as follows: -Entrance Hall -Living Room -Bedrooms 2 -Bathroom -Basement Are you looking for a property in Nature surrounded by a Green Paradise? Then this Apartment is just for you. Extremely spacious 3 bedroom apartment located in the Forest, which will bring you coolness on the hottest days and peace of mind for you and your whole Family. You need Silence and Fresh Air, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer all your questions. About the investment: During the summer season, the apartment can bring income of 70 BGN. up to 120 BGN per night. Outside the summer season, it can be rented to Students or Families looking for peace. Financial Analysis for Return on Investment per Year: With 60% employment, the return on investment is 9.67% per annum. With 80% occupancy, the return on investment is 12.89% per annum. With 100% occupancy, the return on investment is 16.12% per year. These values can vary depending on actual occupancy, maintenance costs, and other factors. NEW HOME 1 : The company has a Legal Department - performing all the necessary legal and technical checks of the property, organizing all stages of the transaction until its finalization with a notary transfer of the property. Credit Department - assisting in granting a bank loan under the best possible conditions for the client, and the choice of bank is determined according to the needs and capabilities of the client. Construction and Repair Department - guaranteeing, if necessary, a complete turnkey renovation of your home at the most favorable conditions and prices. Contact us for more information and arrange a viewing today! Phone - Every day from 8:30 to 22: ... Whatsapp - Around the clock: ... Viber - Around the clock: ... Telegram: ... Messenger : Vasil Todorov Visa fler Visa färre A green paradise filled with Harmony!! Real estate consultant: Vasil Todorov ... / novdom1.bg 78314 We present to you a 3-bedroom apartment with Golden Sands resort located in a wooded area. Perfect property for both living and investing. Apartment with an area of 111 sq. m. The distribution of the Apartment is as follows: -Entrance Hall -Living Room -Bedrooms 2 -Bathroom -Basement Are you looking for a property in Nature surrounded by a Green Paradise? Then this Apartment is just for you. Extremely spacious 3 bedroom apartment located in the Forest, which will bring you coolness on the hottest days and peace of mind for you and your whole Family. You need Silence and Fresh Air, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer all your questions. About the investment: During the summer season, the apartment can bring income of 70 BGN. up to 120 BGN per night. Outside the summer season, it can be rented to Students or Families looking for peace. Financial Analysis for Return on Investment per Year: With 60% employment, the return on investment is 9.67% per annum. With 80% occupancy, the return on investment is 12.89% per annum. With 100% occupancy, the return on investment is 16.12% per year. These values can vary depending on actual occupancy, maintenance costs, and other factors. NEW HOME 1 : The company has a Legal Department - performing all the necessary legal and technical checks of the property, organizing all stages of the transaction until its finalization with a notary transfer of the property. Credit Department - assisting in granting a bank loan under the best possible conditions for the client, and the choice of bank is determined according to the needs and capabilities of the client. Construction and Repair Department - guaranteeing, if necessary, a complete turnkey renovation of your home at the most favorable conditions and prices. Contact us for more information and arrange a viewing today! Phone - Every day from 8:30 to 22: ... Whatsapp - Around the clock: ... Viber - Around the clock: ... Telegram: ... Messenger : Vasil Todorov Um paraíso verde cheio de harmonia!! Consultor imobiliário: Vasil Todorov ... / novdom1.bg 78314 Apresentamos-lhe um apartamento T3 com resort Golden Sands localizado numa zona arborizada. Imóvel perfeito tanto para morar quanto para investir. Apartamento com uma área de 111 m2. A distribuição do Apartamento é a seguinte: -Hall de Entrada -Sala -Quartos 2 -Casa de Banho -Cave Procura um imóvel na Natureza rodeado por um Paraíso Verde? Então este apartamento é só para si. Apartamento T3 extremamente espaçoso localizado na Floresta, que lhe trará frescura nos dias mais quentes e tranquilidade para si e toda a sua Família. Você precisa de silêncio e ar fresco, não hesite em nos contatar, responderemos a todas as suas perguntas. Sobre o investimento: Durante a temporada de verão, o apartamento pode trazer uma renda de 70 BGN. até 120 BGN por noite. Fora da época de verão, pode ser alugado a Estudantes ou Famílias que procuram sossego. Análise Financeira para Retorno do Investimento por Ano: Com 60% de emprego, o retorno do investimento é de 9,67% ao ano. Com 80% de ocupação, o retorno do investimento é de 12,89% ao ano. Com 100% de ocupação, o retorno do investimento é de 16,12% ao ano. Esses valores podem variar dependendo da ocupação real, custos de manutenção e outros fatores. NOVA CASA 1 : A empresa possui um Departamento Jurídico - realizando todas as verificações jurídicas e técnicas necessárias do imóvel, organizando todas as etapas da transação até sua finalização com uma transferência notarial do imóvel. Departamento de Crédito - auxiliando na concessão de um empréstimo bancário nas melhores condições possíveis para o cliente, e a escolha do banco é determinada de acordo com as necessidades e capacidades do cliente. Departamento de Construção e Reparação - garantindo, se necessário, uma renovação completa da sua casa nas condições e preços mais favoráveis. Entre em contato conosco para obter mais informações e agende uma visita hoje! Telefone - Todos os dias das 8:30 às 22: ... Whatsapp - 24 horas por dia: ... Viber - 24 horas por dia: ... Telegrama: ... Mensageiro : Vasil Todorov Зелен Рай изпълнен с Хармония!!! Консултант недвижими имоти: Васил Тодоров ... / novdom1.bg 78314 Представяме ви 3-стаен Апартамнт с кк.Златни Пясъци разположен в Гориста Местност. Перфектен Имот както за живеене така и за инвестиране. Апартамент с площ от 111 кв. м. Разпределението на Апартамента е следното: -Входно Антре -Дневен Тракт -Спални 2 -Санитарен Възел -Маза Търсите имот сред Природа обгърнат в Зелен Рай? Тогава този Апартамент е точно за Вас. Изключително просторен 3 стаен Апартамент намиращ се в Гора които ще ви донесе прохлада в най-горещите дни и спокойствие за вас и цялото ви Семейство. Имате нужда от Тишина и Чист Въздух,не се колебайте да ни потърсите ние ще отговорим на всичките ви Въпроси. Относно инвестицията: По време на летния сезон апартаментът може да носи доходи от 70 BGN. до 120 BGN за нощувка. Извън летния сезон може да се отдавана на Студенти или Семейства търсещи спокойствие. Финансов Анализ за възвръщаемост на инвестицията на Година: При 60% заетост възвръщаемостта на инвестицията е 9.67% годишно. При 80% заетост възвръщаемостта на инвестицията е 12.89% годишно. При 100% заетост възвръщаемостта на инвестицията е 16,12% годишно. Тези стойности могат да варират в зависимост от реалната заетост, разходите за поддръжка и други фактори. НОВ ДОМ 1 : Компанията разполага с : Юридически Отдел - извършващ всички необходими юридически и технически проверки на имота, организира всички етапи на сделката до нейното финализиране с нотариално прехвърляне на имота. Кредитен Отдел - съдействащ за отпускане на банков кредит при възможно най-добри условия за клиента, като избора на банка се определя спрямо нуждите и възможностите на клиента. Строително-Ремонтен Отдел - гарантиращ при нужда цялостен ремонт на вашето жилище до ключ при най-изгодни условия и цени. Свържете се с нас за повече информация и организирайте оглед още днес! Телефон - Всеки Ден от 8:30 до 22: ... Whatsapp - Денонощно: ... Viber - Денонощно: ... Telegram: ... Messenger : Васил Тодоров ¡Un paraíso verde lleno de armonía! Asesor inmobiliario: Vasil Todorov ... / novdom1.bg 78314 Le presentamos un apartamento de 3 dormitorios con Golden Sands resort ubicado en una zona boscosa. Propiedad perfecta tanto para vivir como para invertir. Apartamento con una superficie de 111 m². La distribución del Apartamento es la siguiente: -Hall de entrada -Salón -Dormitorios 2 -Baño -Sótano ¿Está buscando una propiedad en la Naturaleza rodeada de un Paraíso Verde? Entonces este apartamento es justo para ti. Apartamento extremadamente espacioso de 3 dormitorios ubicado en el bosque, que le brindará frescura en los días más calurosos y tranquilidad para usted y toda su familia. Necesitas Silencio y Aire Fresco, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros, resolveremos todas tus dudas. Sobre la inversión: Durante la temporada de verano, el apartamento puede generar ingresos de 70 BGN. hasta 120 BGN por noche. Fuera de la temporada de verano, se puede alquilar a estudiantes o familias que buscan tranquilidad. Análisis financiero para el retorno de la inversión por año: Con un 60% de empleo, el retorno de la inversión es de 9.67% anual. Con un 80% de ocupación, el retorno de la inversión es del 12,89% anual. Con una ocupación del 100%, el retorno de la inversión es del 16,12% anual. Estos valores pueden variar en función de la ocupación real, los costes de mantenimiento y otros factores. NUEVA CASA 1 : La empresa cuenta con un Departamento Legal, que realiza todas las verificaciones legales y técnicas necesarias de la propiedad, organizando todas las etapas de la transacción hasta su finalización con una transferencia notarial de la propiedad. Departamento de crédito: ayuda a otorgar un préstamo bancario en las mejores condiciones posibles para el cliente, y la elección del banco se determina de acuerdo con las necesidades y capacidades del cliente. Departamento de Construcción y Reparación: garantizando, si es necesario, una renovación completa llave en mano de su hogar en las condiciones y precios más favorables. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y concertar una visita hoy mismo. Teléfono - Todos los días de 8:30 a 22: ... Whatsapp - Las 24 horas del día: ... Viber - Las 24 horas del día: ... Telegrama: ... Mensajero : Vasil Todorov Een groen paradijs vol harmonie!! Vastgoedadviseur: Vasil Todorov ... / novdom1.bg 78314 Wij presenteren u een appartement met 3 slaapkamers en Golden Sands resort gelegen in een bosrijke omgeving. Perfect onroerend goed voor zowel wonen als investeren. Appartement met een oppervlakte van 111 m². De indeling van het Appartement is als volgt: -Inkomhal -Woonkamer -Slaapkamers 2 -Badkamer -Kelder Bent u op zoek naar een woning in de natuur omringd door een groen paradijs? Dan is dit appartement echt iets voor jou. Zeer ruim appartement met 3 slaapkamers gelegen in het bos, dat u koelte zal brengen op de heetste dagen en gemoedsrust voor u en uw hele gezin. U heeft stilte en frisse lucht nodig, aarzel niet om contact met ons op te nemen, wij zullen al uw vragen beantwoorden. Over de investering: Tijdens het zomerseizoen kan het appartement een inkomen van 70 BGN opleveren. tot 120 BGN per nacht. Buiten het zomerseizoen kan het worden verhuurd aan studenten of gezinnen die op zoek zijn naar rust. Financiële analyse voor het rendement op de investering per jaar: Bij 60% werkgelegenheid is het rendement op de investering 9,67% per jaar. Bij een bezettingsgraad van 80% is het rendement op de investering 12,89% per jaar. Bij 100% bezetting is het rendement op de investering 16,12% per jaar. Deze waarden kunnen variëren, afhankelijk van de werkelijke bezetting, onderhoudskosten en andere factoren. NEW HOME 1 : Het bedrijf heeft een juridische afdeling - die alle noodzakelijke juridische en technische controles van het onroerend goed uitvoert en alle fasen van de transactie organiseert tot de afronding ervan met een notariële overdracht van het onroerend goed. Kredietafdeling - assisteren bij het verstrekken van een banklening onder de best mogelijke voorwaarden voor de klant, en de keuze van de bank wordt bepaald op basis van de behoeften en mogelijkheden van de klant. Afdeling Bouw en Reparatie - garandeert, indien nodig, een volledige sleutel-op-de-deur renovatie van uw woning tegen de meest gunstige voorwaarden en prijzen. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie en maak vandaag nog een afspraak voor een bezichtiging! Telefoon - Elke dag van 8:30 tot 22: ... Whatsapp - De klok rond: ... Viber - De klok rond: ... Telegram: ... Boodschapper : Vasil Todorov Un paradis vert rempli d’Harmonie !! Consultant immobilier : Vasil Todorov ... / novdom1.bg 78314 Nous vous présentons un appartement de 3 chambres avec complexe Golden Sands situé dans une zone boisée. Propriété parfaite pour vivre et investir. Appartement d’une superficie de 111 m². La répartition de l’appartement est la suivante : -Hall d’entrée -Salon -Chambres 2 -Salle de bain -Sous-sol Êtes-vous à la recherche d’une propriété dans la nature entourée d’un paradis vert ? Alors cet appartement est fait pour vous. Appartement extrêmement spacieux de 3 chambres situé dans la forêt, qui vous apportera fraîcheur les jours les plus chauds et tranquillité d’esprit pour vous et toute votre famille. Vous avez besoin de Silence et d’Air Frais, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous répondrons à toutes vos questions. À propos de l’investissement : Pendant la saison estivale, l’appartement peut rapporter des revenus de 70 BGN. jusqu’à 120 BGN par nuit. En dehors de la saison estivale, il peut être loué à des étudiants ou des familles en quête de calme. Analyse financière pour le retour sur investissement par an : Avec 60% d’emploi, le retour sur investissement est de 9,67% par an. Avec un taux d’occupation de 80 %, le retour sur investissement est de 12,89 % par an. Avec un taux d’occupation de 100%, le retour sur investissement est de 16,12% par an. Ces valeurs peuvent varier en fonction de l’occupation réelle, des coûts d’entretien et d’autres facteurs. NOUVELLE MAISON 1 : La société dispose d’un service juridique - effectuant toutes les vérifications juridiques et techniques nécessaires du bien, organisant toutes les étapes de la transaction jusqu’à sa finalisation avec un transfert notarié du bien. Département de crédit - aide à l’octroi d’un prêt bancaire dans les meilleures conditions possibles pour le client, et le choix de la banque est déterminé en fonction des besoins et des capacités du client. Département de construction et de réparation - garantissant, si nécessaire, une rénovation clé en main complète de votre maison aux conditions et aux prix les plus favorables. Contactez-nous pour plus d’informations et organisez une visite dès aujourd’hui ! Téléphone - Tous les jours de 8h30 à 22h ... Whatsapp - 24 heures sur 24 : ... Viber - 24 heures sur 24 : ... Télégramme : ... Messagerie : Vasil Todorov
Referens: EDEN-T100524759
Land: BG
Stad: Varna
Kategori: Bostäder
Listningstyp: Till salu
Fastighetstyp: Lägenhet & andelslägenhet
Fastighets storlek: 111
Våning: 2



Genomsnittligt försäljningspris per
Okt 2023
3 months
1 year
6 675 SEK
12 141 SEK


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